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    Pancreatic Cancer Cells Undergo Immunogenic Cell Death upon Exposure to Gas Plasma-Oxidized Ringers Lactate
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Miebach, Lea; Mohamed, Hager; Wende, Kristian; Miller, Vandana; Bekeschus, Sander
    Survival rates among patients with pancreatic cancer, the most lethal gastrointestinal cancer, have not improved compared to other malignancies. Early tumor dissemination and a supportive, cancer-promoting tumor microenvironment (TME) limit therapeutic options and consequently impede tumor remission, outlining an acute need for effective treatments. Gas plasma-oxidized liquid treatment showed promising preclinical results in other gastrointestinal and gynecological tumors by targeting the tumor redox state. Here, carrier solutions are enriched with reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen (RNS) species that can cause oxidative distress in tumor cells, leading to a broad range of anti-tumor effects. Unfortunately, clinical relevance is often limited, as many studies have forgone the use of medical-grade solutions. This study investigated the efficacy of gas plasma-oxidized Ringer’s lactate (oxRilac), a physiological solution often used in clinical practice, on two pancreatic cancer cell lines to induce tumor toxicity and provoke immunogenicity. Tumor toxicity of the oxRilac solutions was further confirmed in three-dimensional tumor spheroids monitored over 72 h and in ovo using stereomicroscope imaging of excised GFP-expressing tumors. We demonstrated that cell death signaling was induced in a dose-dependent fashion in both cell lines and was paralleled by the increased surface expression of key markers of immunogenic cell death (ICD). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy analysis suggested putative reaction pathways that may cause the non-ROS related effects. In summary, our study suggests gas plasma-deposited ROS in clinically relevant liquids as an additive option for treating pancreatic cancers via immune-stimulating and cytotoxic effects.
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    Chemotherapeutics Used for High-Risk Neuroblastoma Therapy Improve the Efficacy of Anti-GD2 Antibody Dinutuximab Beta in Preclinical Spheroid Models
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Troschke-Meurer, Sascha; Zumpe, Maxi; Meißner, Lena; Siebert, Nikolai; Grabarczyk, Piotr; Forkel, Hannes; Maletzki, Claudia; Bekeschus, Sander; Lode, Holger N.
    Anti-disialoganglioside GD2 antibody ch14.18/CHO (dinutuximab beta, DB) improved the outcome of patients with high-risk neuroblastoma (HR-NB) in the maintenance phase. We investigated chemotherapeutic compounds used in newly diagnosed patients in combination with DB. Vincristine, etoposide, carboplatin, cisplatin, and cyclophosphamide, as well as DB, were used at concentrations achieved in pediatric clinical trials. The effects on stress ligand and checkpoint expression by neuroblastoma cells and on activation receptors of NK cells were determined by using flow cytometry. NK-cell activity was measured with a CD107a/IFN-γ assay. Long-term cytotoxicity was analyzed in three spheroid models derived from GD2-positive neuroblastoma cell lines (LAN-1, CHLA 20, and CHLA 136) expressing a fluorescent near-infrared protein. Chemotherapeutics combined with DB in the presence of immune cells improved cytotoxic efficacy up to 17-fold compared to in the controls, and the effect was GD2-specific. The activating stress and inhibitory checkpoint ligands on neuroblastoma cells were upregulated by the chemotherapeutics up to 9- and 5-fold, respectively, and activation receptors on NK cells were not affected. The CD107a/IFN-γ assay revealed no additional activation of NK cells by the chemotherapeutics. The synergistic effect of DB with chemotherapeutics seems primarily attributed to the combined toxicity of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and chemotherapy, which supports further clinical evaluation in frontline induction therapy.
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    Modulation of the Tumor-Associated Immuno-Environment by Non-Invasive Physical Plasma
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Förster, Sarah; Niu, Yuequn; Eggers, Benedikt; Nokhbehsaim, Marjan; Kramer, Franz-Josef; Bekeschus, Sander; Mustea, Alexander; Stope, Matthias B.
