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The Localization Behavior of Different CNTs in PC/SAN Blends Containing a Reactive Component

2021-3-1, Gültner, Marén, Boldt, Regine, Formanek, Petr, Fischer, Dieter, Simon, Frank, Pötschke, Petra

Co-continuous blend systems of polycarbonate (PC), poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) (SAN), commercial non-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) or various types of commercial and laboratory functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), and a reactive component (RC, N-phenylmaleimide styrene maleic anhydride copolymer) were melt compounded in one step in a microcompounder. The blend system is immiscible, while the RC is miscible with SAN and contains maleic anhydride groups that have the potential to reactively couple with functional groups on the surface of the nanotubes. The influence of the RC on the localization of MWCNTs and SWCNTs (0.5 wt.%) was investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy-filtered TEM. In PC/SAN blends without RC, MWCNTs are localized in the PC component. In contrast, in PC/SAN-RC, the MWCNTs localize in the SAN-RC component, depending on the RC concentration. By adjusting the MWCNT/RC ratio, the localization of the MWCNTs can be tuned. The SWCNTs behave differently compared to the MWCNTs in PC/SAN-RC blends and their localization occurs either only in the PC or in both blend components, depending on the type of the SWCNTs. CNT defect concentration and surface functionalities seem to be responsible for the localization differences.

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Blend Structure and n-Type Thermoelectric Performance of PA6/SAN and PA6/PMMA Blends Filled with Singlewalled Carbon Nanotubes

2021-4-28, Krause, Beate, Liguoro, Alice, Pötschke, Petra

The present study investigates how the formation of melt-mixed immiscible blends based on PA6/SAN and PA6/PMMA filled with single walled nanotubes (SWCNTs) affects the thermoelectric (TE) properties. In addition to the detailed investigation of the blend morphology with compositions between 100/0 wt.% and 50/50 wt.%, the thermoelectric properties are investigated on blends with different SWCNT concentrations (0.25–3.0 wt.%). Both PA6 and the blend composites with the used type of SWCNTs showed negative Seebeck coefficients. It was shown that the PA6 matrix polymer, in which the SWCNTs are localized, mainly influenced the thermoelectric properties of blends with high SWCNT contents. By varying the blend composition, an increase in the absolute Seebeck coefficient, power factor (PF), and figure of merit (ZT) was achieved compared to the PA6 composite which is mainly related to the selective localization and enrichment of SWCNTs in the PA6 matrix at constant SWCNT loading. The maximum PFs achieved were 0.22 µW/m·K2 for PA6/SAN/SWCNT 70/30/3 wt.% and 0.13 µW/m·K2 for PA6/PMMA/SWCNT 60/40/3 wt.% compared to 0.09 µW/m·K2 for PA6/3 wt.% SWCNT which represent increases to 244% and 144%, respectively. At higher PMMA or SAN concentration, the change from matrix-droplet to a co-continuous morphology started, which, despite higher SWCNT enrichment in the PA6 matrix, disturbed the electrical conductivity, resulting in reduced PFs with still increasing Seebeck coefficients. At SWCNT contents between 0.5 and 3 wt.% the increase in the absolute Seebeck coefficient was compensated by lower electrical conductivity resulting in lower PF and ZT as compared to the PA6 composites.

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Nanocomposites with p-and n-type conductivity controlled by type and content of nanotubes in thermosets for thermoelectric applications

2020, Kröning, Katharina, Krause, Beate, Pötschke, Petra, Fiedler, Bodo

In this work, composites based on epoxy resin and various carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were studied regarding their thermoelectric properties. The epoxy composites were prepared by infiltration of preformed CNT buckypapers. The influence of different types of CNTs on the Seebeck coefficient was investigated, namely lab-made and commercially available multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), lab-made nitrogen doped MWCNTs (N-MWCNT) and commercially available single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). It was found that only by varying the lab-made MWCNT content could both n-and p-type composites be produced with Seebeck coefficients between -9.5 and 3.1 µV/K. The incorporation of N-MWCNTs resulted in negative Seebeck coefficients of -11.4 to -17.4 µV/K. Thus, the Seebeck coefficient of pure SWCNT changed from 37.4 to -25.5 µV/K in the epoxy/1 wt. % SWCNT composite. A possible explanation for the shift in the Seebeck coefficient is the change of the CNTs Fermi level depending on the number of epoxy molecules on the CNT surface. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.