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Nickel-Catalyzed Carbonylative Synthesis of Functionalized Alkyl Iodides

2018, Peng, J.-B., Wu, F.-P., Xu, C., Qi, X., Ying, J., Wu, X.-F.

Chemistry; Catalysis; Organic Synthesis © 2018 The Author(s)Functionalized alkyl iodides are important compounds in organic chemistry and biology. In this communication, we developed an interesting nickel-catalyzed carbonylative synthesis of functionalized alkyl iodides from aryl iodides and ethers. With Mo(CO)6 as the solid CO source, both cyclic and acyclic ethers were activated, which is also a challenging topic in organic synthesis. Functionalized alkyl iodides were prepared in moderate to excellent yields with outstanding functional group tolerance. Besides the high value of the obtained products, all the atoms from the starting materials were incorporated in the final products and the reaction had high atom efficiency as well.

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Spectroscopic evidence of 'jumping and pecking' of cholinium and H-bond enhanced cation-cation interaction in ionic liquids

2015, Knorr, Anne, Fumino, Koichi, Bonsa, Anne-Marie, Ludwig, Ralf

The subtle energy-balance between Coulomb-interaction, hydrogen bonding and dispersion forces governs the unique properties of ionic liquids. To measure weak interactions is still a challenge. This is in particular true in the condensed phase wherein a melange of different strong and directional types of interactions is present and cannot be detected separately. For the ionic liquids (2-hydroxyethyl)-trimethylammonium (cholinium) bis(trifluoro-methylsulfonyl)amide and N,N,N-trimethyl-N-propylammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide which differ only in the 2-hydroxyethyl and the propyl groups of the cations, we could directly observe distinct vibrational signatures of hydrogen bonding between the cation and the anion indicated by ‘jumping and pecking’ motions of cholinium. The assignment could be confirmed by isotopic substitution H/D at the hydroxyl group of cholinium. For the first time we could also find direct spectroscopic evidence for H-bonding between like-charged ions. The repulsive Coulomb interaction between the cations is overcome by cooperative hydrogen bonding between the 2-hydroxyethyl functional groups of cholinium. This H-bond network is reflected in the properties of protic ionic liquids (PILs) such as viscosities and conductivities.

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Theoretical mechanistic investigation of zinc(ii) catalyzed oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes and esters

2016, Nisa, Riffat Un, Mahmood, Tariq, Ludwig, Ralf, Ayub, Khurshid

The mechanism of the Zn(II) catalyzed oxidation of benzylic alcohol to benzaldehyde and ester by H2O2 oxidant was investigated through density functional theory methods and compared with the similar oxidation mechanisms of other late transition metals. Both inner sphere and intermediate sphere mechanisms have been analyzed in the presence and absence of pyridine-2-carboxylic acid (ligand). An intermediate sphere mechanism involving the transfer of hydrogen from alcohol to H2O2 was found to be preferred over the competitive inner sphere mechanism involving β-hydride elimination. Kinetic barriers associated with the intermediate sphere mechanism are consistent with the experimental observations, suggesting that the intermediate sphere mechanism is a plausible mechanism under these reaction conditions. The oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes (first step) is kinetically more demanding than the oxidation of hemiacetals to esters (second step). Changing the oxidant to tert-butyl hydrogen peroxide (TBHP) increases the activation barrier for the oxidation of alcohol to aldehyde by 0.4 kcal mol−1, but decreases the activation barrier by 3.24 kcal mol−1 for oxidation of hemiacetal to ester. Replacement of zinc bromide with zinc iodide causes the second step to be more demanding than the first step. Pyridine-2-carboxylic acid ligand remarkably decreases the activation barriers for the intermediate sphere pathway, whereas a less pronounced inverse effect is estimated for the inner sphere mechanism.

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Manganese Catalyzed Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones Using Chiral Oxamide Ligands

2019, Schneekönig, Jacob, Junge, Kathrin, Beller, Matthias

The asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of ketones using isopropyl alcohol (IPA) as hydrogen donor in the presence of novel manganese catalysts is explored. The selective and active systems are easily generated in situ from [MnBr(CO)5] and inexpensive C 2-symmeric bisoxalamide ligands. Under the optimized reaction conditions, the Mn-derived catalyst gave higher enantioselectivity compared with the related ruthenium catalyst.

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Stability studies of ionic liquid [EMIm][NTf2] under short-term thermal exposure

2016, Neise, Christin, Rautenberg, Christine, Bentrup, Ursula, Beck, Martin, Ahrenberg, Mathias, Schick, Christoph, Keßler, Olaf, Kragl, Udo

Ionic liquids (ILs) as new media for synthesis and as functional fluids in technical applications are still of high interest. Cooling a steel component from an annealing temperature of nearly 850 °C down to room temperature in a liquid bath is a technically important process. The use of ionic liquids offers advantages avoiding film boiling of the quenching medium. However, such a high immersion temperature exceeds the thermal stability of the IL, for example such as [EMIm][NTf2]. To obtain information about formation of potential toxic decomposition products, potential fragments at varied states of decomposition of [EMIm][NTf2] were studied by various spectroscopic and gravimetric methods. For the first time it was possible to quantify fluorine-containing products via mass spectrometry coupled directly with thermogravimetric (TG) measurements. While chemical and spectroscopic analysis of thermally stressed ILs revealed no hints concerning changes of composition after quenching hot steel for several times, the mass-spectrometer (MS) coupled TG analysis gives information by comparing the decomposition behaviour of fresh and used ILs. A number of fragments were detected in low amounts confirming the proposed decomposition mechanism.

