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    Bending as Key Mechanism in the Tactile Perception of Fibrillar Surfaces
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Gedsun, Angelika; Sahli, Riad; Meng, Xing; Hensel, René; Bennewitz, Roland
    The touching of fibrillar surfaces elicits a broad range of affective reactions, which range from the adverse stinginess of a stiff bristle brush to the pleasant feel of velvet. To study the tactile perception of model fibrillar surfaces, a unique set of samples carrying dense, regular arrays of cylindrical microfibrils with high aspect ratio made from different elastomer materials have been created. Fibril length and material compliance are varied independently such that their respective influence on tactile perception can be elucidated. This work finds that the tactile perception of similarity between samples is dominated by bending of the fibrils under sliding touch. The results demonstrate that variations of material stiffness and of surface structure are not necessarily perceived independently by touch. In the case of fibrillar elastomer surfaces, it is rather the ratio of fibril length and storage modulus which determines fibril bending and becomes the dominant tactile dimension. Visual access to the sample during tactile exploration improves the tactile perception of fibril bendability. Experiments with colored samples show a distraction by color in participants’ decisions regarding tactile similarity only for yellow samples of outstanding brightness.
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    Contact Aging Enhances Adhesion of Micropatterned Silicone Adhesives to Glass Substrates
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2020) Thiemecke, Jonathan; Hensel, René
    The transfer of biological concepts into synthetic micropatterned adhesives has recently enabled a new generation of switchable, reversible handling devices. Over the last two decades, many design principles have been explored that helped to understand the underlying mechanics and to optimize such adhesives for certain applications. An aspect that has been overlooked so far is the influence of longer hold times on the adhesive contacts. Exemplarily, the pull‐off stress and work of separation of a micropatterned adhesive specimen are enhanced by factors 3 and 6, respectively, after 1000 min in contact with a glass substrate. In addition to such global measures, the increase of adhesion of all individual micropillars is analyzed. It is found that contact aging varied across the microarray, as it drastically depends on local conditions. Despite great differences on the micropillar scale, the adhesion of entire specimens increased with very similar power laws, as this is determined by the mean contact ageing of the individual structures. Overall, contact aging must be critically evaluated before using micropatterned adhesives, especially for long‐term fixations and material combinations that are chemically attractive to each other.
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    Self-Adhesive Silicone Microstructures for the Treatment of Tympanic Membrane Perforations
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Lana, Gabriela Moreira; Sorg, Katharina; Wenzel, Gentiana Ioana; Hecker, Dietmar; Hensel, René; Schick, Bernhard; Kruttwig, Klaus; Arzt, Eduard
    Inspired by the gecko foot, polymeric microstructures have demonstrated reliable dry adhesion to both stiff objects and sensitive surfaces such as skin. Microstructured silicone patches are proposed, herein, for the treatment of tympanic membrane perforations with the aim of serving as an alternative for current surgical procedures that require anesthesia and ear canal packing. Sylgard 184 PDMS micropillars of 20 μm in diameter and 60 μm in length are topped by a Soft Skin Adhesive (SSA) MG7-1010 terminal layer, of about 25 μm thickness. The adhesion is evaluated by specially designed tack tests against explanted murine eardrums and, for comparison, against a rigid substrate. Functional effects are evaluated using auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) and distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE). The adhesion strength of the microstructure and unstructured controls to explanted murine tympanic membranes is comparable (typically 12 kPa), but the microstructured patches are easier to handle by the surgeon. For the first time, partial recovery of hearing performance is measured immediately after patch application. The novel patches adhere without the need for further fixation, removing the need for ear canal packing. The proposed material design holds great promise for improving clinical treatments of tympanic membrane perforations.
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    Breakdown of continuum models for spherical probe adhesion tests on micropatterned surfaces
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2021) Bettscheider, Simon; Yu, Dan; Foster, Kimberly; McMeeking, Robert; Arzt, Eduard; Hensel, René; Booth, Jamie A.
    The adhesion of fibrillar dry adhesives, mimicking nature's principles of contact splitting, is commonly characterized by using axisymmetric probes having either a flat punch or spherical geometry. When using spherical probes, the adhesive pull-off force measured depends strongly on the compressive preload applied when making contact and on the geometry of the probe. Together, these effects complicate comparisons of the adhesive performance of micropatterned surfaces measured in different experiments. In this work we explore these issues, extending previous theoretical treatments of this problem by considering a fully compliant backing layer with an array of discrete elastic fibrils on its surface. We compare the results of the semi-analytical model presented to existing continuum theories, particularly with respect to determining a measurement system- and procedure-independent metric for the local adhesive strength of the fibrils from the global pull-off force. It is found that the discrete nature of the interface plays a dominant role across a broad range of relevant system parameters. Accordingly, a convenient tool for simulation of a discrete array is provided. An experimental procedure is recommended for use in conjunction with this tool in order to extract a value for the local adhesive strength of the fibrils, which is independent of the other system properties (probe radius, backing layer thickness, and preload) and thus is suitable for comparison across experimental studies.
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    Effect of Subsurface Microstructures on Adhesion of Highly Confined Elastic Films
    (New York, NY : ASME, 2021) Samri, Manar; Kossa, Attila; Hensel, René
    Polymer adhesive films sandwiched between two rigid solids are a common bonding strategy. The mechanics and consequently the adhesion of such geometrically confined films depend mainly on their thickness, Young's modulus, and the Poisson's ratio of the material. In this work, we explore the effect of a micropatterned subsurface embedded into the adhesive layer. We compare experiments with three-dimensional numerical simulations to evaluate the impact of the microstructure on the contact stiffness and effective modulus. The results are used to extend a previously proposed size scaling argument on adhesion from incompressible to slightly compressible films to account for the silicone used in our study with a Poisson's ratio of 0.495. In addition, interfacial stress distributions between the elastic film and the glass disc are obtained from plane strain simulations to evaluate characteristic adhesion failures such as edge cracks and cavitation. Overall, the micropatterned subsurface has a large impact on the contact stiffness, the interfacial stress distribution, and the detachment behavior; however, the adhesion performance is only slightly improved in comparison to a non-patterned subsurface.
