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Counterfeit and substandard test of the antimalarial tablet Riamet® by means of Raman hyperspectral multicomponent analysis

2019, Frosch, Timea, Wyrwich, Elisabeth, Yan, Di, Domes, Christian, Domes, Robert, Popp, Jürgen, Frosch, Torsten

The fight against counterfeit pharmaceuticals is a global issue of utmost importance, as failed medication results in millions of deaths every year. Particularly affected are antimalarial tablets. A very important issue is the identification of substandard tablets that do not contain the nominal amounts of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), and the differentiation between genuine products and products without any active ingredient or with a false active ingredient. This work presents a novel approach based on fiber-array based Raman hyperspectral imaging to qualify and quantify the antimalarial APIs lumefantrine and artemether directly and non-invasively in a tablet in a time-efficient way. The investigations were carried out with the antimalarial tablet Riamet® and self-made model tablets, which were used as examples of counterfeits and substandard. Partial least-squares regression modeling and density functional theory calculations were carried out for quantification of lumefantrine and artemether and for spectral band assignment. The most prominent differentiating vibrational signatures of the APIs were presented.

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Modified PCA and PLS: Towards a better classification in Raman spectroscopy–based biological applications

2020, Guo, Shuxia, Rösch, Petra, Popp, Jürgen, Bocklitz, Thomas

Raman spectra of biological samples often exhibit variations originating from changes of spectrometers, measurement conditions, and cultivation conditions. Such unwanted variations make a classification extremely challenging, especially if they are more significant compared with the differences between groups to be separated. A classifier is prone to such unwanted variations (ie, intragroup variations) and can fail to learn the patterns that can help separate different groups (ie, intergroup differences). This often leads to a poor generalization performance and a degraded transferability of the trained model. A natural solution is to separate the intragroup variations from the intergroup differences and build the classifier based on merely the latter information, for example, by a well-designed feature extraction. This forms the idea of this contribution. Herein, we modified two commonly applied feature extraction approaches, principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS), in order to extract merely the features representing the intergroup differences. Both of the methods were verified with two Raman spectral datasets measured from bacterial cultures and colon tissues of mice, respectively. In comparison to ordinary PCA and PLS, the modified PCA was able to improve the prediction on the testing data that bears significant difference to the training data, while the modified PLS could help avoid overfitting and lead to a more stable classification. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Chemometrics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd