Browsing by Author "Kühn, U."
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- ItemAb initio based study of finite-temperature structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of FeTi(Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2014) Zhu, L.-F.; Friák, M.; Udyansky, A.; Ma, D.; Schlieter, A.; Kühn, U.; Eckert, J.; Neugebauer, J.We employ density functional theory (DFT) to calculate pressure dependences of selected thermodynamic, structural and elastic properties as well as electronic structure characteristics of equiatomic B2 FeTi. We predict ground-state single-crystalline Young's modulus and its two-dimensional counterpart, the area modulus, together with homogenized polycrystalline elastic parameters. Regarding the electronic structure of FeTi, we analyze the band structure and electronic density of states. Employing (i) an analytical dynamical matrix parametrized in terms of elastic constants and lattice parameters in combination with (ii) the quasiharmonic approximation we then obtained free energies, the thermal expansion coefficient, heat capacities at constant pressure and volume, as well as isothermal bulk moduli at finite temperatures. Experimental measurements of thermal expansion coefficient complement our theoretical investigation and confirm our theoretical predictions. It is worth mentioning that, as often detected in other intermetallics, some materials properties of FeTi strongly differ from the average of the corresponding values found in elemental Fe and Ti. These findings can have important implications for future materials design of new intermetallic materials.
- ItemCompositional complexity dependence of dislocation density and mechanical properties in high entropy alloy systems(Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2020) Thirathipviwat, P.; Song, G.; Bednarcik, J.; Kühn, U.; Gemming, T.; Nielsch, K.; Han, J.This study focuses on a quantitative analysis of dislocation accumulation after cold plastic deformation and mechanical properties of FeNiCoCrMn and TiNbHfTaZr high entropy alloys (HEAs) which are single phase fcc and bcc solid solutions, respectively. In order to study the role of compositional complexity from unary to quinary compositions on dislocation accumulation and mechanical properties after plastic deformation, the single solid solution phase forming sub-alloys of the two HEAs were investigated. All studied samples revealed a large plastic deformability under cold-rotary swaging process by 85–90% area reduction without intermediate annealing. The dislocation density of all studied samples, determined by Williamson-Hall method on synchrotron X-ray diffraction patterns, were between 1014 - 1015 m−2 dependent on the alloy composition. The level of dislocation density after plastic deformation is not only affected by the number of constituent element but the lattice distortion and intrinsic properties in terms of stacking fault energy, modulus misfit, and melting point also impact the dislocation storage. The level of dislocation density determines the level of mechanical properties because of a resistance to dislocation motions. The hardness and yield compressive strength of the studied samples are proportional to the level of dislocation density.
- ItemCorrelation between the microstructures and the deformation mechanisms of CuZr-based bulk metallic glass composites(New York : American Institute of Physics, 2013) Song, K.K.; Pauly, S.; Sun, B.A; Tan, J.; Stoica, M.; Kühn, U.; Eckert, J.The variation of the transformation-mediated deformation behavior with microstructural changes in CuZr-based bulk metallic glass composites is investigated. With increasing crystalline volume fraction, the deformation mechanism gradually changes from a shear-banding dominated process as evidenced by a chaotic serrated flow behavior, to being governed by a martensitic transformation with a pronounced elastic-plastic stage, resulting in different plastic deformations evolving into a self-organized critical state characterized by the power-law distribution of shear avalanches. This is reflected in the stress-strain curves by a single-to-"double"-to-"triple"- double yielding transition and by different mechanical properties with different serrated flow characteristics, which are interpreted based on the microstructural evolutions and a fundamental energy theorem. Our results can assist in understanding deformation behaviors for high-performance metastable alloys.
- ItemEffect of Build Orientation on the Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of a Biodegradable High Manganese Steel Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion(Basel : MDPI, 2021) Otto, M.; Pilz, S.; Gebert, A.; Kühn, U.; Hufenbach, J.In the last decade, additive manufacturing technologies like laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) have emerged strongly. However, the process characteristics involving layer-wise build-up of the part and the occurring high, directional thermal gradient result in significant changes of the microstructure and the related properties compared to traditionally fabricated materials. This study presents the influence of the build direction (BD) on the microstructure and resulting properties of a novel austenitic Fe-30Mn-1C-0.02S alloy processed via LPBF. The fabricated samples display a {011} texture in BD which was detected by electron backscatter diffraction. Furthermore, isolated binding defects could be observed between the layers. Quasi-static tensile and compression tests displayed that the yield, ultimate tensile as well as the compressive yield strength are significantly higher for samples which were built with their longitudinal axis perpendicular to BD compared to their parallel counterparts. This was predominantly ascribed to the less severe effects of the sharp-edged binding defects loaded perpendicular to BD. Additionally, a change of the Young’s modulus in dependence of BD could be demonstrated, which is explained by the respective texture. Potentiodynamic polarization tests conducted in a simulated body fluid revealed only slight differences of the corrosion properties in dependence of the build design.
- ItemGlass-forming ability, phase formation and mechanical properties of glass-forming Cu-Hf-Zr alloys(Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2019) Kosiba, K.; Song, K.; Kühn, U.; Wang, G.; Pauly, S.The influence of Hf additions on the glass-forming ability (GFA), phase formation and mechanical properties of Cu50HfxZr50-x (x = 2,5,10,20 at.%) alloys has been systematically investigated. We report on a distinct correlation between phase formation and GFA of Cu50Zr50-based alloys. Increasing additions of Hf reduce the thermal stability of the high-temperature B2 Cu(Hf,Zr) phase, while the thermal stability of the corresponding undercooled melt is enhanced. The GFA of these alloy series gradually raises up to 10 at.% Hf, whereas at 20 at.%Hf, the GFA is drastically lowered, since the B2 Cu(Hf,Zr) phase becomes unstable and the precipitation of the low-temperature equilibrium phases is favoured. This interrelation determines the microstructure and results in the formation of Cu-Hf-Zr-based bulk metallic glass composites. These composites not only show appreciable macroscopic plastic strain, but also high yield strength.
- ItemGuiding shear bands in bulk metallic glasses using stress fields : A perspective from the activation of flow units(Woodbury, NY : Inst., 2020) Kosiba, K.; Scudino, S.; Bednarcik, J.; Bian, J.; Liu, G.; Kühn, U.; Pauly, S.Controlling shear band propagation is the key to obtain ductile metallic glasses. Here, we use a residual stress field to vary the direction of shear band propagation. We ascribe this behavior to the effect of the stress field on the activation of shear transformation zones (STZs) along their characteristic direction and we quantify this contribution to the energy of the process. Because of the progressively adverse orientation of the stress field, the energy stored as shear in the STZ decreases to a level where shear band propagation at alternative angles becomes energetically more favorable. © 2020 authors.
- ItemMaterialien - Realisierung von Nano-Eigenschaften auf Makro-Ebene : Abschlussbericht zum Projekt MaReNaMa(Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), 2015) Bickel, St.; Schwab, H.; Pauly, S.; Kühn, U.; Eckert, Jürgen[no abstract available]
- ItemMechanical performance and corrosion behaviour of Zr-based bulk metallic glass produced by selective laser melting(Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Deng, L.; Gebert, A.; Zhang, L.; Chen, H.Y.; Gu, D.D.; Kühn, U.; Zimmermann, M.; Kosiba, K.; Pauly, S.Nearly fully dense, glassy Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5 bulk specimens were fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) and their behaviour during compressive loading, during wear testing and in a corrosive medium was investigated. Their performance was compared with as-cast material of the same composition. The additively manufactured samples exhibit a yield strength around 1700 MPa combined with a plastic strain of about 0.5% after yielding despite the residual porosity of 1.3%, which is distributed uniformly in the samples. The propagation of shear bands in the bulk metallic glass prepared by SLM was studied. The specific wear rate and the worn surfaces demonstrated that similar wear mechanisms are active in the SLM and the as-cast samples. Hence, manufacturing the glass in layers does not adversely affect the wear properties. The same holds for the corrosion tests, which were carried out in 0.01 M Na2SO4 and 0.1 M NaCl electrolyte. The anodic polarization curves of SLM samples and as-cast samples revealed a similar corrosion behaviour. However, the SLM samples have a slightly reduced susceptibility to pitting corrosion and exhibit an improved surface healing ability, which might be attributed to an improved homogeneity of the additively manufactured glass.
- ItemPhase formation of a biocompatible Ti-based alloy under kinetic constraints studied via in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction(Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Kosiba, K.; Rothkirch, A.; Han, J.; Deng, L.; Escher, B.; Wang, G.; Kühn, U.; Bednarcik, J.The biocompatible Ti40Cu34Pd14Zr10Sn2 bulk metallic glass was rapidly heated, also known as flash-annealed, at varying heating rates up to 1579 K/s. Thereby, the phase formation was characterized via advanced in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction. It has been found that the evolving kinetic constraints can be used as a tool to deliberately alter the crystalline phase formation. This novel processing route permits to select phases to crystallize to a predefined fraction and, thus, to potentially design the microstructure of materials according to a specified property-profile. Consequently, flash-annealing poses a unique synthesis route to design materials with, for instance, good biomechanical compatibility.
