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    An epidemic CC1-MRSA-IV clone yields false-negative test results in molecular MRSA identification assays: a note of caution, Austria, Germany, Ireland, 2020
    (Stockholm : European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2020) Monecke, Stefan; König, Elisabeth; Earls, Megan R.; Leitner, Eva; Müller, Elke; Wagner, Gabriel E.; Poitz, David M.; Jatzwauk, Lutz; Vremerǎ, Teodora; Dorneanu, Olivia S.; Simbeck, Alexandra; Ambrosch, Andreas; Zollner-Schwetz, Ines; Krause, Robert; Ruppitsch, Werner; Schneider-Brachert, Wulf; Coleman, David C.; Steinmetz, Ivo; Ehricht, Ralf
    We investigated why a clinical meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolate yielded false-negative results with some commercial PCR tests for MRSA detection. We found that an epidemic European CC1-MRSA-IV clone generally exhibits this behaviour. The failure of the assays was attributable to a large insertion in the orfX/SCCmec integration site. To ensure the reliability of molecular MRSA tests, it is vital to monitor emergence of new SCCmec types and junction sites.
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    Characterization of antibiotic and biocide resistance genes and virulence factors of staphylococcus species associated with bovine mastitis in Rwanda
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2020) Antók, Fruzsina Irén; Mayrhofer, Rosa; Marbach, Helene; Masengesho, Jean Claude; Keinprecht, Helga; Nyirimbuga, Vedaste; Fischer, Otto; Lepuschitz, Sarah; Ruppitsch, Werner; Ehling-Schulz, Monika; Feßler, Andrea T.; Schwarz, Stefan; Monecke, Stefan; Ehricht, Ralf; Grunert, Tom; Spergser, Joachim; Loncaric, Igor
    The present study was conducted from July to August 2018 on milk samples taken at dairy farms in the Northern Province and Kigali District of Rwanda in order to identify Staphylococcus spp. associated with bovine intramammary infection. A total of 161 staphylococcal isolates originating from quarter milk samples of 112 crossbred dairy cattle were included in the study. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed and isolates were examined for the presence of various resistance genes. Staphylococcus aureus isolates were also analyzed for the presence of virulence factors, genotyped by spa typing and further phenotypically subtyped for capsule expression using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Selected S. aureus were characterized using DNA microarray technology, multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) and whole-genome sequencing. All mecA-positive staphylococci were further genotyped using dru typing. In total, 14 different staphylococcal species were detected, with S. aureus being most prevalent (26.7%), followed by S. xylosus (22.4%) and S. haemolyticus (14.9%). A high number of isolates was resistant to penicillin and tetracycline. Various antimicrobial and biocide resistance genes were detected. Among S. aureus, the Panton–Valentine leukocidin (PVL) genes, as well as bovine leukocidin (LukM/LukF-P83) genes, were detected in two and three isolates, respectively, of which two also carried the toxic shock syndrome toxin gene tsst-1 bovine variant. t1236 was the predominant spa type. FTIR-based capsule serotyping revealed a high prevalence of non-encapsulated S. aureus isolates (89.5%). The majority of the selected S. aureus isolates belonged to clonal complex (CC) 97 which was determined using DNA microarray based assignment. Three new MLST sequence types were detected. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.