Corrector estimates for a thermo-diffusion model with weak thermal coupling

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WIAS Preprints
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Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik
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The present work deals with the derivation of corrector estimates for the two-scale homogenization of a thermo-diffusion model with weak thermal coupling posed in a heterogeneous medium endowed with periodically arranged high-contrast microstructures. The terminology weak thermal coupling refers here to the variable scaling in terms of the small homogenization parameter " of the heat conduction diffusion interaction terms, while the high-contrast is thought particularly in terms of the heat conduction properties of the composite material. As main target, we justify the first-order terms of the multiscale asymptotic expansions in the presence of coupled fluxes, induced by the joint contribution of Sorret and Dufour-like effects. The contrasting heat conduction combined with cross coupling lead to the main mathematical difficulty in the system. Our approach relies on the method of periodic unfolding combined with -independent estimates for the thermal and concentration fields and for their coupled fluxes.

Muntean, A., & Reichelt, S. (2016). Corrector estimates for a thermo-diffusion model with weak thermal coupling. Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik.
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