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    The Impact of AlN Templates on Strain Relaxation Mechanisms during the MOVPE Growth of UVB-LED Structures
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Knauer, Arne; Mogilatenko, Anna; Weinrich, Jonas; Hagedorn, Sylvia; Walde, Sebastian; Kolbe, Tim; Cancellara, Leonardo; Weyers, Markus
    Strain relaxation mechanisms in AlGaN based light emitting diodes emitting in the ultraviolet B spectral range (UVB-LEDs) grown on different AlN/sapphire templates are analyzed by combining in situ reflectivity and curvature data with transmission electron microscopy. In particular, the impact of dislocation density, surface morphology, and lattice constant of the AlN/sapphire templates is studied. For nonannealed AlN/templates with threading dislocation densities (TDDs) of 4 × 109 and 3 × 109 cm−2 and different surface morphologies strain relaxation takes place mostly by conventional ways, such as inclination of threading dislocation lines and formation of horizontal dislocation bands. In contrast, a TDD reduction down to 1 × 109 cm−2 as well as a reduction of the lattice constant of high temperature annealed AlN template leads to drastic changes in the structure of subsequently grown AlGaN layers, e.g., to transformation to helical dislocations and enhanced surface enlargement by formation of macrofacets. For the growth of strongly compressively strained AlGaN layers for UVB-LEDs the relaxation mechanism is strongly influenced by the absolute values of TDD and the lattice constant of the AlN templates and is less influenced by their surface morphology.
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    Improved Efficiency of Ultraviolet B Light-Emitting Diodes with Optimized p-Side
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Kolbe, Tim; Knauer, Arne; Rass, Jens; Cho, Hyun Kyong; Mogilatenko, Anna; Hagedorn, Sylvia; Lobo Ploch, Neysha; Einfeldt, Sven; Weyers, Markus
    The effects of design and thicknesses of different optically transparent p-current spreading layers [short-period superlattice, superlattice (SL), and bulk p- (Formula presented.)] as well as the type and thickness of the p-GaN cap layer on the electrical and optical characteristics of 310 nm ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are investigated. Scanning transmission electron microscopy measurements display self-organized composition variations in the nonpseudomorphically grown SLs, reducing the effect of increased hole injection efficiency of a SL. In addition, the effect leads to an increased operation voltage. In contrast, the bulk p-AlGaN layer has a uniform composition and the corresponding LEDs show only a slightly lower output power along with a lower operating voltage. If the thickness of the p-AlGaN bulk layer in the LED is reduced from 150 nm to 50 nm, the output power increases and the operating voltage decreases. Finally, LEDs with a nonuniform (Formula presented.) -GaN cap layer from a 3D island-like growth mode feature the highest output power and operating voltage. In contrast, the output power and operating voltage of LEDs with a smooth and closed cap depend on the thickness of (Formula presented.) -GaN. The highest output power and lowest operating voltage are achieved for LEDs with the thinnest (Formula presented.) -GaN cap. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH