Search Results

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    Risk assessment of kINPen plasma treatment of four human pancreatic cancer cell lines with respect to metastasis
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2019) Bekeschus, Sander; Freund, Eric; Spadola, Chiara; Privat-Maldonado, Angela; Hackbarth, Christine; Bogaerts, Annemie; Schmidt, Anke; Wende, Kristian; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Woedtke, Thomas von; Heidecke, Claus-Dieter; Partecke, Lars-Ivo; Käding, André
    Cold physical plasma has limited tumor growth in many preclinical models and is, therefore, suggested as a putative therapeutic option against cancer. Yet, studies investigating the cells’ metastatic behavior following plasma treatment are scarce, although being of prime importance to evaluate the safety of this technology. Therefore, we investigated four human pancreatic cancer cell lines for their metastatic behavior in vitro and in chicken embryos (in ovo). Pancreatic cancer was chosen as it is particularly metastatic to the peritoneum and systemically, which is most predictive for outcome. In vitro, treatment with the kINPen plasma jet reduced pancreatic cancer cell activity and viability, along with unchanged or decreased motility. Additionally, the expression of adhesion markers relevant for metastasis was down-regulated, except for increased CD49d. Analysis of 3D tumor spheroid outgrowth showed a lack of plasma-spurred metastatic behavior. Finally, analysis of tumor tissue grown on chicken embryos validated the absence of an increase of metabolically active cells physically or chemically detached with plasma treatment. We conclude that plasma treatment is a safe and promising therapeutic option and that it does not promote metastatic behavior in pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in ovo. © 2019 by the authors.
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    Non-touching plasma–liquid interaction – where is aqueous nitric oxide generated?
    (Cambridge : RSC Publ., 2018) Jablonowski, Helena; Schmidt-Bleker, Ansgar; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; von Woedtke, Thomas; Wende, Kristian
    Mass transport through graphene is receiving increasing attention due to the potential for molecular sieving. Experimental studies are mostly limited to the translocation of protons, ions, and water molecules, and results for larger molecules through graphene are rare. Here, we perform controlled radical polymerization with surface-anchored self-assembled initiator monolayer in a monomer solution with single-layer graphene separating the initiator from the monomer. We demonstrate that neutral monomers are able to pass through the graphene (via native defects) and increase the graphene defects ratio (Raman ID/IG) from ca. 0.09 to 0.22. The translocations of anionic and cationic monomers through graphene are significantly slower due to chemical interactions of monomers with the graphene defects. Interestingly, if micropatterned initiator-monolayers are used, the translocations of anionic monomers apparently cut the graphene sheet into congruent microscopic structures. The varied interactions between monomers and graphene defects are further investigated by quantum molecular dynamics simulations.
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    Cell stimulation versus cell death induced by sequential treatments with pulsed electric fields and cold atmospheric pressure plasma
    (San Francisco, California, US : PLOS, 2018) Steuer, Anna; Wolff, Christina M.; von Woedtke, Thomas; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Kolb, Juergen F.
    Pulsed electric fields (PEFs) and cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) are currently both investigated for medical applications. The exposure of cells to PEFs can induce the formation of pores in cell membranes and consequently facilitate the uptake of molecules. In contrast, CAP mainly acts through reactive species that are generated in the liquid environment. The objective of this study was to determine, if PEFs combined with plasma-treated cell culture medium can mutually reinforce effects on viability of mammalian cells. Experiments were conducted with rat liver epithelial WB-F344 cells and their tumorigenic counterpart WB-ras for a direct comparison of non-tumorigenic and tumorigenic cells from the same origin. Viability after treatments strongly depended on cell type and applied field strength. Notably, tumorigenic WB-ras cells responded more sensitive to the respective treatments than non-tumorigenic WB-F344 cells. More cells were killed when plasma-treated medium was applied first in combination with treatments with 100-μs PEFs. For the reversed treatment order, i.e. application of PEFs first, the combination with 100-ns PEFs resulted in a stimulating effect for non-tumorigenic but not for tumorigenic cells. The results suggest that other mechanisms, besides simple pore formation, contributed to the mutually reinforcing effects of the two methods.
