Browsing by Author "Hozoi, Liviu"
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- ItemCoulomb exchange as source of Kitaev and off-diagonal symmetric anisotropic couplings(London : Springer Nature, 2024) Bhattacharyya, Pritam; Petersen, Thorben; Bogdanov, Nikolay A.; Hozoi, LiviuExchange underpins the magnetic properties of quantum matter. In its most basic form, it occurs through the interplay of Pauli’s exclusion principle and Coulomb repulsion, being referred to as Coulomb or direct exchange. Pauli’s exclusion principle combined with inter-atomic electron hopping additionally leads to kinetic exchange and superexchange. Here we disentangle the different exchange channels in anisotropic Kitaev–Heisenberg context. By quantum chemical computations, we show that anisotropic Coulomb exchange, completely neglected so far in the field, may be as large as (or even larger than) other contributions — kinetic exchange and superexchange. This opens new perspectives onto anisotropic exchange mechanisms and sets the proper conceptual framework for further research on tuning Kitaev–Heisenberg magnetism.
- ItemCovalency and vibronic couplings make a nonmagnetic j=3/2 ion magnetic(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2016) Xu, Lei; Bogdanov, Nikolay A.; Princep, Andrew; Fulde, Peter; van den Brink, Jeroen; Hozoi, LiviuFor 4d1 and 5d1 spin–orbit-coupled electron configurations, the notion of nonmagnetic j=3/2 quartet ground state discussed in classical textbooks is at odds with the observed variety of magnetic properties. Here we throw fresh light on the electronic structure of 4d1 and 5d1 ions in molybdenum- and osmium-based double-perovskite systems and reveal different kinds of on-site many-body physics in the two families of compounds: although the sizable magnetic moments and g-factors measured experimentally are due to both metal d–ligand p hybridisation and dynamic Jahn–Teller interactions for 4d electrons, it is essentially d−p covalency for the 5d1 configuration. These results highlight the subtle interplay of spin–orbit interactions, covalency and electron–lattice couplings as the major factor in deciding the nature of the magnetic ground states of 4d and 5d quantum materials. Cation charge imbalance in the double-perovskite structure is further shown to allow a fine tuning of the gap between the t2g and eg levels, an effect of much potential in the context of orbital engineering in oxide electronics.
- ItemDressed j eff-1/2 objects in mixed-valence lacunar spinel molybdates(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2023) Petersen, Thorben; Prodan, Lilian; Geirhos, Korbinian; Nakamura, Hiroyuki; Kézsmárki, István; Hozoi, LiviuThe lacunar-spinel chalcogenides exhibit magnetic centers in the form of transition-metal tetrahedra. On the basis of density-functional computations, the electronic ground state of an Mo413+ tetrahedron has been postulated as single-configuration a12 e4 t25, where a1, e, and t2 are symmetry-adapted linear combinations of single-site Mo t2g atomic orbitals. Here we unveil the many-body tetramer wave-function: we show that sizable correlations yield a weight of only 62% for the a12 e4 t25 configuration. While spin–orbit coupling within the peculiar valence orbital manifold is still effective, the expectation value of the spin–orbit operator and the g factors deviate from figures describing nominal t5jeff = 1/2 moments. As such, our data documents the dressing of a spin–orbit jeff = 1/2 object with intra-tetramer excitations. Our results on the internal degrees of freedom of these magnetic moments provide a solid theoretical starting point in addressing the intriguing phase transitions observed at low temperatures in these materials.
- ItemKitaev exchange and field-induced quantum spin-liquid states in honeycomb α-RuCl3(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2016) Yadav, Ravi; Bogdanov, Nikolay A.; Katukuri, Vamshi M.; Nishimoto, Satoshi; van den Brink, Jeroen; Hozoi, LiviuLarge anisotropic exchange in 5d and 4d oxides and halides open the door to new types of magnetic ground states and excitations, inconceivable a decade ago. A prominent case is the Kitaev spin liquid, host of remarkable properties such as protection of quantum information and the emergence of Majorana fermions. Here we discuss the promise for spin-liquid behavior in the 4d5 honeycomb halide α-RuCl3. From advanced electronic-structure calculations, we find that the Kitaev interaction is ferromagnetic, as in 5d5 iridium honeycomb oxides, and indeed defines the largest superexchange energy scale. A ferromagnetic Kitaev coupling is also supported by a detailed analysis of the field-dependent magnetization. Using exact diagonalization and density-matrix renormalization group techniques for extended Kitaev-Heisenberg spin Hamiltonians, we find indications for a transition from zigzag order to a gapped spin liquid when applying magnetic field. Our results offer a unified picture on recent magnetic and spectroscopic measurements on this material and open new perspectives on the prospect of realizing quantum spin liquids in d5 halides and oxides in general.
