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    A gradient system with a wiggly energy and relaxed EDP-convergence
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2017) Dondl, Patrick; Frenzel, Thomas; Mielke, Alexander
    If gradient systems depend on a microstructure, we want to derive a macroscopic gradient structure describing the effective behavior of the microscopic system. We introduce a notion of evolutionary Gamma-convergence that relates the microscopic energy and the microscopic dissipation potential with their macroscopic limits via Gammaconvergence. We call this notion relaxed EDP-convergence since the special structure of the dissipation functional may not be preserved under Gamma-convergence. However, by investigating the kinetic relation we derive the macroscopic dissipation potential.
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    Coarse-graining via EDP-convergence for linear fast-slow reaction systems
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2019) Mielke, Alexander; Stephan, Artur
    We consider linear reaction systems with slow and fast reactions, which can be interpreted as master equations or Kolmogorov forward equations for Markov processes on a finite state space. We investigate their limit behavior if the fast reaction rates tend to infinity, which leads to a coarse-grained model where the fast reactions create microscopically equilibrated clusters, while the exchange mass between the clusters occurs on the slow time scale. Assuming detailed balance the reaction system can be written as a gradient flow with respect to the relative entropy. Focusing on the physically relevant cosh-type gradient structure we show how an effective limit gradient structure can be rigorously derived and that the coarse-grained equation again has a cosh-type gradient structure. We obtain the strongest version of convergence in the sense of the Energy-Dissipation Principle (EDP), namely EDP-convergence with tilting.