    Over the past 15 years, investigating the efficacy of non-invasive physical plasma (NIPP) in cancer treatment as a safe oxidative stress inducer has become an active area of research. So far, most studies focused on the NIPP-induced apoptotic death of tumor cells. However, whether NIPP plays a role in the anti-tumor immune responses need to be deciphered in detail. In this review, we summarized the current knowledge of the potential effects of NIPP on immune cells, tumor–immune interactions, and the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. In general, relying on their inherent anti-oxidative defense systems, immune cells show a more resistant character than cancer cells in the NIPP-induced apoptosis, which is an important reason why NIPP is considered promising in cancer management. Moreover, NIPP treatment induces immunogenic cell death of cancer cells, leading to maturation of dendritic cells and activation of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells to further eliminate the cancer cells. Some studies also suggest that NIPP treatment may promote anti-tumor immune responses via other mechanisms such as inhibiting tumor angiogenesis and the desmoplasia of tumor stroma. Though more evidence is required, we expect a bright future for applying NIPP in clinical cancer management.
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    Chemotherapeutics Used for High-Risk Neuroblastoma Therapy Improve the Efficacy of Anti-GD2 Antibody Dinutuximab Beta in Preclinical Spheroid Models
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Troschke-Meurer, Sascha; Zumpe, Maxi; Meißner, Lena; Siebert, Nikolai; Grabarczyk, Piotr; Forkel, Hannes; Maletzki, Claudia; Bekeschus, Sander; Lode, Holger N.
    Anti-disialoganglioside GD2 antibody ch14.18/CHO (dinutuximab beta, DB) improved the outcome of patients with high-risk neuroblastoma (HR-NB) in the maintenance phase. We investigated chemotherapeutic compounds used in newly diagnosed patients in combination with DB. Vincristine, etoposide, carboplatin, cisplatin, and cyclophosphamide, as well as DB, were used at concentrations achieved in pediatric clinical trials. The effects on stress ligand and checkpoint expression by neuroblastoma cells and on activation receptors of NK cells were determined by using flow cytometry. NK-cell activity was measured with a CD107a/IFN-γ assay. Long-term cytotoxicity was analyzed in three spheroid models derived from GD2-positive neuroblastoma cell lines (LAN-1, CHLA 20, and CHLA 136) expressing a fluorescent near-infrared protein. Chemotherapeutics combined with DB in the presence of immune cells improved cytotoxic efficacy up to 17-fold compared to in the controls, and the effect was GD2-specific. The activating stress and inhibitory checkpoint ligands on neuroblastoma cells were upregulated by the chemotherapeutics up to 9- and 5-fold, respectively, and activation receptors on NK cells were not affected. The CD107a/IFN-γ assay revealed no additional activation of NK cells by the chemotherapeutics. The synergistic effect of DB with chemotherapeutics seems primarily attributed to the combined toxicity of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and chemotherapy, which supports further clinical evaluation in frontline induction therapy.
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    Gas Flow Shaping via Novel Modular Nozzle System (MoNoS) Augments kINPen-Mediated Toxicity and Immunogenicity in Tumor Organoids
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Berner, Julia; Miebach, Lea; Herold, Luise; Höft, Hans; Gerling, Torsten; Mattern, Philipp; Bekeschus, Sander
    Medical gas plasma is an experimental technology for anticancer therapy. Here, partial gas ionization yielded reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, placing the technique at the heart of applied redox biomedicine. Especially with the gas plasma jet kINPen, anti-tumor efficacy was demonstrated. This study aimed to examine the potential of using passive flow shaping to enhance the medical benefits of atmospheric plasma jets (APPJ). We used an in-house developed, proprietary Modular Nozzle System (MoNoS; patent-pending) to modify the flow properties of a kINPen. MoNoS increased the nominal plasma jet-derived reactive species deposition area and stabilized the air-plasma ratio within the active plasma zone while shielding it from external flow disturbances or gas impurities. At modest flow rates, dynamic pressure reduction (DPR) adapters did not augment reactive species deposition in liquids or tumor cell killing. However, MoNoS operated at kINPen standard argon fluxes significantly improved cancer organoid growth reduction and increased tumor immunogenicity, as seen by elevated calreticulin and heat-shock protein expression, along with a significantly spurred cytokine secretion profile. Moreover, the safe application of MoNoS gas plasma jet adapters was confirmed by their similar-to-superior safety profiles assessed in the hen’s egg chorioallantoic membrane (HET-CAM) coagulation and scar formation irritation assay.