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    A Design Strategy for Mushroom-Shaped Microfibrils With Optimized Dry Adhesion: Experiments and Finite Element Analyses
    (New York, NY : ASME, 2021) Zhang, Xuan; Wang, Yue; Hensel, René; Arzt, Eduard
    Enhanced dry adhesion of micropatterned polymeric surfaces has been frequently demonstrated. Among the design parameters, the cap geometry plays an important role to improve their performance. In this study, we combined experiments on single polyurethane mushroom-shaped fibrils (with a stalk diameter of 80 µm and height of 125 µm) against flat glass, with numerical simulations implementing a cohesive zone. We found that the geometry of the mushroom cap strongly affects the interfacial crack behavior and the pull-off stress. The experimental and numerical results suggest that optimal adhesion was accompanied by the appearance of both edge and interior interfacial cracks during separation. Finite elemental analyses revealed the evolution of the interfacial stress distributions as a function of the cap thickness and confirmed the distinct detachment mechanisms. Furthermore, the effect of the stalk diameter and the Young's modulus on the adhesive force was established, resulting in an optimal design for mushroom-shaped fibrils.
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    Elastohydrodynamic Dewetting of Thin Liquid Films: Elucidating Underwater Adhesion of Topographically Patterned Surfaces
    (Washington, D.C. : American Chemical Society, 2020) Chudak, Maciej; Chopra, Vaishali; Hensel, René; Darhuber, Anton A.
    In underwater adhesion of a topographically patterned surface with a very soft material such as human skin, the elastic deformation can be large enough to achieve solid-on-solid contact not only on top of the hills but also in the valleys of the substrate topography. In this context, we have studied the dynamics of dewetting of a thin liquid film confined between a rigid, periodic micropillar array and a soft, elastic sphere. In our experiments, we observed two very distinct dewetting morphologies. For large ratios of array period to micropillar height and width, the dewetted areas tend to have a diamond-like shape and expand with a rate similar to a flat, unpatterned substrate. When the array period is reduced, the morphology of the dry spot becomes irregular and its expansion rate is significantly reduced. We developed a fully coupled numerical model of the dewetting process that reproduces the key features observed in experiments. Moreover, we performed contact mechanics simulations to characterize the deformation of the elastomer and the shape of the dewetted area in a unit cell of the micropillar array.
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    Perspective on statistical effects in the adhesion of micropatterned surfaces
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2021) Booth, Jamie A.; Hensel, René
    Bioinspired micropatterned adhesives have attracted extensive research interest in the past two decades. In modeling the performance of these adhesives, the common assumption has been that the adhesive strength of each sub-contact is identical. Recent experiments, however, have shown that interfacial defects of different characters lead to a distribution of the adhesive strength within a fibrillar array. Based on experimental observations of detachment events, a statistical model for the distribution of the local adhesive strength and the resulting performance of a micropatterned adhesive are presented. This approach constitutes a paradigm shift, providing better understanding of micropatterned adhesives under real conditions. Examples presented include the prediction of unstable detachments in compliant systems. Future directions are discussed, including the extension of the statistical approach to non-uniform loading and rate-dependent effects, the contribution of suction to adhesion and aging of contacts over specific time periods, as well as the necessity for a more in-depth understanding of defect formation considering surface roughness and other imperfections in the system.
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    Preventing Catastrophic Failure of Microfibrillar Adhesives in Compliant Systems Based on Statistical Analysis of Adhesive Strength
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2021) Hensel, René; Thiemecke, Jonathan; Booth, Jamie A.
    Adhesives based on fibrillar surface microstructures have shown great potential for handling applications requiring strong, reversible, and switchable adhesion. Recently, the importance of the statistical distribution of adhesive strength of individual fibrils in controlling the overall performance was revealed. Strength variations physically correspond to different interfacial defect sizes, which, among other factors, are related to surface roughness. For analysis of the strength distribution, Weibull's statistical theory of fracture was introduced. In this study, the importance of the statistical properties in controlling the stability of attachment is explored. Considering the compliance of the loading system, we develop a stability criterion based on the Weibull statistical parameters. It is shown that when the distribution in fibril adhesive strength is narrow, the global strength is higher but unstable detachment is more likely. Experimental variation of the loading system compliance for a specimen of differing statistical properties shows a transition to unstable detachment at low system stiffness, in good agreement with the theoretical stability map. This map serves to inform the design of gripper compliance, when coupled with statistical analysis of strength on the target surface of interest. Such a treatment could prevent catastrophic failure by spontaneous detachment of an object from an adhesive gripper. © 2021 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.
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    Switchable Underwater Adhesion by Deformable Cupped Microstructures
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Wang, Yue; Kang, Victor; Federle, Walter; Arzt, Eduard; Hensel, René
    Switchable underwater adhesion can be useful for numerous applications, but is extremely challenging due to the presence of water at the contact interface. Here, deformable cupped microstructures (diameter typically 100 µm, rim thickness 5 µm) are reported that can switch between high (≈1 MPa) and low (<0.2 MPa) adhesion strength by adjusting the retraction velocity from 100 to 0.1 µm s–1. The velocity at which the switch occurs is determined by specific design parameters of the cupped microstructure, such as the cup width and angle. The results are compared with theoretical estimates of water penetration into the contact zone and expansion of the cup during retraction. This work paves the way for controlling wet adhesion on demand and may inspire further applications in smart adhesives.