- ItemProcessing metallic glasses by selective laser melting(Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2013) Pauly, S.; Löber, L.; Petters, R.; Stoica, M.; Scudino, S.; Kühn, U.; Eckert, J.Metallic glasses and their descendants, the so-called bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), can be regarded as frozen liquids with a high resistance to crystallization. The lack of a conventional structure turns them into a material exhibiting near-theoretical strength, low Young's modulus and large elasticity. These unique mechanical properties can be only obtained when the metallic melts are rapidly cooled to bypass the nucleation and growth of crystals. Most of the commonly known and used processing routes, such as casting, melt spinning or gas atomization, have intrinsic limitations regarding the complexity and dimensions of the geometries. Here, it is shown that selective laser melting (SLM), which is usually used to process conventional metallic alloys and polymers, can be applied to implement complex geometries and components from an Fe-base metallic glass. This approach is in principle viable for a large variety of metallic alloys and paves the way for the novel synthesis of materials and the development of parts with advanced functional and structural properties without limitations in size and intricacy.
- ItemProcessing of intermetallic titanium aluminide wires(Basel : MDPI AG, 2013) Marr, T.; Freudenberger, J.; Kauffmann, A.; Romberg, J.; Okulov, I.; Petters, R.; Scharnweber, J.; Eschke, A.; Oertel, C.-G.; Kühn, U.; Eckert, J.; Skrotzki, W.; Schultz, L.This study shows the possibility of processing titanium aluminide wires by cold deformation and annealing. An accumulative swaging and bundling technique is used to co-deform Ti and Al. Subsequently, a two step heat treatment is applied to form the desired intermetallics, which strongly depends on the ratio of Ti and Al in the final composite and therefore on the geometry of the starting composite. In a first step, the whole amount of Al is transformed to TiAl3 by Al diffusion into Ti. This involves the formation of 12% porosity. In a second step, the complete microstructure is transformed into the equilibrium state of γ-TiAl and TiAl3. Using this approach, it is possible to obtain various kinds of gradient materials, since there is an intrinsic concentration gradient installed due to the swaging and bundling technique, but the processing of pure γ-TiAl wires is possible as well.
- ItemProduction and characterization of brass-matrix composites reinforced with Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 glassy particles(Basel : MDPI AG, 2012) Kim, J.Y.; Scudino, S.; Kühn, U.; Kim, B.S.; Lee, M.H.; Eckert, J.Brass-matrix composites reinforced with 40 and 60 vol.% of Ni59Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 glassy particles were produced by powder metallurgy. The crystallization behavior and the temperature dependence of the viscosity of the glass reinforcement were studied in detail to select the proper sintering parameters in order to avoid crystallization of the glassy phase during consolidation. The brass-glass powder mixtures were prepared through manual blending as well as by ball milling to analyze the effect of the matrix ligament size on the mechanical properties of the composites. The powder mixtures were then consolidated into highly-dense bulk specimens at temperatures within the supercooled liquid region by hot pressing followed by hot extrusion. The preparation of the powder mixtures has a strong influence on the mechanical behavior of the composites. The strength increases from 500 MPa for pure brass to 740 and 925 MPa for the blended composites with 40 and 60vol.% of glass reinforcement, while the strength increases to 1,240 and 1,640 MPa for the corresponding composites produced by ball milling. Modeling of the mechanical properties indicates that this behavior is related to the reduced matrix ligament size characterizing the milled composites.
- ItemQuasi-static and dynamic deformation behaviour of Zr-based bulk metallic glass(Milton Park : Taylor & Francis, 2013) Nekouie, V.; Kühn, U.; Roy, A.; Silberschmidt, V.Nano- and micro-indentation studies were carried out to characterise a plasticity mechanism through the evolution of localised shear bands that drive material's deformation at sub-micron length scale. Initial deformation of Zr-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) was investigated with nanoindentation tests using a spherical indenter. The indentation cycle reflects an elastic deformation with the yielding load of approx. 3 mN. For designed cycling indentation, hardening and softening phenomena were observed in nano- and micro-indentations, respectively. High-precision dynamic mechanical relaxation measurements were performed using a Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA), on decreasing frequency from 160 Hz to 0.1 Hz. A mechanical response of the BMG surface to a concentrated impact load was also studied. The obtained results indicated that the studied Zr-based BMG behaved as an elastic-perfectly plastic material at macroscale with discrete plasticity events at smaller length scales.
