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Porous spherical gold nanoparticles via a laser induced process

2022, Schmidl, Gabriele, Raugust, Marc, Jia, Guobin, Dellith, Andrea, Dellith, Jan, Schmidl, Frank, Plentz, Jonathan

Nanoparticles consisting of a mixture of several metals and also porous nanoparticles due to their special structure exhibit properties that find applications in spectroscopic detection or catalysis. Different approaches of top down or bottom up technologies exist for the fabrication of such particles. We present a novel combined approach for the fabrication of spherical porous gold nanoparticles on low-cost glass substrates under ambient conditions using a UV-laser induced particle preparation process with subsequent wet chemical selective etching. In this preparation route, nanometer-sized branched structures are formed in spherical particles. The laser process, which is applied to a silver/gold bilayer system with different individual layer thicknesses, generates spherical mixed particles in a nanosecond range and influences the properties of the fabricated nanoparticles, such as the size and the mixture and thus the spectral response. The subsequent etching process is performed by selective wet chemical removal of silver from the nanoparticles with diluted nitric acid. The gold to silver ratio was investigated by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The porosity depends on laser parameters and film thickness as well as on etching parameters such as time. After etching, the surface area of the remaining Au nanoparticles increases which makes these particles interesting for catalysis and also as carrier particles for substances. Such substances can be positioned at defined locations or be released in appropriate environments. Absorbance spectra are also analyzed to show how the altered fractured shape of the particles changes localized plasmon resonances of the resultingt particles.

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Biomimic Vein-Like Transparent Conducting Electrodes with Low Sheet Resistance and Metal Consumption

2020, Jia, Guobin, Plentz, Jonathan, Dellith, Andrea, Schmidt, Christa, Dellith, Jan, Schmidl, Gabriele, Andrä, Gudrun

Abstract: In this contribution, inspired by the excellent resource management and material transport function of leaf veins, the electrical transport function of metallized leaf veins is mimicked from the material transport function of the vein networks. By electroless copper plating on real leaf vein networks with copper thickness of only several hundred nanometre up to several micrometre, certain leaf veins can be converted to transparent conductive electrodes with an ultralow sheet resistance 100 times lower than that of state-of-the-art indium tin oxide thin films, combined with a broadband optical transmission of above 80% in the UV–VIS–IR range. Additionally, the resource efficiency of the vein-like electrode is characterized by the small amount of material needed to build up the networks and the low copper consumption during metallization. In particular, the high current density transport capability of the electrode of > 6000 A cm−2 was demonstrated. These superior properties of the vein-like structures inspire the design of high-performance transparent conductive electrodes without using critical materials and may significantly reduce the Ag consumption down to < 10% of the current level for mass production of solar cells and will contribute greatly to the electrode for high power density concentrator solar cells, high power density Li-ion batteries, and supercapacitors.[Figure not available: see fulltext.]. © 2020, © 2020, The Author(s).