Browsing by Author "Hühne, Ruben"
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- ItemAnalysis of the high-speed rotary motion of a superconducting magnetic bearing during ring spinning(Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2020) Sparing, Maria; Espenhahn, Tilo; Fuchs, Günter; Hossain, Mahmud; Abdkader, Anwar; Nielsch, Kornelius; Cherif, Chokri; Hühne, RubenRing spinning is the leading textile technology for the production of short staple yarn, which runs commercially up to a maximum speed of 25 000 rpm. Higher speeds result in yarn damage mainly due to frictional heat. To eliminate this limitation, a friction-free superconducting magnetic bearing (SMB) was introduced as alternative high-speed yarn twist element consisting of a cryostat with an array of superconductors and a levitating permanent magnet ring with a yarn guide. Whereas stable spinning was possible until 30 000 rpm, it turned out that the new SMB twist element is more susceptible to external disturbances resulting in oscillating movements of the magnet. Therefore, a measurement system with an array of 5 synchronized optical laser triangulation sensors and one tachometer was implemented to analyse this motion in detail during spinning with high speeds. To test the system, the spinning speed was varied between 10 000 rpm and 21 000 rpm for different yarn qualities. In general, the magnetic ring oscillates around its centre position with the rotation frequency and a peak amplitude between 10 μm and 14 μm, which might be due to a small imbalance of the magnet. At the same time, the small tilt of the ring remained fixed with respect to the machine for all speeds. In addition, larger oscillation amplitudes of up to 300 μm are observed at 18 Hz for selected spinning parameters arising most probably from resonance effects with machine vibrations.
- ItemCalorimetric evidence for two phase transitions in Ba1−xKxFe2As2 with fermion pairing and quadrupling states([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2023) Shipulin, Ilya; Stegani, Nadia; Maccari, Ilaria; Kihou, Kunihiro; Lee, Chul-Ho; Hu, Quanxin; Zheng, Yu; Yang, Fazhi; Li, Yongwei; Yim, Chi-Ming; Hühne, Ruben; Klauss, Hans-Henning; Putti, Marina; Caglieris, Federico; Babaev, Egor; Grinenko, VadimMaterials that break multiple symmetries allow the formation of four-fermion condensates above the superconducting critical temperature (T c). Such states can be stabilized by phase fluctuations. Recently, a fermionic quadrupling condensate that breaks the Z 2 time-reversal symmetry was reported in Ba1−xKxFe2As2. A phase transition to the new state of matter should be accompanied by a specific heat anomaly at the critical temperature where Z 2 time-reversal symmetry is broken (TcZ2>Tc). Here, we report on detecting two anomalies in the specific heat of Ba1−xKxFe2As2 at zero magnetic field. The anomaly at the higher temperature is accompanied by the appearance of a spontaneous Nernst effect, indicating the breakdown of Z 2 symmetry. The second anomaly at the lower temperature coincides with the transition to a zero-resistance state, indicating the onset of superconductivity. Our data provide the first example of the appearance of a specific heat anomaly above the superconducting phase transition associated with the broken time-reversal symmetry due to the formation of the novel fermion order.
