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Order patterns networks (orpan) - A method to estimate time-evolving functional connectivity from multivariate time series

2012, Schinkel, S., Zamora-López, G., Dimigen, O., Sommer, W., Kurths, J.

Complex networks provide an excellent framework for studying the function of the human brain activity. Yet estimating functional networks from measured signals is not trivial, especially if the data is non-stationary and noisy as it is often the case with physiological recordings. In this article we propose a method that uses the local rank structure of the data to define functional links in terms of identical rank structures. The method yields temporal sequences of networks which permits to trace the evolution of the functional connectivity during the time course of the observation. We demonstrate the potentials of this approach with model data as well as with experimental data from an electrophysiological study on language processing.

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IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Recent Advances on Hybrid Complex Networks: Analysis and Control

2021, Lu, Jianquan, Ho, Daniel W. C., Huang, Tingwen, Kurths, Jurgen, Trajkovic, Ljiljana

Complex networks typically involve multiple disciplines due to network dynamics and their statistical nature. When modeling practical networks, both impulsive effects and logical dynamics have recently attracted increasing attention. Hence, it is of interest and importance to consider hybrid complex networks with impulsive effects and logical dynamics. Relevant research is prevalent in cells, ecology, social systems, and communication engineering. In hybrid complex networks, numerous nodes are coupled through networks and their properties usually lead to complex dynamic behaviors, including discrete and continuous dynamics with finite values of time and state space. Generally, continuous and discrete sections of the systems are described by differential and difference equations, respectively. Logical networks are used to model the systems where time and state space take finite values. Although interesting results have been reported regarding hybrid complex networks, the analysis methods and relevant results could be further improved with respect to conservative impulsive delay inequalities and reproducibility of corresponding stability or synchronization criteria. Therefore, it is necessary to devise effective approaches to improve the analysis method and results dealing with hybrid complex networks.

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How Price-Based Frequency Regulation Impacts Stability in Power Grids: A Complex Network Perspective

2020, Ji, Peng, Zhu, Lipeng, Lu, Chao, Lin, Wei, Kurths, Jürgen

With the deregulation of modern power grids, electricity markets are playing a more and more important role in power grid operation and control. However, it is still questionable how the real-time electricity price-based operation affects power grid stability. From a complex network perspective, here we investigate the dynamical interactions between price-based frequency regulations and physical networks, which results in an interesting finding that a local minimum of network stability occurs when the response strength of generators/consumers to the varying price increases. A case study of the real world-based China Southern Power Grid demonstrates the finding and exhibits a feasible approach to network stability enhancement in smart grids. This also provides guidance for potential upgrade and expansion of the current power grids in a cleaner and safer way. © 2020 Peng Ji et al.