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    Short- and long-term polystyrene nano- and microplastic exposure promotes oxidative stress and divergently affects skin cell architecture and Wnt/beta-catenin signaling
    (London : BioMed Central, 2023) Schmidt, Anke; da Silva Brito, Walison Augusto; Singer, Debora; Mühl, Melissa; Berner, Julia; Saadati, Fariba; Wolff, Christina; Miebach, Lea; Wende, Kristian; Bekeschus, Sander
    Nano- and microplastic particles (NMP) are strong environmental contaminants affecting marine ecosystems and human health. The negligible use of biodegradable plastics and the lack of knowledge about plastic uptake, accumulation, and functional consequences led us to investigate the short- and long-term effects in freshly isolated skin cells from mice. Using fluorescent NMP of several sizes (200 nm to 6 µm), efficient cellular uptake was observed, causing, however, only minor acute toxicity as metabolic activity and apoptosis data suggested, albeit changes in intracellular reactive species and thiol levels were observed. The internalized NMP induced an altered expression of various targets of the nuclear factor-2-related transcription factor 2 pathway and were accompanied by changed antioxidant and oxidative stress signaling responses, as suggested by altered heme oxygenase 1 and glutathione peroxide 2 levels. A highly increased beta-catenin expression under acute but not chronic NMP exposure was concomitant with a strong translocation from membrane to the nucleus and subsequent transcription activation of Wnt signaling target genes after both single-dose and chronic long-term NMP exposure. Moreover, fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation accompanied by an increase of α smooth muscle actin and collagen expression was observed. Together with several NMP-induced changes in junctional and adherence protein expression, our study for the first time elucidates the acute and chronic effects of NMP of different sizes in primary skin cells' signaling and functional biology, contributing to a better understanding of nano- and microplastic to health risks in higher vertebrates.
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    Antioxidant Defense in Primary Murine Lung Cells following Short- and Long-Term Exposure to Plastic Particles
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Schmidt, Anke; Mühl, Melissa; Brito, Walison Augusto da Silva; Singer, Debora; Bekeschus, Sander
    Polystyrene nano- and micro-sized plastic particles (NMP) are one of the common plastic materials produced that dramatically pollute the environment, water, and oceanic habitats worldwide. NMP are continuously absorbed by the body through a number of routes, especially via intestinal ingestion, dermal uptake, and inhalation into the lung. Several studies provided evidence of NMP provoking oxidative stress and affecting cellular responses. Yet, the NMP effects on primary lung cells have not been studied. To this end, we isolated and cultured murine lung cells and exposed them short-term or long-term to polystyrene 0.2–6.0 µm-sized NMP. We studied cellular consequences regarding oxidative stress, morphology, and secretion profiling. Visualization, distribution, and expression analyses confirmed lung cells accumulating NMP and showed several significant correlations with particle size. Moreover, we found substantial evidence of biological consequences of small-scale NMP uptake in lung cells. Besides alterations of cytokine secretion profiles resulting in inflammatory responses, indicators of oxidative stress were identified that were accompanied by Nrf2 and β-catenin signaling changes. Our results serve as an important basis to point out the potential hazards of plastic contaminations and uptake in lung cells.