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Compact representations for efficient storage of semantic sensor data

2021, Karim, Farah, Vidal, Maria-Esther, Auer, Sören

Nowadays, there is a rapid increase in the number of sensor data generated by a wide variety of sensors and devices. Data semantics facilitate information exchange, adaptability, and interoperability among several sensors and devices. Sensor data and their meaning can be described using ontologies, e.g., the Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) Ontology. Notwithstanding, semantically enriched, the size of semantic sensor data is substantially larger than raw sensor data. Moreover, some measurement values can be observed by sensors several times, and a huge number of repeated facts about sensor data can be produced. We propose a compact or factorized representation of semantic sensor data, where repeated measurement values are described only once. Furthermore, these compact representations are able to enhance the storage and processing of semantic sensor data. To scale up to large datasets, factorization based, tabular representations are exploited to store and manage factorized semantic sensor data using Big Data technologies. We empirically study the effectiveness of a semantic sensor’s proposed compact representations and their impact on query processing. Additionally, we evaluate the effects of storing the proposed representations on diverse RDF implementations. Results suggest that the proposed compact representations empower the storage and query processing of sensor data over diverse RDF implementations, and up to two orders of magnitude can reduce query execution time.

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Bias in data-driven artificial intelligence systems - An introductory survey

2020, Ntoutsi, E., Fafalios, P., Gadiraju, U., Iosifidis, V., Nejdl, W., Vidal, Maria-Esther, Ruggieri, S., Turini, F., Papadopoulos, S., Krasanakis, E., Kompatsiaris, I., Kinder-Kurlanda, K., Wagner, C., Karimi, F., Fernandez, M., Alani, H., Berendt, B., Kruegel, T., Heinze, C., Broelemann, K., Kasneci, G., Tiropanis, T., Staab, S.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based systems are widely employed nowadays to make decisions that have far-reaching impact on individuals and society. Their decisions might affect everyone, everywhere, and anytime, entailing concerns about potential human rights issues. Therefore, it is necessary to move beyond traditional AI algorithms optimized for predictive performance and embed ethical and legal principles in their design, training, and deployment to ensure social good while still benefiting from the huge potential of the AI technology. The goal of this survey is to provide a broad multidisciplinary overview of the area of bias in AI systems, focusing on technical challenges and solutions as well as to suggest new research directions towards approaches well-grounded in a legal frame. In this survey, we focus on data-driven AI, as a large part of AI is powered nowadays by (big) data and powerful machine learning algorithms. If otherwise not specified, we use the general term bias to describe problems related to the gathering or processing of data that might result in prejudiced decisions on the bases of demographic features such as race, sex, and so forth. This article is categorized under: Commercial, Legal, and Ethical Issues > Fairness in Data Mining Commercial, Legal, and Ethical Issues > Ethical Considerations Commercial, Legal, and Ethical Issues > Legal Issues.

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Resorting to Context-Aware Background Knowledge for Unveiling Semantically Related Social Media Posts

2022, Sakor, Ahmad, Singh, Kuldeep, Vidal, Maria-Esther

Social media networks have become a prime source for sharing news, opinions, and research accomplishments in various domains, and hundreds of millions of posts are announced daily. Given this wealth of information in social media, finding related announcements has become a relevant task, particularly in trending news (e.g., COVID-19 or lung cancer). To facilitate the search of connected posts, social networks enable users to annotate their posts, e.g., with hashtags in tweets. Albeit effective, an annotation-based search is limited because results will only include the posts that share the same annotations. This paper focuses on retrieving context-related posts based on a specific topic, and presents PINYON, a knowledge-driven framework, that retrieves associated posts effectively. PINYON implements a two-fold pipeline. First, it encodes, in a graph, a CORPUS of posts and an input post; posts are annotated with entities for existing knowledge graphs and connected based on the similarity of their entities. In a decoding phase, the encoded graph is used to discover communities of related posts. We cast this problem into the Vertex Coloring Problem, where communities of similar posts include the posts annotated with entities colored with the same colors. Built on results reported in the graph theory, PINYON implements the decoding phase guided by a heuristic-based method that determines relatedness among posts based on contextual knowledge, and efficiently groups the most similar posts in the same communities. PINYON is empirically evaluated on various datasets and compared with state-of-the-art implementations of the decoding phase. The quality of the generated communities is also analyzed based on multiple metrics. The observed outcomes indicate that PINYON accurately identifies semantically related posts in different contexts. Moreover, the reported results put in perspective the impact of known properties about the optimality of existing heuristics for vertex graph coloring and their implications on PINYON scalability.

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Why reinvent the wheel: Let's build question answering systems together

2018, Singh, K., Radhakrishna, A.S., Both, A., Shekarpour, S., Lytra, I., Usbeck, R., Vyas, A., Khikmatullaev, A., Punjani, D., Lange, C., Vidal, Maria-Esther, Lehmann, J., Auer, Sören

Modern question answering (QA) systems need to flexibly integrate a number of components specialised to fulfil specific tasks in a QA pipeline. Key QA tasks include Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation, Relation Extraction, and Query Building. Since a number of different software components exist that implement different strategies for each of these tasks, it is a major challenge to select and combine the most suitable components into a QA system, given the characteristics of a question. We study this optimisation problem and train classifiers, which take features of a question as input and have the goal of optimising the selection of QA components based on those features. We then devise a greedy algorithm to identify the pipelines that include the suitable components and can effectively answer the given question. We implement this model within Frankenstein, a QA framework able to select QA components and compose QA pipelines. We evaluate the effectiveness of the pipelines generated by Frankenstein using the QALD and LC-QuAD benchmarks. These results not only suggest that Frankenstein precisely solves the QA optimisation problem but also enables the automatic composition of optimised QA pipelines, which outperform the static Baseline QA pipeline. Thanks to this flexible and fully automated pipeline generation process, new QA components can be easily included in Frankenstein, thus improving the performance of the generated pipelines.

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Enhancing Virtual Ontology Based Access over Tabular Data with Morph-CSV

2020, Chaves-Fraga, David, Ruckhaus, Edna, Priyatna, Freddy, Vidal, Maria-Esther, Corchio, Oscar

Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) has traditionally focused on providing a unified view of heterogeneous datasets, either by materializing integrated data into RDF or by performing on-the fly querying via SPARQL query translation. In the specific case of tabular datasets represented as several CSV or Excel files, query translation approaches have been applied by considering each source as a single table that can be loaded into a relational database management system (RDBMS). Nevertheless, constraints over these tables are not represented; thus, neither consistency among attributes nor indexes over tables are enforced. As a consequence, efficiency of the SPARQL-to-SQL translation process may be affected, as well as the completeness of the answers produced during the evaluation of the generated SQL query. Our work is focused on applying implicit constraints on the OBDA query translation process over tabular data. We propose Morph-CSV, a framework for querying tabular data that exploits information from typical OBDA inputs (e.g., mappings, queries) to enforce constraints that can be used together with any SPARQL-to-SQL OBDA engine. Morph-CSV relies on both a constraint component and a set of constraint operators. For a given set of constraints, the operators are applied to each type of constraint with the aim of enhancing query completeness and performance. We evaluate Morph-CSV in several domains: e-commerce with the BSBM benchmark; transportation with a benchmark using the GTFS dataset from the Madrid subway; and biology with a use case extracted from the Bio2RDF project. We compare and report the performance of two SPARQL-to-SQL OBDA engines, without and with the incorporation of MorphCSV. The observed results suggest that Morph-CSV is able to speed up the total query execution time by up to two orders of magnitude, while it is able to produce all the query answers.