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    Sharp-interface formation during lithium intercalation into silicon
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Meca, Esteban; Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara
    In this study we present a phase-field model that describes the process of intercalation of Li ions into a layer of an amorphous solid such as a-Si. The governing equations couple a viscous Cahn-Hilliard-Reaction model with elasticity in the framework of the Cahn-Larché system. We discuss the parameter settings and flux conditions at the free boundary that lead to the formation of phase boundaries having a sharp gradient in ion concentration between the initial state of the solid layer and the intercalated region. We carry out a matched asymptotic analysis to derive the corresponding sharp-interface model that also takes into account the dynamics of triple points where the sharp interface in the bulk of the layer intersects the free boundary. We numerically compare the interface motion predicted by the sharp-interface model with the long-time dynamics of the phase-field model.
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    Thin-film electrodes for high-capacity lithium-ion batteries: Influence of phase transformations on stress
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Meca, Esteban; Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara
    In this study we revisit experiments by Sethuraman et al. [J. Power Sources, 195, 5062 (2010)] on the stress evolution during the lithiation/delithiation cycle of a thin film of amorphous silicon. Based on recent work that show a two-phase process of lithiation of amorphous silicon, we formulate a phase-field model coupled to elasticity in the framework of Larché-Cahn. Using an adaptive nonlinear multigrid algorithm for the finite-volume discretization of this model, our two-dimensional numerical simulations show the formation of a sharp phase boundary between the lithiated and the amorphous silicon that continues to move as a front through the thin layer. We show that our model captures the nonmonotone stress loading curve and rate dependence, as observed in experiments and connects characteristic features of the curve with the stucture formation within the layer. We take advantage of the thin film geometry and study the corresponding one-dimensional model to establish the dependence on the material parameters and obtain a comprehensive picture of the behaviour of the system.