Quantities that frequency-dependent selection maximizes

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Oberwolfach Preprints (OWP)
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Oberwolfach : Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
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We consider a model of frequency-dependent selection, to which we refer as the Wildcard Model, that accommodates as particular cases a number of diverse models of biologically specific situations. Two very different particular models (Lessard, 1984; Bürger, 2005; Schneider, 2006), subsumed by the Wildcard Model, have been shown in the past to have a Lyapunov functions (LF) under appropriate genetic assumptions. We show that the Wildcard Model: (i) in continuous time is a generalized gradient system for one locus, multiple alleles and for multiple loci, assuming linkage equilibrium, and its potential is a Lyapunov function; (ii) the LF of the particular models are special cases of the Wildcard Model's LF; (iii) the LF of the Wildcard Model can be derived from a LF previously identified for a model of density- and frequency- dependent selection due to Lotka-Volterra competition, with one locus, multiple alleles, multiple species and continuous-time dynamics (Matessi and Jayakar, 1981). We extend the LF with density and frequency dependence to a multilocus, linkage equilibrium dynamics.

Matessi, C., & Schneider, K. A. (2008). Quantities that frequency-dependent selection maximizes (Vol. 2008-18). Oberwolfach : Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. https://doi.org//10.14760/OWP-2008-18
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