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Combining ambitious climate policies with efforts to eradicate poverty

2021, Soergel, Bjoern, Kriegler, Elmar, Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Bauer, Nico, Leimbach, Marian, Popp, Alexander

Climate change threatens to undermine efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. However, climate policies could impose a financial burden on the global poor through increased energy and food prices. Here, we project poverty rates until 2050 and assess how they are influenced by mitigation policies consistent with the 1.5 °C target. A continuation of historical trends will leave 350 million people globally in extreme poverty by 2030. Without progressive redistribution, climate policies would push an additional 50 million people into poverty. However, redistributing the national carbon pricing revenues domestically as an equal-per-capita climate dividend compensates this policy side effect, even leading to a small net reduction of the global poverty headcount (−6 million). An additional international climate finance scheme enables a substantial poverty reduction globally and also in Sub-Saharan Africa. Combining national redistribution with international climate finance thus provides an important entry point to climate policy in developing countries.

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The ongoing nutrition transition thwarts long-term targets for food security, public health and environmental protection

2020, Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Dietrich, Jan Philipp, Martinelli, Eleonora, Stenstad, Antonia, Pradhan, Prajal, Gabrysch, Sabine, Mishra, Abhijeet, Weindl, Isabelle, Le Mouël, Chantal, Rolinski, Susanne, Baumstark, Lavinia, Wang, Xiaoxi, Waid, Jillian L., Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Popp, Alexander

The nutrition transition transforms food systems globally and shapes public health and environmental change. Here we provide a global forward-looking assessment of a continued nutrition transition and its interlinked symptoms in respect to food consumption. These symptoms range from underweight and unbalanced diets to obesity, food waste and environmental pressure. We find that by 2050, 45% (39–52%) of the world population will be overweight and 16% (13–20%) obese, compared to 29% and 9% in 2010 respectively. The prevalence of underweight approximately halves but absolute numbers stagnate at 0.4–0.7 billion. Aligned, dietary composition shifts towards animal-source foods and empty calories, while the consumption of vegetables, fruits and nuts increases insufficiently. Population growth, ageing, increasing body mass and more wasteful consumption patterns are jointly pushing global food demand from 30 to 45 (43–47) Exajoules. Our comprehensive open dataset and model provides the interfaces necessary for integrated studies of global health, food systems, and environmental change. Achieving zero hunger, healthy diets, and a food demand compatible with environmental boundaries necessitates a coordinated redirection of the nutrition transition. Reducing household waste, animal-source foods, and overweight could synergistically address multiple symptoms at once, while eliminating underweight would not substantially increase food demand.

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Cost-effective mitigation of nitrogen pollution from global croplands

2023, Gu, Baojing, Zhang, Xiuming, Lam, Shu Kee, Yu, Yingliang, van Grinsven, Hans J. M., Zhang, Shaohui, Wang, Xiaoxi, Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Wang, Sitong, Duan, Jiakun, Ren, Chenchen, Bouwman, Lex, de Vries, Wim, Xu, Jianming, Sutton, Mark A., Chen, Deli

Cropland is a main source of global nitrogen pollution1,2. Mitigating nitrogen pollution from global croplands is a grand challenge because of the nature of non-point-source pollution from millions of farms and the constraints to implementing pollution-reduction measures, such as lack of financial resources and limited nitrogen-management knowledge of farmers3. Here we synthesize 1,521 field observations worldwide and identify 11 key measures that can reduce nitrogen losses from croplands to air and water by 30–70%, while increasing crop yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) by 10–30% and 10–80%, respectively. Overall, adoption of this package of measures on global croplands would allow the production of 17 ± 3 Tg (1012 g) more crop nitrogen (20% increase) with 22 ± 4 Tg less nitrogen fertilizer used (21% reduction) and 26 ± 5 Tg less nitrogen pollution (32% reduction) to the environment for the considered base year of 2015. These changes could gain a global societal benefit of 476 ± 123 billion US dollars (USD) for food supply, human health, ecosystems and climate, with net mitigation costs of only 19 ± 5 billion USD, of which 15 ± 4 billion USD fertilizer saving offsets 44% of the gross mitigation cost. To mitigate nitrogen pollution from croplands in the future, innovative policies such as a nitrogen credit system (NCS) could be implemented to select, incentivize and, where necessary, subsidize the adoption of these measures.

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Publisher Correction: Cost-effective mitigation of nitrogen pollution from global croplands (Nature, (2023), 613, 7942, (77-84), 10.1038/s41586-022-05481-8)

2023, Gu, Baojing, Zhang, Xiuming, Lam, Shu Kee, Yu, Yingliang, van Grinsven, Hans J. M., Zhang, Shaohui, Wang, Xiaoxi, Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Wang, Sitong, Duan, Jiakun, Ren, Chenchen, Bouwman, Lex, de Vries, Wim, Xu, Jianming, Sutton, Mark A., Chen, Deli

Correction to: Nature Published online 4 January 2023