16 results
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- ItemTranslating the Concept of Goal Setting into Practice: What ‘else’ Does It Require than a Goal Setting Tool?(Setúbal, Portugal : Science and Technology Publications, Lda, 2020) Kismihók, Gábor; Zhao, Catherine; Schippers, Michaéla; Mol, Stefan; Harrison, Scott; Shehata, Shady; Lane, H. Chad; Zvacek, Susan; Uhomoibhi, JamesThis conceptual paper reviews the current status of goal setting in the area of technology enhanced learning and education. Besides a brief literature review, three current projects on goal setting are discussed. The paper shows that the main barriers for goal setting applications in education are not related to the technology, the available data or analytical methods, but rather the human factor. The most important bottlenecks are the lack of students’ goal setting skills and abilities, and the current curriculum design, which, especially in the observed higher education institutions, provides little support for goal setting interventions.
- ItemOpen-Access-Finanzierung(Bonn : Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB), 2022) Kändler, Ulrike; Wohlgemuth, Michael; Ertl, Hubert; Rödel, Bodo[no abstract available]
- ItemDigital Transformation of Education Credential Processes and Life Cycles – A Structured Overview on Main Challenges and Research Questions([Wilmington, DE, USA] : IARIA, [2020], 2020) Keck, Ingo R.; Vidal, Maria-Esther; Heller, Lambert; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Chang, Maiga; White, StephenIn this article, we look at the challenges that arise in the use and management of education credentials, and from the switch from analogue, paper-based education credentials to digital education credentials. We propose a general methodology to capture qualitative descriptions and measurable quantitative results that allow to estimate the effectiveness of a digital credential management system in solving these challenges. This methodology is applied to the EU H2020 project QualiChain use case, where five pilots have been selected to study a broad field of digital credential workflows and credential management. Copyright (c) IARIA, 2020
- ItemCrowdsourcing Scholarly Discourse Annotations(New York, NY : ACM, 2021) Oelen, Allard; Stocker, Markus; Auer, SörenThe number of scholarly publications grows steadily every year and it becomes harder to find, assess and compare scholarly knowledge effectively. Scholarly knowledge graphs have the potential to address these challenges. However, creating such graphs remains a complex task. We propose a method to crowdsource structured scholarly knowledge from paper authors with a web-based user interface supported by artificial intelligence. The interface enables authors to select key sentences for annotation. It integrates multiple machine learning algorithms to assist authors during the annotation, including class recommendation and key sentence highlighting. We envision that the interface is integrated in paper submission processes for which we define three main task requirements: The task has to be . We evaluated the interface with a user study in which participants were assigned the task to annotate one of their own articles. With the resulting data, we determined whether the participants were successfully able to perform the task. Furthermore, we evaluated the interface’s usability and the participant’s attitude towards the interface with a survey. The results suggest that sentence annotation is a feasible task for researchers and that they do not object to annotate their articles during the submission process.
- ItemINSPIRE: A European training network to foster research and training in cardiovascular safety pharmacology(Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2020) Guns, P.-J.D.; Guth, B.D.; Braam, S.; Kosmidis, G.; Matsa, E.; Delaunois, A.; Gryshkova, V.; Bernasconi, S.; Knot, H.J.; Shemesh, Y.; Chen, A.; Markert, M.; Fernández, M.A.; Lombardi, D.; Grandmont, C.; Cillero-Pastor, B.; Heeren, R.M.A.; Martinet, W.; Woolard, J.; Skinner, M.; Segers, V.F.M.; Franssen, C.; Van Craenenbroeck, E.M.; Volders, P.G.A.; Pauwelyn, T.; Braeken, D.; Yanez, P.; Correll, K.; Yang, X.; Prior, H.; Kismihók, G.; De Meyer, G.R.Y.; Valentin, J.-P.Safety pharmacology is an essential part of drug development aiming to identify, evaluate and investigate undesirable pharmacodynamic properties of a drug primarily prior to clinical trials. In particular, cardiovascular adverse drug reactions (ADR) have halted many drug development programs. Safety pharmacology has successfully implemented a screening strategy to detect cardiovascular liabilities, but there is room for further refinement. In this setting, we present the INSPIRE project, a European Training Network in safety pharmacology for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), funded by the European Commission's H2020-MSCA-ITN programme. INSPIRE has recruited 15 ESR fellows that will conduct an individual PhD-research project for a period of 36 months. INSPIRE aims to be complementary to ongoing research initiatives. With this as a goal, an inventory of collaborative research initiatives in safety pharmacology was created and the ESR projects have been designed to be complementary to this roadmap. Overall, INSPIRE aims to improve cardiovascular safety evaluation, either by investigating technological innovations or by adding mechanistic insight in emerging safety concerns, as observed in the field of cardio-oncology. Finally, in addition to its hands-on research pillar, INSPIRE will organize a number of summer schools and workshops that will be open to the wider community as well. In summary, INSPIRE aims to foster both research and training in safety pharmacology and hopes to inspire the future generation of safety scientists.