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2018, Höhne, Martha, Aluri, Bhaskar, Spannenberg, Anke, Müller, Bernd H., Peulecke, Normen, Rosenthal, Uwe

The title compound, C24H22N2OP2, is an asymmetrically substituted hydrazine derivative bearing a phosphoryl and a phosphanyl substituent. The PNNP backbone has a torsion angle of −131.01 (8)°. In the crystal, mol­ecules form centrosymmetric dimers by inter­molecular N—H...O hydrogen bonds, which are further linked into a three-dimensional network by weak C—H...O and C—H...π inter­actions.

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Gas hydrates model for the mechanistic investigation of the Wittig reaction “on water”

2016, Ayub, Khurshid, Ludwig, Ralf

Theoretical mechanistic details for “on water” Wittig reaction of a stabilized ylide with benzaldehyde are presented and compared with a similar reaction under neat conditions. A gas hydrate structure consisting of 20 water molecules has been applied as a water surface for the reaction. The model is chosen to capture non-bonding interactions over a larger area in order to better account for the “on water” effect. The calculated acceleration for the cis-selective Wittig reaction is more than that for the trans-selective Wittig reaction. The “on water” acceleration for the Wittig reaction is due to greater number of non-bonding interactions in the transition state, compared to the starting material. The greater acceleration for the cis-selective Wittig over the trans-selective Wittig has been rationalized on the basis of non-bonding interactions in addition to hydrogen bonding. Besides accelerating the reaction, water also affects the pathway for the reaction. Decomposition of cisOP2 to alkene is estimated as a barrierless process. Moreover OP2 is more stable than OP1 for both cis and trans-selective Wittig reactions, opposite to what is observed for the neat reaction.

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A chemometric study in the area of feasible solution of an acid-base titration of N-methyl-6-oxyquinolone

2018, Sawall, Mathias, Schmode, Stella, Schröder, Henning, Ludwig, Ralf, Neymeyr, Klaus

Multivariate curve resolution methods aim at recovering the underlying chemical components from spectroscopic data on chemical reaction systems. In most cases the spectra and concentration profiles of the pure components cannot be uniquely determined from the given spectral data. Instead continua of possible factors exist. This fact is known as rotational ambiguity. The sets of all possible pure component factors can be represented in the so-called area of feasible solutions (AFS). This paper presents an AFS study of the pure component reconstruction problem for a series of UV/Vis spectra taken from an acid-base titration of N-methyl-6-oxyquinolone. Additional information on the equilibrium concentration profiles for a varying acid concentration is taken from fluorescence measurements. On this basis chemometric duality arguments lead to the construction of a unique final solution.

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The dynamic nature of Cu sites in Cu-SSZ-13 and the origin of the seagull NOx conversion profile during NH3-SCR

2019, Fahami, A.R., Günter, T., Doronkin, D.E., Casapu, M., Zengel, D., Vuong, T.H., Simon, M., Breher, F., Kucherov, A.V., Brückner, A., Grunwaldt, J.-D.

Cu-Zeolites with chabazite structure show a peculiar dual-maxima NO conversion profile, also known as a seagull profile, during the selective catalytic reduction by ammonia. In order to understand the origin of this behavior, systematic catalytic tests and operando spectroscopy were applied to derive structure–performance relationships for Cu-SSZ-13 catalysts with low and high Cu loading. Operando X-ray absorption, X-ray emission and in situ electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy measurements, including novel photon-in/photon-out techniques, demonstrated the interconversion of isolated Cu sites and dimeric bis(μ-oxo) Cu species, the former occurring via formation of ammonia Cu2+/Cu+ complexes and the latter in an oxidizing gas mixture. The formation of dimeric Cu+–O2–Cu+ species by involving Cu sites in close vicinity was linked to the high activity at low temperatures of the highly loaded Cu-SSZ-13 sample. In contrast, the isolated Cu sites present at very low Cu loadings are strongly poisoned by adsorbed NH3. The activity decrease around 350 °C that gives rise to the seagull shaped NO conversion profile could be attributed to a more localized structure of mono(μ-oxo)dicopper complexes. Above this temperature, which corresponds to partial NH3 desorption from Cu sites, the isolated Cu sites migrate to form additional dimeric entities thus recovering the SCR activity.

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Brønsted acid-catalyzed hydroarylation of activated olefins

2014, Fleischer, Ivana, Pospech, Jola

A mild, regiospecific Brønsted acid-catalyzed hydroarylation of activated olefins, capable of the formation of quinone methide-like intermediates, has been investigated. Variously substituted 2- and 4-vinylphenols, 4-vinylaniline or 6-vinyl-naphthalen-2-ol were successfully implemented in a sequential protonation and Friedel–Crafts-type alkylation reaction of electron-rich arenes.