- ItemComparison of Levitation Properties between Bulk High-Temperature Superconductor Blocks and High-Temperature Superconductor Tape Stacks Prepared from Commercial Coated Conductors(Basel : MDPI, 2024) Kirchner, Anke; Espenhahn, Tilo; Klug, Sebastian; Nielsch, Kornelius; Hühne, RubenBulk high-temperature superconductors (HTSs) such as REBa2Cu3O7−x (REBCO, RE = Y, Gd) are commonly used in rotationally symmetric superconducting magnetic bearings. However, such bulks have several disadvantages such as brittleness, limited availability and high costs due to the time-consuming and energy-intensive fabrication process. Alternatively, tape stacks of HTS-coated conductors might be used for these devices promising an improved bearing efficiency due to a simplification of manufacturing processes for the required shapes, higher mechanical strength, improved thermal performance, higher availability and therefore potentially reduced costs. Hence, tape stacks with a base area of (12 × 12) mm2 and a height of up to 12 mm were prepared and compared to commercial bulks of the same size. The trapped field measurements at 77 K showed slightly higher values for the tape stacks if compared to bulks with the same size. Afterwards, the maximum levitation forces in zero field (ZFC) and field cooling (FC) modes were measured while approaching a permanent magnet, which allows the stiffness in the vertical and lateral directions to be determined. Similar levitation forces were measured in the vertical direction for bulk samples and tape stacks in ZFC and FC modes, whereas the lateral forces were almost zero for stacks with the REBCO films parallel to the magnet. A 90° rotation of the tape stacks with respect to the magnet results in the opposite behavior, i.e., a high lateral but negligible vertical stiffness. This anisotropy originates from the arrangement of decoupled superconducting layers in the tape stacks. Therefore, a combination of stacks with vertical and lateral alignment is required for stable levitation in a bearing.
- ItemEffect of Silver Doping on the Superconducting and Structural Properties of YBCO Films Grown by PLD on Different Templates(Basel : MDPI, 2022) Shipulin, Ilya A.; Thomas, Aleena Anna; Holleis, Sigrid; Eisterer, Michael; Nielsch, Kornelius; Hühne, RubenWe report the local structural and superconducting properties of undoped and Ag-doped YBa2Cu3O6+x (YBCO) films with a thickness of up to 1 µm prepared by pulsed laser deposition on SrTiO3 (STO) single crystals and on ion-beam-assisted deposition (IBAD) and rolling-assisted biaxially textured substrate (RABiTS)-based metal templates. X-ray diffraction demonstrates the high crystalline quality of the films on both single crystalline substrates and metal-based templates, respectively. Although there was only a slight decrease in Tc of up to 1.5 K for the Ag-doped YBCO films on all substrates, we found significant changes in their transport characteristics. The effect of the silver doping mainly depended on the concentration of silver, the type of substrate, and the temperature and magnetic field. In general, the greatest improvement in Jc over a wide range of magnetic fields and temperatures was observed for the 5%Ag-doped YBCO films on STO substrates, showing a significant increase compared to undoped films. Furthermore, a slight Jc improvement was observed for the 2%Ag-doped YBCO films on the RABiTS templates at temperatures below 65 K, whereas Jc decreased for the Ag-doped films on IBAD-MgO-based templates compared to undoped YBCO films. Using detailed electron microscopy studies, small changes in the local microstructure of the Ag-doped YBCO films were revealed; however, no clear correlation was found with the transport properties of the films.
- ItemHall-plot of the phase diagram for Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2016) Iida, Kazumasa; Grinenko, Vadim; Kurth, Fritz; Ichinose, Ataru; Tsukada, Ichiro; Ahrens, Eike; Pukenas, Aurimas; Chekhonin, Paul; Skrotzki, Werner; Teresiak, Angelika; Hühne, Ruben; Aswartham, Saicharan; Wurmehl, Sabine; Erbe, Manuela; Hänisch, Jens; Holzapfel, Bernhard; Drechsler, Stefan-Ludwig; Efremov, Dmitri V.The Hall effect is a powerful tool for investigating carrier type and density. For single-band materials, the Hall coefficient is traditionally expressed simply by , where e is the charge of the carrier, and n is the concentration. However, it is well known that in the critical region near a quantum phase transition, as it was demonstrated for cuprates and heavy fermions, the Hall coefficient exhibits strong temperature and doping dependencies, which can not be described by such a simple expression, and the interpretation of the Hall coefficient for Fe-based superconductors is also problematic. Here, we investigate thin films of Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 with compressive and tensile in-plane strain in a wide range of Co doping. Such in-plane strain changes the band structure of the compounds, resulting in various shifts of the whole phase diagram as a function of Co doping. We show that the resultant phase diagrams for different strain states can be mapped onto a single phase diagram with the Hall number. This universal plot is attributed to the critical fluctuations in multiband systems near the antiferromagnetic transition, which may suggest a direct link between magnetic and superconducting properties in the BaFe2As2 system.
