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Droplets on liquids and their long way into equilibrium

2013, Bommer, Stefan, Jachalski, Sebastian, Peschka, Dirk, Seemann, Ralf, Wagner, Barbara

The morphological paths towards equilibrium droplets during the late stages of the dewetting process of a liquid film from a liquid substrate is investigated experimentally and theoretically. As liquids, short chained polystyrene (PS) and polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) are used, which can be considered as Newontian liquids well above their glass transition temperatures. Careful imaging of the PS/air interface of the droplets during equilibration by in situ scanning force microscopy and the PS/PMMA interface after removal of the PS droplets reveal a surprisingly deep penetration of the PS droplets into the PMMA layer. Droplets of sufficiently small volumes develop the typical lens shape and were used to extract the ratio of the PS/air and PS/PMMA surface tensions and the contact angles by comparison to theoretical exact equilibrium solutions of the liquid/liquid system. Using these results in our dynamical thin-film model we find that before the droplets reach their equilibrium they undergo several intermediate stages each with a well-defined signature in shape. Moreover, the intermediate droplet shapes are independent of the details of the initial configuration, while the time scale they are reached depend strongly on the droplet volume. This is shown by the numerical solutions of the thin-film model and demonstrated by quantitative comparison to experimental results

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Structure formation in thin liquid-liquid films

2017, Bommer, Stefan, Jachalski, Sebastian, Peschka, Dirk, Seemann, Ralf, Wagner, Barbara

We revisit the problem of a liquid polymer that dewets from another liquid polymer substrate with the focus on the direct comparison of results from mathematical modeling, rigorous analysis, numerical simulation and experimental investigations of rupture, dewetting dynamics and equilibrium patterns of a thin liquid-liquid system. The experimental system uses as a model system a thin polystyrene (PS) / polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) bilayer of a few hundred nm. The polymer systems allow for in situ observation of the dewetting process by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and for a precise ex situ imaging of the liquidliquid interface. In the present study, the molecular chain length of the used polymers is chosen such that the polymers can be considered as Newtonian liquids. However, by increasing the chain length, the rheological properties of the polymers can be also tuned to a viscoelastic flow behavior. The experimental results are compared with the predictions based on the thin film models. The system parameters like contact angle and surface tensions are determined from the experiments and used for a quantitative comparison. We obtain excellent agreement for transient drop shapes on their way towards equilibrium, as well as dewetting rim profiles and dewetting dynamics.

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Liquid-liquid dewetting: Morphologies and rates

2016, Bommer, Stefan, Seemann, Ralf, Jachalski, Sebastian, Peschka, Dirk, Wagner, Barbara

The dependence of the dissipation on the local details of the flow field of a liquid polymer film dewetting from a liquid polymer substrate is shown, solving the free boundary problem for a two-layer liquid system. As a key result we show that the dewetting rates of such a liquid bi-layer system can not be described by a single power law but shows transient behaviour of the rates, changing from increasing to decreasing behaviour. The theoretical predictions on the evolution of morphology and rates of the free surfaces and free interfaces are compared to measurements of the evolution of the polystyrene(PS)-air, the polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)-air and the PS-PMMA interfaces using in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM), and they show excellent agreement.