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    A Comparison of Floating-Electrode DBD and kINPen Jet: Plasma Parameters to Achieve Similar Growth Reduction in Colon Cancer Cells Under Standardized Conditions
    (Dordrecht : Springer Science + Business Media B.V., 2017-9-6) Bekeschus, Sander; Lin, Abraham; Fridman, Alexander; Wende, Kristian; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Miller, Vandana
    A comparative study of two plasma sources (floating-electrode dielectric barrier discharge, DBD, Drexel University; atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet, kINPen, INP Greifswald) on cancer cell toxicity was performed. Cell culture protocols, cytotoxicity assays, and procedures for assessment of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were standardized between both labs. The inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) and its corresponding H2O2 deposition was determined for both devices. For the DBD, IC50 and H2O2 generation were largely dependent on the total energy input but not pulsing frequency, treatment time, or total number of cells. DBD cytotoxicity could not be replicated by addition of H2O2 alone and was inhibited by larger amounts of liquid present during the treatment. Jet plasma toxicity depended on peroxide generation as well as total cell number and amount of liquid. Thus, the amount of liquid present during plasma treatment in vitro is key in attenuating short-lived species or other physical effects from plasmas. These in vitro results suggest a role of liquids in or on tissues during plasma treatment in a clinical setting. Additionally, we provide a platform for correlation between different plasma sources for a predefined cellular response.
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    Toxicity and Immunogenicity in Murine Melanoma following Exposure to Physical Plasma-Derived Oxidants
    (Austin, Tex. : Landes Bioscience, 2017) Bekeschus, Sander; Rödder, Katrin; Fregin, Bob; Otto, Oliver; Lippert, Maxi; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Wende, Kristian; Schmidt, Anke; Gandhirajan, Rajesh Kumar
    Metastatic melanoma is an aggressive and deadly disease. Therapeutic advance has been achieved by antitumor chemo- and radiotherapy. These modalities involve the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, affecting cellular viability, migration, and immunogenicity. Such species are also created by cold physical plasma, an ionized gas capable of redox modulating cells and tissues without thermal damage. Cold plasma has been suggested for anticancer therapy. Here, melanoma cell toxicity, motility, and immunogenicity of murine metastatic melanoma cells were investigated following plasma exposure in vitro. Cells were oxidized by plasma, leading to decreased metabolic activity and cell death. Moreover, plasma decelerated melanoma cell growth, viability, and cell cycling. This was accompanied by increased cellular stiffness and upregulation of zonula occludens 1 protein in the cell membrane. Importantly, expression levels of immunogenic cell surface molecules such as major histocompatibility complex I, calreticulin, and melanocortin receptor 1 were significantly increased in response to plasma. Finally, plasma treatment significantly decreased the release of vascular endothelial growth factor, a molecule with importance in angiogenesis. Altogether, these results suggest beneficial toxicity of cold plasma in murine melanomas with a concomitant immunogenicity of potential interest in oncology.
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    ROS from Physical Plasmas: Redox Chemistry for Biomedical Therapy
    (London: Hindawi, 2019) Privat-Maldonado, Angela; Schmidt, Anke; Lin, Abraham; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Wende, Kristian; Bogaerts, Annemie; Bekeschus, Sander
    Physical plasmas generate unique mixes of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS or ROS). Only a bit more than a decade ago, these plasmas, operating at body temperature, started to be considered for medical therapy with considerably little mechanistic redox chemistry or biomedical research existing on that topic at that time. Today, a vast body of evidence is available on physical plasma-derived ROS, from their spatiotemporal resolution in the plasma gas phase to sophisticated chemical and biochemical analysis of these species once dissolved in liquids. Data from in silico analysis dissected potential reaction pathways of plasma-derived reactive species with biological membranes, and in vitro and in vivo experiments in cell and animal disease models identified molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic benefits of physical plasmas. In 2013, the first medical plasma systems entered the European market as class IIa devices and have proven to be a valuable resource in dermatology, especially for supporting the healing of chronic wounds. The first results in cancer patients treated with plasma are promising, too. Due to the many potentials of this blooming new field ahead, there is a need to highlight the main concepts distilled from plasma research in chemistry and biology that serve as a mechanistic link between plasma physics (how and which plasma-derived ROS are produced) and therapy (what is the medical benefit). This inevitably puts cellular membranes in focus, as these are the natural interphase between ROS produced by plasmas and translation of their chemical reactivity into distinct biological responses. © 2019 Angela Privat-Maldonado et al.
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    Plasma polymerized allylamine-the unique cell-attractive nanolayer for dental implant materials
    (Basel : MDPI, 2019) Nebe, J. Barbara; Rebl, Henrike; Schlosser, Michael; Staehlke, Susanne; Gruening, Martina; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Walschus, Uwe; Finke, Birgit
    Biomaterials should be bioactive in stimulating the surrounding tissue to accelerate the ingrowth of permanent implants. Chemical and topographical features of the biomaterial surface affect cell physiology at the interface. A frequently asked question is whether the chemistry or the topography dominates the cell-material interaction. Recently, we demonstrated that a plasma-chemical modification using allylamine as a precursor was able to boost not only cell attachment and cell migration, but also intracellular signaling in vital cells. This microwave plasma process generated a homogenous nanolayer with randomly distributed, positively charged amino groups. In contrast, the surface of the human osteoblast is negatively charged at −15 mV due to its hyaluronan coat. As a consequence, we assumed that positive charges at the material surface—provoking electrostatic interaction forces—are attractive for the first cell encounter. This plasma-chemical nanocoating can be used for several biomaterials in orthopedic and dental implantology like titanium, titanium alloys, calcium phosphate scaffolds, and polylactide fiber meshes produced by electrospinning. In this regard, we wanted to ascertain whether plasma polymerized allylamine (PPAAm) is also suitable for increasing the attractiveness of a ceramic surface for dental implants using Yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia.
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    The kINPen—a review on physics and chemistry of the atmospheric pressure plasma jet and its applications
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2018-5-16) Reuter, Stephan; von Woedtke, Thomas; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter
    The kINPen® plasma jet was developed from laboratory prototype to commercially available non-equilibrium cold plasma jet for various applications in materials research, surface treatment and medicine. It has proven to be a valuable plasma source for industry as well as research and commercial use in plasma medicine, leading to very successful therapeutic results and its certification as a medical device. This topical review presents the different kINPen plasma sources available. Diagnostic techniques applied to the kINPen are introduced. The review summarizes the extensive studies of the physics and plasma chemistry of the kINPen performed by research groups across the world, and closes with a brief overview of the main application fields.
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    Activation of murine immune cells upon co-culture with plasma-treated B16F10 melanoma cells
    (Basel : MDPI, 2019) Rödder, Katrin; Moritz, Juliane; Miller, Vandana; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Metelmann, Hans-Robert; Gandhirajan, Rajesh; Bekeschus, Sander
    Recent advances in melanoma therapy increased median survival in patients. However, death rates are still high, motivating the need of novel avenues in melanoma treatment. Cold physical plasma expels a cocktail of reactive species that have been suggested for cancer treatment. High species concentrations can be used to exploit apoptotic redox signaling pathways in tumor cells. Moreover, an immune-stimulatory role of plasma treatment, as well as plasma-killed tumor cells, was recently proposed, but studies using primary immune cells are scarce. To this end, we investigated the role of plasma-treated murine B16F10 melanoma cells in modulating murine immune cells' activation and marker profile. Melanoma cells exposed to plasma showed reduced metabolic and migratory activity, and an increased release of danger signals (ATP, CXCL1). This led to an altered cytokine profile with interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and CCL4 being significantly increased in plasma-treated mono- and co-cultures with immune cells. In T cells, plasma-treated melanoma cells induced extracellular signal-regulated Kinase (ERK) phosphorylation and increased CD28 expression, suggesting their activation. In monocytes, CD115 expression was elevated as a marker for activation. In summary, here we provide proof of concept that plasma-killed tumor cells are recognized immunologically, and that plasma exerts stimulating effects on immune cells alone. © 2019 by the authors.
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    Plasma-activation of larger liquid volumes by an inductively-limited discharge for antimicrobial purposes
    (Basel : MDPI, 2019) Schmidt, Michael; Hahn, Veronika; Altrock, Beke; Gerling, Torsten; Gerber, Ioana Cristina; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; von Woedtke, Thomas
    A new configuration of a discharge chamber and power source for the treatment of up to 1 L of liquid is presented. A leakage transformer, energizing two metal electrodes positioned above the liquid, limits the discharge current inductively by utilizing the weak magnetic coupling between the primary and secondary coils. No additional means to avoid arcing (electric short-circuiting), e.g., dielectric barriers or resistors, are needed. By using this technique, exceeding the breakdown voltage leads to the formation of transient spark discharges, producing non-thermal plasma (NTP). These discharges effected significant changes in the properties of the treated liquids (distilled water, physiological saline solution, and tap water). Considerable concentrations of nitrite and nitrate were detected after the plasma treatment. Furthermore, all tested liquids gained strong antibacterial efficacy which was shown by inactivating suspended Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Plasma-treated tap water had the strongest effect, which is shown for the first time. Additionally, the pH-value of tap water did not decrease during the plasma treatment, and its conductivity increased less than for the other tested liquids. © 2019 by the authors.