From Upstream to Purification : Production of Lactic Acid from the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste
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The implementation of an efficient and sustainable management of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (OFMSW) is a topic of intensive discussion in EU countries. Recently, the OFMSW has been investigated as a potential substrate for the production of lactic acid (LA) through fermentation. Nevertheless, none of the reports available in the literature covers all the stages of the conversion process. The present research article is a comprehensive study which includes the upstream, fermentation and downstream for the conversion of OFMSW into LA. Several batches of OFMSW were analysed for the evaluation of sugars released and LA content before the fermentation. Fermentations were performed to study the effect of hydrolysate quality on the LA production using Bacillus coagulans A166. Purification of LA, based on electrodialysis, was carried out after pilot scale fermentation of OFMSW hydrolysates. Results showed that variations in the concentrations of sugars and LA are observed from batch to batch of OFMSW. More specifically, LA can reach high concentrations even before the substrates are hydrolysed, limiting the potential applications of the final product due to low enantiomeric purities. In general, fermentations of the hydrolysate were efficient, with conversion yields of 0.65 g g−1 without the addition of extra nutrients. Downstream is still a challenging stage of the process. A LA recovery of 55% was obtained, with the most significant losses observed during the micro- and nanofiltrations. Overall, a conversion of 10% from OFMSW substrate (dry basis) to LA was achieved.