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    Atomically precise semiconductor-graphene and hBN interfaces by Ge intercalation
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2015) Verbitskiy, N.I.; Fedorov, A.V.; Profeta, G.; Stroppa, A.; Petaccia, L.; Senkovskiy, B.; Nefedov, A.; Wöll, C.; Usachov, D.Yu.; Vyalikh, D.V.; Yashina, L.V.; Eliseev, A.A.; Pichler, T.; Grüneis, A.
    The full exploration of the potential, which graphene offers to nanoelectronics requires its integration into semiconductor technology. So far the real-world applications are limited by the ability to concomitantly achieve large single-crystalline domains on dielectrics and semiconductors and to tailor the interfaces between them. Here we show a new direct bottom-up method for the fabrication of high-quality atomically precise interfaces between 2D materials, like graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), and classical semiconductor via Ge intercalation. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and complementary DFT modelling we observed for the first time that epitaxially grown graphene with the Ge monolayer underneath demonstrates Dirac Fermions unaffected by the substrate as well as an unperturbed electronic band structure of hBN. This approach provides the intrinsic relativistic 2D electron gas towards integration in semiconductor technology. Hence, these new interfaces are a promising path for the integration of graphene and hBN into state-of-the-art semiconductor technology.
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    Interface control by homoepitaxial growth in pulsed laser deposited iron chalcogenide thin films
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2015) Molatta, Sebastian; Haindl, Silvia; Trommler, Sascha; Schulze, Michael; Wurmehl, Sabine; Hühne, Ruben
    Thin film growth of iron chalcogenides by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is still a delicate issue in terms of simultaneous control of stoichiometry, texture, substrate/film interface properties, and superconducting properties. The high volatility of the constituents sharply limits optimal deposition temperatures to a narrow window and mainly challenges reproducibility for vacuum based methods. In this work we demonstrate the beneficial introduction of a semiconducting FeSe1−xTex seed layer for subsequent homoepitaxial growth of superconducting FeSe1−xTex thin film on MgO substrates. MgO is one of the most favorable substrates used in superconducting thin film applications, but the controlled growth of iron chalcogenide thin films on MgO has not yet been optimized and is the least understood. The large mismatch between the lattice constants of MgO and FeSe1−xTex of about 11% results in thin films with a mixed texture, that prevents further accurate investigations of a correlation between structural and electrical properties of FeSe1−xTex. Here we present an effective way to significantly improve epitaxial growth of superconducting FeSe1−xTex thin films with reproducible high critical temperatures (≥17 K) at reduced deposition temperatures (200 °C–320 °C) on MgO using PLD. This offers a broad scope of various applications.
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    Universal electronic structure of polar oxide hetero-interfaces
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2015) Treske, Uwe; Heming, Nadine; Knupfer, Martin; Büchner, Bernd; Di Gennaro, Emiliano; Khare, Amit; Di Uccio, Umberto Scotti; Granozio, Fabio Miletto; Krause, Stefan; Koitzsch, Andreas
    The electronic properties of NdGaO3/SrTiO3, LaGaO3/SrTiO3, and LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces, all showing an insulator-to-metal transition as a function of the overlayer-thickness, are addressed in a comparative study based on x-ray absorption, x-ray photoemission and resonant photoemission spectroscopy. The nature of the charge carriers, their concentration and spatial distribution as well as the interface band alignments and the overall interface band diagrams are studied and quantitatively evaluated. The behavior of the three analyzed heterostructures is found to be remarkably similar. The valence band edge of all the three overlayers aligns to that of bulk SrTiO3. The near-interface SrTiO3 layer is affected, at increasing overlayer thickness, by the building-up of a confining potential. This potential bends both the valence and the conduction band downwards. The latter one crossing the Fermi energy in the proximity of the interface and determines the formation of an interfacial band offset growing as a function of thickness. Quite remarkably, but in agreement with previous reports for LaAlO3/SrTiO3, no electric field is detected inside any of the polar overlayers. The essential phenomenology emerging from our findings is discussed on the base of different alternative scenarios regarding the origin of interface carriers and their interaction with an intense photon beam.
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    Coincident-site lattice matching during van der Waals epitaxy
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2015) Boschker, Jos E.; Galves, Lauren A.; Flissikowski, Timur; Lopes, Joao Marcelo J.; Kiemer, Alexandra K.; Riechert, Henning; Calarco, Raffaella
    Van der Waals (vdW) epitaxy is an attractive method for the fabrication of vdW heterostructures. Here Sb2Te3 films grown on three different kind of graphene substrates (monolayer epitaxial graphene, quasi freestanding bilayer graphene and the SiC (6√3 × 6√3)R30° buffer layer) are used to study the vdW epitaxy between two 2-dimensionally (2D) bonded materials. It is shown that the Sb2Te3 /graphene interface is stable and that coincidence lattices are formed between the epilayers and substrate that depend on the size of the surface unit cell. This demonstrates that there is a significant, although relatively weak, interfacial interaction between the two materials. Lattice matching is thus relevant for vdW epitaxy with two 2D bonded materials and a fundamental design parameter for vdW heterostructures.