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Risk assessment of kINPen plasma treatment of four human pancreatic cancer cell lines with respect to metastasis

2019, Bekeschus, Sander, Freund, Eric, Spadola, Chiara, Privat-Maldonado, Angela, Hackbarth, Christine, Bogaerts, Annemie, Schmidt, Anke, Wende, Kristian, Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter, Woedtke, Thomas von, Heidecke, Claus-Dieter, Partecke, Lars-Ivo, Käding, André

Cold physical plasma has limited tumor growth in many preclinical models and is, therefore, suggested as a putative therapeutic option against cancer. Yet, studies investigating the cells’ metastatic behavior following plasma treatment are scarce, although being of prime importance to evaluate the safety of this technology. Therefore, we investigated four human pancreatic cancer cell lines for their metastatic behavior in vitro and in chicken embryos (in ovo). Pancreatic cancer was chosen as it is particularly metastatic to the peritoneum and systemically, which is most predictive for outcome. In vitro, treatment with the kINPen plasma jet reduced pancreatic cancer cell activity and viability, along with unchanged or decreased motility. Additionally, the expression of adhesion markers relevant for metastasis was down-regulated, except for increased CD49d. Analysis of 3D tumor spheroid outgrowth showed a lack of plasma-spurred metastatic behavior. Finally, analysis of tumor tissue grown on chicken embryos validated the absence of an increase of metabolically active cells physically or chemically detached with plasma treatment. We conclude that plasma treatment is a safe and promising therapeutic option and that it does not promote metastatic behavior in pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in ovo. © 2019 by the authors.

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Tumor cytotoxicity and immunogenicity of a novel V-jet neon plasma source compared to the kINPen

2021, Miebach, Lea, Freund, Eric, Horn, Stefan, Niessner, Felix, Sagwal, Sanjeev Kumar, von Woedtke, Thomas, Emmert, Steffen, Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter, Clemen, Ramona, Schmidt, Anke, Gerling, Torsten, Bekeschus, Sander

Recent research indicated the potential of cold physical plasma in cancer therapy. The plethora of plasma-derived reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) mediate diverse antitumor effects after eliciting oxidative stress in cancer cells. We aimed at exploiting this principle using a newly designed dual-jet neon plasma source (Vjet) to treat colorectal cancer cells. A treatment time-dependent ROS/RNS generation induced oxidation, growth retardation, and cell death within 3D tumor spheroids were found. In TUM-CAM, a semi in vivo model, the Vjet markedly reduced vascularized tumors' growth, but an increase of tumor cell immunogenicity or uptake by dendritic cells was not observed. By comparison, the argon-driven single jet kINPen, known to mediate anticancer effects in vitro, in vivo, and in patients, generated less ROS/RNS and terminal cell death in spheroids. In the TUM-CAM model, however, the kINPen was equivalently effective and induced a stronger expression of immunogenic cancer cell death (ICD) markers, leading to increased phagocytosis of kINPen but not Vjet plasma-treated tumor cells by dendritic cells. Moreover, the Vjet was characterized according to the requirements of the DIN-SPEC 91315. Our results highlight the plasma device-specific action on cancer cells for evaluating optimal discharges for plasma cancer treatment.

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Biocompatible Gas Plasma Treatment Affects Secretion Profiles but Not Osteogenic Differentiation in Patient-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

2022, Fischer, Maximilian, Schoon, Janosch, Freund, Eric, Miebach, Lea, Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter, Bekeschus, Sander, Wassilew, Georgi I.

Cold physical plasma (CPP), a partially ionized gas that simultaneously generates reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, is suggested to provide advantages in regenerative medicine. Intraoperative CPP therapy targeting pathologies related to diminished bone quality could be promising in orthopedic surgery. Assessment of a clinically approved plasma jet regarding cellular effects on primary bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (hBM-MSCs) from relevant arthroplasty patient cohorts is needed to establish CPP-based therapeutic approaches for bone regeneration. Thus, the aim of this study was to derive biocompatible doses of CPP and subsequent evaluation of human primary hBM-MSCs’ osteogenic and immunomodulatory potential. Metabolic activity and cell proliferation were affected in a treatment-time-dependent manner. Morphometric high content imaging analyses revealed a decline in mitochondria and nuclei content and increased cytoskeletal compactness following CPP exposure. Employing a nontoxic exposure regime, investigation on osteogenic differentiation did not enhance osteogenic capacity of hBM-MSCs. Multiplex analysis of major hBM-MSC cytokines, chemokines and growth factors revealed an anti-inflammatory, promatrix-assembling and osteoclast-regulating secretion profile following CPP treatment and osteogenic stimulus. This study can be noted as the first in vitro study addressing the influence of CPP on hBM-MSCs from individual donors of an arthroplasty clientele.

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Risk Evaluation of EMT and Inflammation in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Cells Following Plasma Treatment

2020, Freund, Eric, Spadola, Chiara, Schmidt, Anke, Privat-Maldonado, Angela, Bogaerts, Annemie, Woedtke, Thomas von, Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter, Heidecke, Claus-Dieter, Partecke, Lars-Ivo, Käding, André, Bekeschus, Sander

The requirements for new technologies to serve as anticancer agents go far beyond their toxicity potential. Novel applications also need to be safe on a molecular and patient level. In a broader sense, this also relates to cancer metastasis and inflammation. In a previous study, the toxicity of an atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet in four human pancreatic cancer cell lines was confirmed and plasma treatment did not promote metastasis in vitro and in ovo. Here, these results are extended by additional types of analysis and new models to validate and define on a molecular level the changes related to metastatic processes in pancreatic cancer cells following plasma treatment in vitro and in ovo. In solid tumors that were grown on the chorion-allantois membrane of fertilized chicken eggs (TUM-CAM), plasma treatment induced modest to profound apoptosis in the tissues. This, however, was not associated with a change in the expression levels of adhesion molecules, as shown using immunofluorescence of ultrathin tissue sections. Culturing of the cells detached from these solid tumors for 6d revealed a similar or smaller total growth area and expression of ZEB1, a transcription factor associated with cancer metastasis, in the plasma-treated pancreatic cancer tissues. Analysis of in vitro and in ovo supernatants of 13 different cytokines and chemokines revealed cell line-specific effects of the plasma treatment but a noticeable increase of, e.g., growth-promoting interleukin 10 was not observed. Moreover, markers of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a metastasis-promoting cellular program, were investigated. Plasma-treated pancreatic cancer cells did not present an EMT-profile. Finally, a realistic 3D tumor spheroid co-culture model with pancreatic stellate cells was employed, and the invasive properties in a gel-like cellular matrix were investigated. Tumor outgrowth and spread was similar or decreased in the plasma conditions. Altogether, these results provide valuable insights into the effect of plasma treatment on metastasis-related properties of cancer cells and did not suggest EMT-promoting effects of this novel cancer therapy. © Copyright © 2020 Freund, Spadola, Schmidt, Privat-Maldonado, Bogaerts, von Woedtke, Weltmann, Heidecke, Partecke, Käding and Bekeschus.