- ItemHigh field superconducting properties of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 thin films(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2015) Hänisch, Jens; Iida, Kazumasa; Kurth, Fritz; Reich, Elke; Tarantini, Chiara; Jaroszynski, Jan; Förster, Tobias; Fuchs, Günther; Hühne, Ruben; Grinenko, Vadim; Schultz, Ludwig; Holzapfel, BernhardThe film investigated grew phase-pure and highly textured with in-plane and out-of-plane full width at half maximum, FWHM, of = 0.74° and = 0.9°, Suppl. S1. The sample, however, does contain a large density of ab-planar defects, as revealed by transition electron microscope (TEM) images of focused ion beam (FIB) cuts near the microbridges, Fig. 1. These defects are presumably stacking faults (i.e. missing FeAs layers)20. The reason for this defect formation (also observed on technical substrates)21 is not fully understood. Possible reasons are a partial As loss during deposition22, and relaxation processes in combination with the Fe buffer layer23. Estimating the distance between these intergrowths leads to values varying between 5 and 10 nm. Between the planar defects, an orientation contrast is visible in TEM (inset Fig. 1b), i.e. the brighter crystallites are slightly rotated either around (010) (out-of-plane spread, ) or around (001) (in-plane spread, ) and enclosed by dislocation networks or small-angle GBs. Since the crystallites are sandwiched between planar defects, an in-plane misorientation is most likely. The out-of-plane misorientation, on the other hand, is visible as a slight tilt of the ab-planar defects with respect to each other, especially in the upper part of the sample. No globular or columnar precipitates were found.
- ItemInfluence of Lattice Mismatch on Structural and Functional Properties of Epitaxial Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 Thin Films(Basel : MDPI, 2023) Wawra, Jonas; Nielsch, Kornelius; Hühne, RubenSubstrate-induced strains can significantly influence the structural properties of epitaxial thin films. In ferroelectrics, this might lead to significant changes in the functional properties due to the strong electromechanical coupling in those materials. To study this in more detail, epitaxial Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 films, which have a perovskite structure and a structural phase transition close to room temperature, were grown with different thicknesses on REScO3 (RE–rare earth element) substrates having a smaller lattice mismatch compared to SrTiO3. A fully strained SrRuO3 bottom electrode and Pt top contacts were used to achieve a capacitor-like architecture. Different X-ray diffraction techniques were applied to study the microstructure of the films. Epitaxial films with a higher crystalline quality were obtained on scandates in comparison to SrTiO3, whereas the strain state of the functional layer was strongly dependent on the chosen substrate and the thickness. Differences in permittivity and a non-linear polarization behavior were observed at higher temperatures, suggesting that ferroelectricity is supressed under tensile strain conditions in contrast to compressive strain for our measurement configuration, while a similar reentrant relaxor-like behavior was found in all studied layers below 0°C.
- ItemThe influence of the in-plane lattice constant on the superconducting transition temperature of FeSe0.7Te0.3 thin films(New York : American Institute of Physics, 2017) Yuan, Feifei; Iida, Kazumasa; Grinenko, Vadim; Chekhonin, Paul; Pukenas, Aurimas; Skrotzki, Werner; Sakoda, Masahito; Naito, Michio; Sala, Alberto; Putti, Marina; Yamashita, Aichi; Takano, Yoshihiko; Shi, Zhixiang; Nielsch, Kornelius; Hühne, RubenEpitaxial Fe(Se,Te) thin films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition on (La0.18Sr0.82)(Al0.59Ta0.41)O3 (LSAT), CaF2-buffered LSAT and bare CaF2 substrates, which exhibit an almost identical in-plane lattice parameter. The composition of all Fe(Se,Te) films were determined to be FeSe0.7Te0.3 by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, irrespective of the substrate. Albeit the lattice parameters of all templates have comparable values, the in-plane lattice parameter of the FeSe0.7Te0.3 films varies significantly. We found that the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of FeSe0.7Te0.3 thin films is strongly correlated with their a-axis lattice parameter. The highest Tc of over 19 K was observed for the film on bare CaF2 substrate, which is related to unexpectedly large in-plane compressive strain originating mostly from the thermal expansion mismatch between the FeSe0.7Te0.3 film and the substrate.
