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    Influences of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic plume on air quality in the northern Alpine region
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2011) Schäfer, K.; Thomas, W.; Peters, A.; Ries, L.; Obleitner, F.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Birmili, W.; Diemer, J.; Fricke, W.; Junkermann, W.; Pitz, M.; Emeis, S.; Forkel, R.; Suppan, P.; Flentje, H.; Gilge, S.; Wichmann, H.E.; Meinhardt, F.; Zimmermann, R.; Weinhold, K.; Soentgen, J.; Münkel, C.; Freuer, C.; Cyrys, J.
    A series of major eruptions of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland started on 14 April 2010 and continued until the end of May 2010. The volcanic emissions moved over nearly the whole of Europe and were observed first on 16 April 2010 in Southern Germany with different remote sensing systems from the ground and space. Enhanced PM10 and SO2 concentrations were detected on 17 April at mountain stations (Zugspitze/Schneefernerhaus and Schauinsland) as well as in Innsbruck by in situ measurement devices. On 19 April intensive vertical mixing and advection along with clear-sky conditions facilitated the entrainment of volcanic material down to the ground. The subsequent formation of a stably stratified lower atmosphere with limited mixing near the ground during the evening of 19 April led to an additional enhancement of near-surface particle concentrations. Consequently, on 19 April and 20 April exceedances of the daily threshold value for particulate matter (PM10) were reported at nearly all monitoring stations of the North Alpine foothills as well as at mountain and valley stations in the northern Alps. The chemical analyses of ambient PM10 at monitoring stations of the North Alpine foothills yielded elevated Titanium concentrations on 19/20 April which prove the presence of volcanic plume material. Following this result the PM10 threshold exceedances are also associated with the volcanic plume. The entrainment of the volcanic plume material mainly affected the concentrations of coarse particles (>1 μm) – interpreted as volcanic ash – and ultrafine particles (<100 nm), while the concentrations of accumulation mode aerosol (0.1–1 μm) were not changed significantly. With regard to the occurrence of ultrafine particles, it is concluded that their formation was triggered by high sulphuric acid concentrations which are necessarily generated by the photochemical processes in a plume rich in sulphur dioxide under high solar irradiance. It became evident that during the course of several days, the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic emissions influenced the near-surface atmosphere and thus the ambient air quality. Although the volcanic plume contributed to the overall exposure of the population of the northern Alpine region on two days, only minor effects on the exacerbation of respiratory and cardiovascular symptoms can be expected.
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    Influence of clouds on the spectral actinic flux density in the lower troposphere (INSPECTRO): Overview of the field campaigns
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2008) Thiel, S.; Ammannato, L.; Bais, A.; Bandy, B.; Blumthaler, M.; Bohn, B.; Engelsen, O.; Gobbi, G.P.; Gröbner, J.; Jäkel, E.; Junkermann, W.; Kazadzis, S.; Kift, R.; Kjeldstad, B.; Kouremeti, N.; Kylling, A.; Mayer, B.; Monks, P.S.; Reeves, C.E.; Schallhart, B.; Scheirer, R.; Schmidt, S.; Schmitt, R; Schreder, J.; Silbernagl, R.; Topaloglou, C.; Thorseth, T.M.; Webb, A.R.; Wendisch, M.; Werle, P.