- ItemCombining statistical and machine learning methods to explore German students’ attitudes towards ICT in PISA(London : Taylor & Francis, 2021) Lezhnina, Olga; Kismihók, GáborIn our age of big data and growing computational power, versatility in data analysis is important. This study presents a flexible way to combine statistics and machine learning for data analysis of a large-scale educational survey. The authors used statistical and machine learning methods to explore German students’ attitudes towards information and communication technology (ICT) in relation to mathematical and scientific literacy measured by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2015 and 2018. Implementations of the random forest (RF) algorithm were applied to impute missing data and to predict students’ proficiency levels in mathematics and science. Hierarchical linear models (HLM) were built to explore relationships between attitudes towards ICT and mathematical and scientific literacy with the focus on the nested structure of the data. ICT autonomy was an important variable in RF models, and associations between this attitude and literacy scores in HLM were significant and positive, while for other ICT attitudes the associations were negative (ICT in social interaction) or non-significant (ICT competence and ICT interest). The need for further research on ICT autonomy is discussed, and benefits of combining statistical and machine learning approaches are outlined.
- ItemEffects of Open Access. Literature study on empirical research 2010–2021(Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), 2024) Hopf, David; Dellmann, Sarah; Hauschke, Christian; Tullney, MarcoOpen access — the free availability of scholarly publications — intuitively offers many benefits. At the same time, some academics, university administrators, publishers, and political decision-makers express reservations. Many empirical studies on the effects of open access have been published in the last decade. This report provides an overview of the state of research from 2010 to 2021. The empirical results on the effects of open access help to determine the advantages and disadvantages of open access and serve as a knowledge base for academics, publishers, research funding and research performing institutions, and policy makers. This overview of current findings can inform decisions about open access and publishing strategies. In addition, this report identifies aspects of the impact of open access that are potentially highly relevant but have not yet been sufficiently studied.
- ItemWirkungen von Open Access. Literaturstudie über empirische Arbeiten 2010-2021(Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB), 2022) Hopf, David; Dellmann, Sarah; Hauschke, Christian; Tullney, MarcoOpen Access – die freie Verfügbarkeit wissenschaftlicher Publikationen – bietet intuitiv viele Vorteile. Gleichzeitig existieren weiterhin Vorbehalte unter einigen Wissenschaftler:innen, Mitgliedern der Hochschulverwaltung, Verlagen und politischen Entscheidungsträger:innen. Im letzten Jahrzehnt sind viele empirische Studien zu den Wirkungen von Open Access erschienen. Der vorliegende Bericht liefert eine Übersicht über den Forschungsstand von 2010 bis 2021. Die berichteten empirischen Ergebnisse helfen dabei, die Vor- und Nachteile von Open Access zu bestimmen und dienen als Wissensbasis für Wissenschaftler: innen, Verlage, Institutionen und politische Entscheidungsträger:innen. Ein Überblick über den Wissensstand unterfüttert Entscheidungen zu Open-Access- und Publikationsstrategien. Zudem identifiziert dieser Bericht Aspekte von Open-Access-Wirkungen, die potenziell hohe Relevanz haben, aber noch nicht ausreichend untersucht wurden. Insgesamt können verschiedene Vorteile von Open Access beim jetzigen Forschungsstand als empirisch belegt bewertet werden. Dazu gehören ein verbesserter Wissenstransfer, erhöhte Publikationsgeschwindigkeit und die erhöhte Nutzung durch eine beruflich und geografisch diverse Leser:innenschaft. Zudem können einige vermutete negative Open-Access-Wirkungen – wie eine geringere Qualität von Publikationen und Nachteile beim Verkauf von Druckausgaben – als empirisch widerlegt betrachtet werden. Die empirischen Ergebnisse zu Open-Access-Wirkungen unterstützen daher das Ziel der weitgehenden Transformation zu Open Access, dem sich unter anderem die deutschen Wissenschaftsorganisationen verschrieben haben.
- ItemZweitveröffentlichungsrecht für Wissenschaftler*innen(Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek, 2021-02-25) Brehm, ElkePräsentation im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Open-Access-Talk"
- ItemOrte des Gestapoterrors im heutigen Niedersachsen(Meyrin : CERN, 2020-12-09) Doerry, Janine; Blümel, Ina; Cartellieri, Simone; Heller, Lambert; Wagner, Jens-ChristianAuszug aus dem Antrag im MWK-Förderprogramm Pro*Niedersachsen – Kulturelles Erbe – Sammlungen und Objekte