- ItemInfluence of the magnet aspect ratio on the dynamic stiffness of a rotating superconducting magnetic bearing(Bristol : IOP Publ., 2020) Espenhahn, Tilo; Wunderwald, Florian; Möller, Marcel; Sparing, Maria; Hossain, Mahmud; Fuchs, Günter; Abdkader, Anwar; Cherif, Chokri; Nielsch, Kornelius; Hühne, RubenRotating superconducting bearings promise great potential in applications due to their frictionless operation. However, these bearings show a lower dynamic stiffness and damping coefficient compared to ball bearings. In this paper we studied a bearing consisting of a fixed YBCO ring and a rotating magnet above the superconductor. The influence of the magnet aspect ratio on the dynamic stiffness of the bearing was investigated in order to find an optimized size. To change the aspect ratio, we kept the inner diameter of the ring constant and reduced the outer diameter while increasing the ring height. In addition to these magnets, one magnet with a reduced cross-sectional area was studied. The aspect ratio selection was based on preliminary magnetic flux density simulations, which compared the magnetic flux density distribution and the potential radial force for different aspect ratios. To conduct the measurements, the field-cooled magnets were displaced in a lateral direction and then released, resulting in a damped oscillation. The dynamic stiffness constants were calculated for each bearing from the relation of three axis acceleration measurements for different field cooling heights. The comparison of the stiffness constants for the different bearings revealed an optimal aspect ratio for the given YBCO ring. This optimum is almost independent from the cooling height. The comparison between the two magnet rings with similar diameters and different heights was similar for the bearing characteristics at a low cooling height, whereas a significant reduction of stiffness was observed with a larger cooling distance. The difference is bigger for the magnet with a reduced height. The optimal aspect ratio as well as the stiffness dependence on the cross-sectional area was confirmed by simulations of the magnetic flux density distribution. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd.
- ItemInterface control by homoepitaxial growth in pulsed laser deposited iron chalcogenide thin films(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2015) Molatta, Sebastian; Haindl, Silvia; Trommler, Sascha; Schulze, Michael; Wurmehl, Sabine; Hühne, RubenThin film growth of iron chalcogenides by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is still a delicate issue in terms of simultaneous control of stoichiometry, texture, substrate/film interface properties, and superconducting properties. The high volatility of the constituents sharply limits optimal deposition temperatures to a narrow window and mainly challenges reproducibility for vacuum based methods. In this work we demonstrate the beneficial introduction of a semiconducting FeSe1−xTex seed layer for subsequent homoepitaxial growth of superconducting FeSe1−xTex thin film on MgO substrates. MgO is one of the most favorable substrates used in superconducting thin film applications, but the controlled growth of iron chalcogenide thin films on MgO has not yet been optimized and is the least understood. The large mismatch between the lattice constants of MgO and FeSe1−xTex of about 11% results in thin films with a mixed texture, that prevents further accurate investigations of a correlation between structural and electrical properties of FeSe1−xTex. Here we present an effective way to significantly improve epitaxial growth of superconducting FeSe1−xTex thin films with reproducible high critical temperatures (≥17 K) at reduced deposition temperatures (200 °C–320 °C) on MgO using PLD. This offers a broad scope of various applications.
