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Nanostructuring of Fused Silica Assisted by Laser-shaped Metal Triangles Using a Nanosecond Laser

2016, Lorenz, Pierre, Grüner, Christoph, Ehrhardt, Martin, Bayer, Lukas, Zimmer, Klaus

Self-organized processes are of special interest for the laser-induced nanostructuring of surfaces. In this study we combined two self-organized processes: the microsphere lithography and the molten phase transformation for the nanostructuring of dielectrics. A fused silica substrate was covered with periodically ordered polystyrene (PS) spheres and the system was subsequently covered with 30 nm chromium. Afterwards the PS spheres were removed and the bare and resultant periodic Cr triangles were irradiated in two steps using a KrF excimer laser. First step: A low laser fluence treatment results in a melting and shape transformation of the triangles. Second step: A high laser fluence treatment of the pre-treated surface results in a nanostructuring of the dielectric surface (and removal of the metal). The surface topography was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, the different steps were simulated and compared with the experimental results.

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Shock-wave-induced Thin-film Delamination (SWIFD): A Non-thermal Structuring Method of Functional Layers

2016, Lorenz, Pierre, Ehrhardt, Martin, Bayer, Lukas, Zimmer, Klaus

The laser structuring of thermally sensitive functional layers is a challenge for laser methods. However, already ultrashort laser pulses can induce thermal modifications. The spatial separation of the laser pulse absorption from the functional layer removal process allows a non-thermal structuring process. Therefore, the rear side of the substrate is irradiated and the following laser ablation process induces a transverse shock wave through the substrate. Finally, the interaction of the shock wave with the substrate/functional layer interface results in a delamination of the functional layer. This shock-wave-induced thin-film delamination (SWIFD) method was tested on a layer system (1.5 μm thick epoxy-based negative photoresist SU 8, 250 nm–1 μm chromium layer) on a 25 μm polyimide flexible substrate where the influence of the systematic variation of the thickness of the metallic intermediate layer on the delamination process was studied. The resultant surface morphology was analyzed by optical microscopy as well as by white light interferometry (WLI).