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    A case of extreme particulate matter concentrations over Central Europe caused by dust emitted over the southern Ukraine
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2008) Birmili, W.; Schepanski, K.; Ansmann, A.; Spindler, G.; Tegen, I.; Wehner, B.; Nowak, A.; Reimer, E.; Mattis, I.; Müller, K.; Brüggemann, E.; Gnauk, T.; Herrmann, H.; Wiedensohler, A.; Althausen, D.; Schladitz, A.; Tuch, T.; Löschau, G.
    On 24 March 2007, an extraordinary dust plume was observed in the Central European troposphere. Satellite observations revealed its origins in a dust storm in Southern Ukraine, where large amounts of soil were resuspended from dried-out farmlands at wind gusts up to 30 m s−1. Along the pathway of the plume, maximum particulate matter (PM10) mass concentrations between 200 and 1400 μg m−3 occurred in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Germany. Over Germany, the dust plume was characterised by a volume extinction coefficient up to 400 Mm−1 and a particle optical depth of 0.71 at wavelength 0.532 μm. In-situ size distribution measurements as well as the wavelength dependence of light extinction from lidar and Sun photometer measurements confirmed the presence of a coarse particle mode with diameters around 2–3 μm. Chemical particle analyses suggested a fraction of 75% crustal material in daily average PM10 and up to 85% in the coarser fraction PM10–2.5. Based on the particle characteristics as well as a lack of increased CO and CO2 levels, a significant impact of biomass burning was ruled out. The reasons for the high particle concentrations in the dust plume were twofold: First, dust was transported very rapidly into Central Europe in a boundary layer jet under dry conditions. Second, the dust plume was confined to a relatively stable boundary layer of 1.4–1.8 km height, and could therefore neither expand nor dilute efficiently. Our findings illustrate the capacity of combined in situ and remote sensing measurements to characterise large-scale dust plumes with a variety of aerosol parameters. Although such plumes from Southern Eurasia seem to occur rather infrequently in Central Europe, its unexpected features highlights the need to improve the description of dust emission, transport and transformation processes needs, particularly when facing the possible effects of further anthropogenic desertification and climate change.
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    Technical Note: One year of Raman-lidar measurements in Gual Pahari EUCAARI site close to New Delhi in India – Seasonal characteristics of the aerosol vertical structure
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2012) Komppula, M.; Mielonen, T.; Arola, A.; Korhonen, K.; Lihavainen, H.; Hyvärinen, A.-P.; Baars, H.; Engelmann, R.; Althausen, D.; Ansmann, A.; Müller, D.; Panwar, T.S.; Hooda, R.K.; Sharma, V.P.; Kerminen, V.-M.; Lehtinen, K.E.J.; Viisanen, Y.
    One year of multi-wavelength (3 backscatter + 2 extinction + 1 depolarization) Raman lidar measurements at Gual Pahari, close to New Delhi, were analysed. The data was split into four seasons: spring (March–May), summer (June–August), autumn (September–November) and winter (December–February). The vertical profiles of backscatter, extinction, and lidar ratio and their variability during each season are presented. The measurements revealed that, on average, the aerosol layer was at its highest in spring (5.5 km). In summer, the vertically averaged (between 1–3 km) backscatter and extinction coefficients had the highest averages (3.3 Mm−1 sr−1 and 142 Mm−1 at 532 nm, respectively). Aerosol concentrations were slightly higher in summer compared to other seasons, and particles were larger in size. The autumn showed the highest lidar ratio and high extinction-related Ångström exponents (AEext), indicating the presence of smaller probably absorbing particles. The winter had the lowest backscatter and extinction coefficients, but AEext was the highest, suggesting still a large amount of small particles.
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    Surface matters: Limitations of CALIPSO V3 aerosol typing in coastal regions
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2014) Kanitz, T.; Ansmann, A.; Foth, A.; Seifert, P.; Wandinger, U.; Engelmann, R.; Baars, H.; Althausen, D.; Casiccia, C.; Zamorano, F.
    In the CALIPSO data analysis, surface type (land/ocean) is used to augment the aerosol characterization. However, this surface-dependent aerosol typing prohibits a correct classification of marine aerosol over land that is advected from ocean to land. This might result in a systematic overestimation of the particle extinction coefficient and of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) of up to a factor of 3.5 over land in coastal areas. We present a long-term comparison of CALIPSO and ground-based lidar observations of the aerosol conditions in the coastal environment of southern South America (Punta Arenas, Chile, 53° S), performed in December 2009–April 2010. Punta Arenas is almost entirely influenced by marine particles throughout the year, indicated by a rather low AOT of 0.02–0.04. However, we found an unexpectedly high fraction of continental aerosol in the aerosol types inferred by means of CALIOP observations and, correspondingly, too high values of particle extinction. Similar features of the CALIOP data analysis are presented for four other coastal areas around the world. Since CALIOP data serve as important input for global climate models, the influence of this systematic error was estimated by means of simplified radiative-transfer calculations.
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    Ceilometer lidar comparison: Backscatter coefficient retrieval and signal-to-noise ratio determination
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2010) Heese, B.; Flentje, H.; Althausen, D.; Ansmann, A.; Frey, S.
    The potential of a new generation of ceilometer instruments for aerosol monitoring has been studied in the Ceilometer Lidar Comparison (CLIC) study. The used ceilometer was developed by Jenoptik, Germany, and is designed to find both thin cirrus clouds at tropopause level and aerosol layers at close ranges during day and night-time. The comparison study was performed to determine up to which altitude the ceilometers are capable to deliver particle backscatter coefficient profiles. For this, the derived ceilometer profiles are compared to simultaneously measured lidar profiles at the same wavelength. The lidar used for the comparison was the multi-wavelengths Raman lidar PollyXT. To demonstrate the capabilities and limits of ceilometers for the derivation of particle backscatter coefficient profiles from their measurements two examples of the comparison results are shown. Two cases, a daytime case with high background noise and a less noisy night-time case, are chosen. In both cases the ceilometer profiles compare well with the lidar profiles in atmospheric structures like aerosol layers or the boundary layer top height. However, the determination of the correct magnitude of the particle backscatter coefficient needs a calibration of the ceilometer data with an independent measurement of the aerosol optical depth by a sun photometer. To characterizes the ceilometers signal performance with increasing altitude a comprehensive signal-to-noise ratio study was performed. During daytime the signal-to-noise ratio is higher than 1 up to 4–5 km depending on the aerosol content. In our night-time case the SNR is higher than 1 even up to 8.5 km, so that also aerosol layers in the upper troposphere had been detected by the ceilometer.
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    Continuous monitoring of the boundary-layer top with lidar
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2008) Baars, H.; Ansmann, A.; Engelmann, R.; Althausen, D.
    Continuous lidar observations of the top height of the boundary layer (BL top) have been performed at Leipzig (51.3° N, 12.4° E), Germany, since August 2005. The results of measurements taken with a compact, automated Raman lidar over a one–year period (February 2006 to January 2007) are presented. Main goals of the study are (a) to demonstrate that BL top monitoring with lidar throughout the year is possible, (b) to present the required data analysis method that permits an automated, robust retrieval of BL top at all weather situations, and (c) to use this opportunity to compare the lidar-derived BL top data with respective BL tops hourly predicted by the regional weather forecast model COSMO. Four different lidar methods for the determination of the BL top are discussed. The wavelet covariance algorithm is modified so that an automated retrieval of BL depths from lidar data is possible. Three case studies of simultaneous observations with the Raman lidar, a vertical-wind Doppler lidar, and accompanying radiosonde profiling of temperature and humidity are presented to compare the potential and the limits of the four lidar techniques. The statistical analysis of the one-year data set reveals that the seasonal mean of the daytime (about 08:00–20:00 Local Time, LT) maximum BL top is 1400 m in spring, 1800 m in summer, 1200 m in autumn, and 800 m in winter at the continental, central European site. BL top typically increases by 100–300 m per hour in the morning of convective days. The comparison between the lidar-derived BL top heights and the predictions of COSMO yields a general underestimation of the BL top by about 20% by the model.