- ItemSerrated flow of CuZr-based bulk metallic glasses probed by nanoindentation: Role of the activation barrier, size and distribution of shear transformation zones(Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2017) Limbach, R.; Kosiba, K.; Pauly, S.; Kühn, U.; Wondraczek, L.We report on the effect of Al and Co alloying in vitreous Cu50Zr50 on local deformation and serrated flow as a model for relating the size and localization of shear transformation zones (STZ) to Poisson ratio and strain-rate sensitivity of metallic glasses. Alloying with Al results in significant variations in mechanical performance, in particular, in Young's modulus, hardness and strain-rate sensitivity. Increasing strain-rate sensitivity with increasing degree of alloying indicates a reduced tendency for shear localization. In parallel, a gradual transition from inhomogeneous to homogeneous plastic flow is observed. Using a statistical analysis of the shear stress associated with the initiation of the first pop-in in the load-displacement curve during spherical indentation, the activation volume for plastic flow at the onset of yielding is reported. This analysis is employed for experimental evaluation of the compositional dependence of activation barrier, size and distribution of STZs. It is demonstrated that the STZ size does not change significantly upon Al alloying and encompasses a local volume of around 22–24 atoms. However, the barrier energy density for the initiation of a single STZ progressively increases. The broader distribution of STZs impedes their accumulation into larger-size flow units, leading to a lower number and reduced size of serrations in the load-displacement curve. On the contrary, lower barrier energy densities enable a larger quantity of STZs to be activated simultaneously. These STZs can easily percolate into large flow units, promoting plastic flow through their interaction. We employ Poisson's ratio as an indicator for plasticity to shown that this interpretation can be transferred to other types of metallic glasses. That is, larger flow units were found for metallic glasses with higher Poisson ratio and more pronounced plasticity, while the flow units in alloys with very low Poisson ratio and high brittleness are significantly reduced in size and more homogeneously distributed throughout the material.
- ItemStructural evolution in Ti-Cu-Ni metallic glasses during heating(New York : American Institute of Physics, 2015) Gargarella, P.; Pauly, S.; Stoica, M.; Vaughan, G.; Afonso, C.R.M.; Kühn, U.; Eckert, J.The structural evolution of Ti50Cu43Ni7 and Ti55Cu35Ni10 metallic glasses during heating was investigated by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction. The width of the most intense diffraction maximum of the glassy phase decreases slightly during relaxation below the glass transition temperature. Significant structural changes only occur above the glass transition manifesting in a change in the respective peak positions. At even higher temperatures, nanocrystals of the shape memory B2-Ti(Cu,Ni) phase precipitate, and their small size hampers the occurrence of a martensitic transformation.
- ItemTailoring microstructure and mechanical properties of an LPBF-processed beta Ti-Nb alloy through post-heat treatments(Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2024) Pilz, S.; Bönisch, M.; Datye, A.; Zhang, S.; Günther, F.; Drescher, S.; Kühn, U.; Schwarz, U.D.; Zimmermann, M.; Gebert, A.This study provides a comprehensive analysis of a Ti‑42Nb alloy produced via laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) with varying post-heat treatment durations within the α + β phase range at 723 K. Synchrotron XRD analysis revealed the formation of the metastable orthorhombic αiso'' phase during heat treatment, acting as an intermediate to the stable α phase. With prolonged heat treatment, the αiso'' phase fraction increased, reaching approximately 25 % after 108.0 ks. SEM analysis identified β grain boundaries as primary sites for early αiso'' precipitation, while intragranular αiso'' precipitation was delayed. Up to 28.8 ks, volume fraction and size of intragranular precipitates exhibited notable variations due to minor Nb content fluctuations from LPBF processing, resulting in an increased spread of hardness and Young's modulus on the micro scale. Tensile tests revealed significant strength enhancement through post-heat treatment for 108 ks compared to the as-built state, achieving a yield strength of around 1060 MPa (50 % increase) and ultimate tensile strength of 1125 MPa (55 % increase). Extended growth of the αiso'' phase led to an increased Young's modulus, reaching 87 GPa after 108.0 ks. These findings provide valuable insights for developing post-heat treatment strategies for LPBF-produced Ti‑42Nb implants, including both bulk materials and lattice structures.
- ItemTi-Al composite wires with high specific strength(Basel : MDPI AG, 2011) Marr, T.; Freudenberger, J.; Seifert, D.; Klauß, H.; Romberg, J.; Okulov, I.; Scharnweber, J.; Eschke, A.; Oertel, C.-G.; Skrotzki, W.; Kühn, U.; Eckert, J.; Schultz, L.An alternative deformation technique was applied to a composite made of titanium and an aluminium alloy in order to achieve severe plastic deformation. This involves accumulative swaging and bundling. Furthermore, it allows uniform deformation of a composite material while producing a wire which can be further used easily. Detailed analysis concerning the control of the deformation process, mesostructural and microstructural features and tensile testing was carried out on the as produced wires. A strong grain refinement to a grain size of 250–500 nm accompanied by a decrease in h111i fibre texture component and a change from low angle to high angle grain boundary characteristics is observed in the Al alloy. A strong increase in the mechanical properties in terms of ultimate tensile strength ranging from 600 to 930 MPa being equivalent to a specific strength of up to 223 MPa/g/cm3 was achieved.