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    Urban nitrogen budgets: flows and stock changes of potentially polluting nitrogen compounds in cities and their surroundings–a review
    (London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis, 2020) Winiwarter, Wilfried; Amon, Barbara; Bai, Zhaohai; Greinert, Andrzej; Kaltenegger, Katrin; Ma, Lin; Myszograj, Sylwia; Schneidergruber, Markus; Suchowski-Kisielewicz, Monika; Wolf, Lisa; Zhang, Lin; Zhou, Feng
    Concepts of material flow and mass consistency of nitrogen compounds have been used to elucidate nitrogen’s fate in an urban environment. While reactive nitrogen commonly is associated to agriculture and hence to large areas, here we have compiled scientific literature on nitrogen budget approaches in cities, following the central role cities have in anthropogenic activities generally. This included studies that specifically dealt with individual sectors as well as budgets covering all inputs and outputs to and from a city across all sectors and media. In the available data set, a clear focus on Asian cities was noted, making full use of limited information and thus enable to quantitatively describe a local pollution situation. Time series comparisons helped to identify trends, but comparison between cities was hampered by a lack of harmonized methodologies. Some standardization, or at least improved reference to relevant standardized data collection along international norms was considered helpful. Analysis of results available pointed to the following aspects that would reveal additional benchmarks for urban nitrogen budgets: analysing the share of nitrogen that is recycled or reused, separating largely independent sets of nitrogen flows specifically between food nitrogen streams and fossil fuel combustion-related flows, and estimating the stock changes for the whole domain or within individual pools.
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    Stability of hepatitis E virus at high hydrostatic pressure processing
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2021) Johne, R.; Wolff, A.; Gadicherla, A.K.; Filter, M.; Schlüter, O.
    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the causative agent of acute and chronic hepatitis in humans. The zoonotic HEV genotype 3 is the main genotype in Europe. The foodborne transmission via consumption of meat and meat products prepared from infected pigs or wild boars is considered the major transmission route of this genotype. High hydrostatic pressure processing (HPP) is a technique, which can be used for inactivation of pathogens in food. Here, preparations of a cell culture-adapted HEV genotype 3 strain in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) were subjected to HPP and the remaining infectivity was titrated in cell culture by counting fluorescent foci of replicating virus. A gradual decrease in infectivity was found by application of 100 to 600 MPa for 2 min. At 20 °C, infectivity reduction of 0.5 log10 at 200 MPa and 1 log10 at 400 MPa were observed. Slightly higher infectivity reduction of 1 log10 at 200 MPa and 2 log10 at 400 MPa were found by application of the pressure at 4 °C. At both temperatures, the virus was nearly completely inactivated (>3.5 log10 infectivity decrease) at 600 MPa; however, low amounts of remaining infectious virus were observed in one of three replicates in both cases. Transmission electron microscopy showed disassembled and distorted particles in the preparations treated with 600 MPa. Time-course experiments at 400 MPa showed a continuous decline of infectivity from 30 s to 10 min, leading to a 2 log10 infectivity decrease at 20 °C and to a 2.5 log10 infectivity decrease at 4 °C for a 10 min pressure application each. Predictive models for inactivation of HEV by HPP were generated on the basis of the generated data. The results show that HPP treatment can reduce HEV infectivity, which is mainly dependent on pressure height and duration of the HPP treatment. Compared to other viruses, HEV appears to be relatively stable against HPP and high pressure/long time combinations have to be applied for significant reduction of infectivity.