    Ultraviolet radiation is the key factor driving tropospheric photochemistry. It is strongly modulated by clouds and aerosols. A quantitative understanding of the radiation field and its effect on photochemistry is thus only possible with a detailed knowledge of the interaction between clouds and radiation. The overall objective of the project INSPECTRO was the characterization of the three-dimensional actinic radiation field under cloudy conditions. This was achieved during two measurement campaigns in Norfolk (East Anglia, UK) and Lower Bavaria (Germany) combining space-based, aircraft and ground-based measurements as well as simulations with the one-dimensional radiation transfer model UVSPEC and the three-dimensional radiation transfer model MYSTIC. During both campaigns the spectral actinic flux density was measured at several locations at ground level and in the air by up to four different aircraft. This allows the comparison of measured and simulated actinic radiation profiles. In addition satellite data were used to complete the information of the three dimensional input data set for the simulation. A three-dimensional simulation of actinic flux density data under cloudy sky conditions requires a realistic simulation of the cloud field to be used as an input for the 3-D radiation transfer model calculations. Two different approaches were applied, to derive high- and low-resolution data sets, with a grid resolution of about 100 m and 1 km, respectively. The results of the measured and simulated radiation profiles as well as the results of the ground based measurements are presented in terms of photolysis rate profiles for ozone and nitrogen dioxide. During both campaigns all spectroradiometer systems agreed within ±10% if mandatory corrections e.g. stray light correction were applied. Stability changes of the systems were below 5% over the 4 week campaign periods and negligible over a few days. The J(O1D) data of the single monochromator systems can be evaluated for zenith angles less than 70°, which was satisfied by nearly all airborne measurements during both campaigns. The comparison of the airborne measurements with corresponding simulations is presented for the total, downward and upward flux during selected clear sky periods of both campaigns. The compliance between the measured (from three aircraft) and simulated downward and total flux profiles lies in the range of ±15%.
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    Spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere: Measurement and 1-D simulations for cloudless, broken cloud and overcast situations
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2005) Kylling, A.; Webb, A.R.; Kift, R.; Gobbi, G.P.; Ammannato, L.; Barnaba, F.; Bais, A.; Kazadzis, S.; Wendisch, M.; Jäkel, E.; Schmidt, S.; Kniffka, A.; Thiel, S.; Junkermann, W.; Blumthaler, M.; Silbernagl, R.; Schallhart, B.; Schmitt, R.; Kjeldstad, B.; Thorseth, T.M.; Scheirer, R.; Mayer, B.
    In September 2002, the first INSPECTRO campaign to study the influence of clouds on the spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere was carried out in East Anglia, England. Measurements of the actinic flux, the irradiance and aerosol and cloud properties were made from four ground stations and by aircraft. The radiation measurements were modelled using the uvspec model and ancillary data. For cloudless conditions, the measurements of the actinic flux were reproduced by 1-D radiative transfer modelling within the measurement and model uncertainties of about ±10%. For overcast days, the ground-based and aircraft radiation measurements and the cloud microphysical property measurements are consistent within the framework of 1-D radiative transfer and within experimental uncertainties. Furthermore, the actinic flux is increased by between 60-100% above the cloud when compared to a cloudless sky, with the largest increase for the optically thickest cloud. Correspondingly, the below cloud actinic flux is decreased by about 55-65%. Just below the cloud top, the downwelling actinic flux has a maximum that is seen in both the measurements and the model results. For broken clouds the traditional cloud fraction approximation is not able to simultaneously reproduce the measured above-cloud enhancement and below-cloud reduction in the actinic flux.
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    Technical Note: Intercomparison of formaldehyde measurements at the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2008) Wisthaler, A.; Apel, E.C.; Bossmeyer, J.; Hansel, A.; Junkermann, W.; Koppmann, R.; Meier, R.; Müller, K.; Solomon, S.J.; Steinbrecher, R.; Tillmann, R.; Brauers, T.
    The atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR at the Research Centre Jülich was used to test the suitability of state-of-the-art analytical instruments for the measurement of gas-phase formaldehyde (HCHO) in air. Five analyzers based on four different sensing principles were deployed: a differential optical absorption spectrometer (DOAS), cartridges for 2,4-dinitro\-phenyl\-hydrazine (DNPH) derivatization followed by off-line high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis, two different types of commercially available wet chemical sensors based on Hantzsch fluorimetry, and a proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS). A new optimized mode of operation was used for the PTR-MS instrument which significantly enhanced its performance for online HCHO detection at low absolute humidities. The instruments were challenged with typical ambient levels of HCHO ranging from zero to several ppb. Synthetic air of high purity and particulate-filtered ambient air were used as sample matrices in the atmosphere simulation chamber onto which HCHO was spiked under varying levels of humidity and ozone. Measurements were compared to mixing ratios calculated from the chamber volume and the known amount of HCHO injected into the chamber; measurements were also compared between the different instruments. The formal and blind intercomparison exercise was conducted under the control of an independent referee. A number of analytical problems associated with the experimental set-up and with individual instruments were identified, the overall agreement between the methods was fair.