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    Thermodynamics of multiphase problems in viscoelasticity
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2011) Paoli, Laetitia; Petrov, Adrien
    This paper deals with a three-dimensional mixture model describing materials undergoing phase transition with thermal expansion. The problem is formulated within the framework of generalized standard solids by the coupling of the momentum equilibrium equation and the flow rule with the heat transfer equation. A global solution for this thermodynamically consistent problem is obtained by using a fixed-point argument combined with global energy estimates.
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    Global existence result for phase transformations with heat transfer in shape memory alloys : dedicated to 75th birthday of K. Gröger
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2011) Paoli, Laetitia; Petrov, Adrien; Gröger, K.
    We consider three-dimensional models for rate-independent processes describing materials undergoing phase transformations with heat transfer. The problem is formulated within the framework of generalized standard solids by the coupling of the momentum equilibrium equation and the flow rule with the heat transfer equation. Under appropriate regularity assumptions on the initial data, we prove the existence a global solution for this thermodynamically consistent system, by using a fixed-point argument combined with global energy estimates.
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    Global existence result for thermoviscoelastic problems with hysteresis : dedicated to the memory of M. Schatzman
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2011) Paoli, Laetitia; Petrov, Adrien; Schatzman, M.
    We consider viscoelastic solids undergoing thermal expansion and exhibiting hysteresis effects due to plasticity or phase transformations. Within the framework of generalized standard solids, the problem is described in a 3D setting by the momentum equilibrium equation, the flow rule describing the dependence of the stress on the strain history, and the heat transfer equation. Under appropriate regularity assumptions on the data, a local existence result for this thermodynamically consistent system is established, by combining existence results for ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces with a fixed-point argument. Then global estimates are obtained by using both the classical energy estimate and more specific techniques for the heat equation introduced by Boccardo and Gallouet. Finally a global existence result is derived.
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    Existence result for a class of generalized standard materials with thermomechanical coupling
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2011) Paoli, Laetitia; Petrov, Adrien
    This paper deals with the study of a three-dimensional model of thermomechanical coupling for viscous solids exhibiting hysteresis effects. This model is written in accordance with the formalism of generalized standard materials. It is composed by the momentum equilibrium equation combined with the flow rule, which describes some stress-strain dependance, and the heat-transfer equation. An existence result for this thermodynamically consistent problem is obtained by using a fixed-point argument and some qualitative properties of the solutions are established.
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    On the numerical approximation of a viscoelastodynamic problem with unilateral constraints
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2010) Petrov, Adrien; Martins, J.A.C.
    The present work is dedicated to the study of numerical schemes for a viscoelastic bar vibrating longitudinally and having its motion limited by rigid obstacles at the both ends. Finite elements and finite difference schemes are presented and their convergence is proved. Finally, some numerical examples are reported and analyzed.