- ItemLarge pinning forces and matching effects in YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films with Ba2Y(Nb/Ta)O6 nano-precipitates(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2016) Opherden, Lars; Sieger, Max; Pahlke, Patrick; Hühne, Ruben; Schultz, Ludwig; Meledin, Alexander; Van Tendeloo, Gustaaf; Nast, Rainer; Holzapfel, Bernhard; Bianchetti, Marco; MacManus-Driscoll, Judith L.; Hänisch, JensThe addition of mixed double perovskite Ba2Y(Nb/Ta)O6 (BYNTO) to YBa2Cu3O7−δ (YBCO) thin films leads to a large improvement of the in-field current carrying capability. For low deposition rates, BYNTO grows as well-oriented, densely distributed nanocolumns. We achieved a pinning force density of 25 GN/m3 at 77 K at a matching field of 2.3 T, which is among the highest values reported for YBCO. The anisotropy of the critical current density shows a complex behavior whereby additional maxima are developed at field dependent angles. This is caused by a matching effect of the magnetic fields c-axis component. The exponent N of the current-voltage characteristics (inversely proportional to the creep rate S) allows the depinning mechanism to be determined. It changes from a double-kink excitation below the matching field to pinning-potential-determined creep above it.
- ItemPurely antiferromagnetic magnetoelectric random access memory(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2017) Kosub, Tobias; Kopte, Martin; Hühne, Ruben; Appel, Patrick; Shields, Brendan; Maletinsky, Patrick; Hübner, René; Liedke, Maciej Oskar; Fassbender, Jürgen; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Makarov, DenysMagnetic random access memory schemes employing magnetoelectric coupling to write binary information promise outstanding energy efficiency. We propose and demonstrate a purely antiferromagnetic magnetoelectric random access memory (AF-MERAM) that offers a remarkable 50-fold reduction of the writing threshold compared with ferromagnet-based counterparts, is robust against magnetic disturbances and exhibits no ferromagnetic hysteresis losses. Using the magnetoelectric antiferromagnet Cr2O3, we demonstrate reliable isothermal switching via gate voltage pulses and all-electric readout at room temperature. As no ferromagnetic component is present in the system, the writing magnetic field does not need to be pulsed for readout, allowing permanent magnets to be used. Based on our prototypes, we construct a comprehensive model of the magnetoelectric selection mechanisms in thin films of magnetoelectric antiferromagnets, revealing misfit induced ferrimagnetism as an important factor. Beyond memory applications, the AF-MERAM concept introduces a general all-electric interface for antiferromagnets and should find wide applicability in antiferromagnetic spintronics.
- ItemStructural and Electric Properties of Epitaxial Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-Based Thin Films(Basel : MDPI, 2021) Magalhaes, Bruno; Engelhardt, Stefan; Molin, Christian; Gebhardt, Sylvia E.; Nielsch, Kornelius; Hühne, RubenSubstantial efforts are dedicated worldwide to use lead-free materials for environmentally friendly processes in electrocaloric cooling. Whereas investigations on bulk materials showed that Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT)-based compounds might be suitable for such applications, our aim is to clarify the feasibility of epitaxial NBT-based thin films for more detailed investigations on the correlation between the composition, microstructure, and functional properties. Therefore, NBT-based thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on different single crystalline substrates using a thin epitaxial La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 layer as the bottom electrode for subsequent electric measurements. Structural characterization revealed an undisturbed epitaxial growth of NBT on lattice-matching substrates with a columnar microstructure, but high roughness and increasing grain size with larger film thickness. Dielectric measurements indicate a shift of the phase transition to lower temperatures compared to bulk samples as well as a reduced permittivity and increased losses at higher temperatures. Whereas polarization loops taken at −100 °C revealed a distinct ferroelectric behavior, room temperature data showed a significant resistive contribution in these measurements. Leakage current studies confirmed a non-negligible conductivity between the electrodes, thus preventing an indirect characterization of the electrocaloric properties of these films.