- ItemLong-range magnetic order in the ~S=1/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet KCeS2(Amsterdam : SciPost Foundation, 2020) Bastien, Gaël; Rubrecht, Bastian; Haeussler, Ellen; Schlender, Philipp; Zangeneh, Ziba; Avdoshenko, Stanislav; Sarkar, Rajib; Alfonsov, Alexey; Luther, Sven; Onykiienko, Yevhen A.; Walker, Helen C.; Kühne, Hannes; Grinenko, Vadim; Guguchia, Zurab; Kataev, Vladislav; Klauss, Hans-Henning; Hozoi, Liviu; van den Brink, Jeroen; Inosov, Dmytro S.; Büchner, Bernd; Wolter, Anja U.B.; Doert, ThomasRecently, several putative quantum spin liquid (QSL) states were discovered in ~S=1/2 rare-earth based triangular-lattice antiferromagnets (TLAF) with the delafossite structure. A way to clarify the origin of the QSL state in these systems is to identify ways to tune them from the putative QSL state towards long-range magnetic order. Here, we introduce the Ce-based TLAF KCeS2 and show via low-temperature specific heat and μSR investigations that it yields magnetic order below TN=0.38 K despite the same delafossite structure. We identify a well separated ~S=1/2 ground state for KCeS2 from inelastic neutron scattering and embedded-cluster quantum chemical calculations. Magnetization and electron spin resonance measurements on single crystals indicate a strong easy-plane g~factor anisotropy, in agreement with the ab initio calculations. Finally, our specific-heat studies reveal an in-plane anisotropy of the magnetic field-temperature phase diagram which may indicate anisotropic magnetic interactions in KCeS2.
- ItemNaRuO2: Kitaev-Heisenberg exchange in triangular-lattice setting([London] : Nature Publishing Group, 2023) Bhattacharyya, Pritam; Bogdanov, Nikolay A.; Nishimoto, Satoshi; Wilson, Stephen D.; Hozoi, LiviuKitaev exchange, a new paradigm in quantum magnetism research, occurs for 90° metal-ligand-metal links, t2g5 transition ions, and sizable spin-orbit coupling. It is being studied in honeycomb compounds but also on triangular lattices. While for the former it is known by now that the Kitaev intersite couplings are ferromagnetic, for the latter the situation is unclear. Here we pin down the exchange mechanisms and determine the effective coupling constants in the t2g5 triangular-lattice material NaRuO2, recently found to host a quantum spin liquid ground state. We show that, compared to honeycomb compounds, the characteristic triangular-lattice cation surroundings dramatically affect exchange paths and effective coupling parameters, changing the Kitaev interactions to antiferromagnetic. Quantum chemical analysis combined with subsequent effective spin model simulations provide perspective onto the nature of the experimentally observed quantum spin liquid—it seemingly implies fairly large antiferromagnetic second-neighbor isotropic exchange, and the atypical proximity to ferromagnetic order is related to ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor Heisenberg coupling.
- ItemOrbital reconstruction in nonpolar tetravalent transition-metal oxide layers(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2015) Bogdanov, Nikolay A.; Katukuri, Vamshi M.; Romhányi, Judit; Yushankhai, Viktor; Kataev, Vladislav; Büchner, Bernd; van den Brink, Jeroen; Hozoi, LiviuA promising route to tailoring the electronic properties of quantum materials and devices rests on the idea of orbital engineering in multilayered oxide heterostructures. Here we show that the interplay of interlayer charge imbalance and ligand distortions provides a knob for tuning the sequence of electronic levels even in intrinsically stacked oxides. We resolve in this regard the d-level structure of layered Sr2IrO4 by electron spin resonance. While canonical ligand-field theory predicts g
- ItemQuantum chemical insights into hexaboride electronic structures: correlations within the boron p-orbital subsystem(London : Springer Nature, 2022) Petersen, Thorben; Rößler, Ulrich K.; Hozoi, LiviuThe notion of strong electronic correlations arose in the context of d-metal oxides such as NiO but can be exemplified on systems as simple as the H2 molecule. Here we shed light on correlation effects on B62− clusters as found in MB6 hexaborides and show that the B 2p valence electrons are fairly correlated. B6-octahedron excitation energies computed for CaB6 and YbB6 agree with peak positions found by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering, providing a compelling picture for the latter. Our findings characterize these materials as very peculiar p-electron correlated systems and call for more involved many-body investigations within the whole hexaboride family, both alkaline- and rare-earth compounds, not only for N- but also (N ± 1)-states defining e. g. band gaps.
