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    In-Gel Direct Laser Writing for 3D-Designed Hydrogel Composites That Undergo Complex Self-Shaping
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2017) Nishiguchi, Akihiro; Mourran, Ahmed; Zhang, Hang; Möller, Martin
    Self-shaping and actuating materials inspired by biological system have enormous potential for biosensor, microrobotics, and optics. However, the control of 3D-complex microactuation is still challenging due to the difficulty in design of nonuniform internal stress of micro/nanostructures. Here, we develop in-gel direct laser writing (in-gel DLW) procedure offering a high resolution inscription whereby the two materials, resin and hydrogel, are interpenetrated on a scale smaller than the wavelength of the light. The 3D position and mechanical properties of the inscribed structures could be tailored to a resolution better than 100 nm over a wide density range. These provide an unparalleled means of inscribing a freely suspended microstructures of a second material like a skeleton into the hydrogel body and also to direct isotropic volume changes to bending and distortion motions. In the combination with a thermosensitive hydrogel rather small temperature variations could actuate large amplitude motions. This generates complex modes of motion through the rational engineering of the stresses present in the multicomponent material. More sophisticated folding design would realize a multiple, programmable actuation of soft materials. This method inspired by biological system may offer the possibility for functional soft materials capable of biomimetic actuation and photonic crystal application.
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    Cubosomes from hierarchical self-assembly of poly(ionic liquid) block copolymers
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2017) He, Hongkun; Rahimi, Khosrow; Zhong, Mingjiang; Mourran, Ahmed; Luebke, David R.; Nulwala, Hunaid B.; Möller, Martin; Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof
    Cubosomes are micro- and nanoparticles with a bicontinuous cubic two-phase structure, reported for the self-assembly of low molecular weight surfactants, for example, lipids, but rarely formed by polymers. These objects are characterized by a maximum continuous interface and high interface to volume ratio, which makes them promising candidates for efficient adsorbents and host-guest applications. Here we demonstrate self-assembly to nanoscale cuboidal particles with a bicontinuous cubic structure by amphiphilic poly(ionic liquid) diblock copolymers, poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(4-vinylbenzyl)-3-butyl imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, in a mixture of tetrahydrofuran and water under optimized conditions. Structure determining parameters include polymer composition and concentration, temperature, and the variation of the solvent mixture. The formation of the cubosomes can be explained by the hierarchical interactions of the constituent components. The lattice structure of the block copolymers can be transferred to the shape of the particle as it is common for atomic and molecular faceted crystals.
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    Cellular responses to beating hydrogels to investigate mechanotransduction
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2019) Chandorkar, Yashoda; Castro Nava, Arturo; Schweizerhof, Sjören; Van Dongen, Marcel; Haraszti, Tamás; Köhler, Jens; Zhang, Hang; Windoffer, Reinhard; Mourran, Ahmed; Möller, Martin; De Laporte, Laura
    Cells feel the forces exerted on them by the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM) environment and respond to them. While many cell fate processes are dictated by these forces, which are highly synchronized in space and time, abnormal force transduction is implicated in the progression of many diseases (muscular dystrophy, cancer). However, material platforms that enable transient, cyclic forces in vitro to recreate an in vivo-like scenario remain a challenge. Here, we report a hydrogel system that rapidly beats (actuates) with spatio-temporal control using a near infra-red light trigger. Small, user-defined mechanical forces (~nN) are exerted on cells growing on the hydrogel surface at frequencies up to 10 Hz, revealing insights into the effect of actuation on cell migration and the kinetics of reversible nuclear translocation of the mechanosensor protein myocardin related transcription factor A, depending on the actuation amplitude, duration and frequency.