- ItemResonating holes vs molecular spin-orbit coupled states in group-5 lacunar spinels([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2023) Petersen, Thorben; Bhattacharyya, Pritam; Rößler, Ulrich K.; Hozoi, LiviuThe valence electronic structure of magnetic centers is one of the factors that determines the characteristics of a magnet. This may refer to orbital degeneracy, as for jeff = 1/2 Kitaev magnets, or near-degeneracy, e.g., involving the third and fourth shells in cuprate superconductors. Here we explore the inner structure of magnetic moments in group-5 lacunar spinels, fascinating materials featuring multisite magnetic units in the form of tetrahedral tetramers. Our quantum chemical analysis reveals a very colorful landscape, much richer than the single-electron, single-configuration description applied so far to all group-5 GaM4X8 chalcogenides, and clarifies the basic multiorbital correlations on M4 tetrahedral clusters: while for V strong correlations yield a wave-function that can be well described in terms of four V4+V3+V3+V3+ resonant valence structures, for Nb and Ta a picture of dressed molecular-orbital jeff = 3/2 entities is more appropriate. These internal degrees of freedom likely shape vibronic couplings, phase transitions, and the magneto-electric properties in each of these systems.
- ItemStrong magnetic frustration and anti-site disorder causing spin-glass behavior in honeycomb Li2RhO3([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2015) Katukuri, Vamshi M.; Nishimoto, Satoshi; Rousochatzakis, Ioannis; Stoll, Hermann; van den Brink, Jeroen; Hozoi, LiviuWith large spin-orbit coupling, the electron configuration in d-metal oxides is prone to highly anisotropic exchange interactions and exotic magnetic properties. In 5d5 iridates, given the existing variety of crystal structures, the magnetic anisotropy can be tuned from antisymmetric to symmetric Kitaev-type, with interaction strengths that outsize the isotropic terms. By many-body electronic-structure calculations we here address the nature of the magnetic exchange and the intriguing spin-glass behavior of Li2RhO3, a 4d5 honeycomb oxide. For pristine crystals without Rh-Li site inversion, we predict a dimerized ground state as in the isostructural 5d5 iridate Li2IrO3, with triplet spin dimers effectively placed on a frustrated triangular lattice. With Rh-Li anti-site disorder, we explain the observed spin-glass phase as a superposition of different, nearly degenerate symmetry-broken configurations.
- ItemStrongly frustrated triangular spin lattice emerging from triplet dimer formation in honeycomb Li2IrO3(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2016) Nishimoto, Satoshi; Katukuri, Vamshi M.; Yushankhai, Viktor; Stoll, Hermann; Rößler, Ulrich K.; Hozoi, Liviu; Rousochatzakis, Ioannis; van den Brink, JeroenIridium oxides with a honeycomb lattice have been identified as platforms for the much anticipated Kitaev topological spin liquid: the spin-orbit entangled states of Ir4+ in principle generate precisely the required type of anisotropic exchange. However, other magnetic couplings can drive the system away from the spin-liquid phase. With this in mind, here we disentangle the different magnetic interactions in Li2IrO3, a honeycomb iridate with two crystallographically inequivalent sets of adjacent Ir sites. Our ab initio many-body calculations show that, while both Heisenberg and Kitaev nearest-neighbour couplings are present, on one set of Ir–Ir bonds the former dominates, resulting in the formation of spin-triplet dimers. The triplet dimers frame a strongly frustrated triangular lattice and by exact cluster diagonalization we show that they remain protected in a wide region of the phase diagram.
- ItemThe vicinity of hyper-honeycomb β-Li2IrO3 to a three-dimensional Kitaev spin liquid state(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2016) Katukuri, Vamshi M.; Yadav, Ravi; Hozoi, Liviu; Nishimoto, Satoshi; van den Brink, JeroenDue to the combination of a substantial spin-orbit coupling and correlation effects, iridium oxides hold a prominent place in the search for novel quantum states of matter, including, e.g., Kitaev spin liquids and topological Weyl states. We establish the promise of the very recently synthesized hyper-honeycomb iridate β-Li2IrO3 in this regard. A detailed theoretical analysis reveals the presence of large ferromagnetic first-neighbor Kitaev interactions, while a second-neighbor antiferromagnetic Heisenberg exchange drives the ground state from ferro to zigzag order via a three-dimensional Kitaev spin liquid and an incommensurate phase. Experiment puts the system in the latter regime but the Kitaev spin liquid is very close and reachable by a slight modification of the ratio between the second- and first-neighbor couplings, for instance via strain.