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How Price-Based Frequency Regulation Impacts Stability in Power Grids: A Complex Network Perspective

2020, Ji, Peng, Zhu, Lipeng, Lu, Chao, Lin, Wei, Kurths, Jürgen

With the deregulation of modern power grids, electricity markets are playing a more and more important role in power grid operation and control. However, it is still questionable how the real-time electricity price-based operation affects power grid stability. From a complex network perspective, here we investigate the dynamical interactions between price-based frequency regulations and physical networks, which results in an interesting finding that a local minimum of network stability occurs when the response strength of generators/consumers to the varying price increases. A case study of the real world-based China Southern Power Grid demonstrates the finding and exhibits a feasible approach to network stability enhancement in smart grids. This also provides guidance for potential upgrade and expansion of the current power grids in a cleaner and safer way. © 2020 Peng Ji et al.

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Recovery time after localized perturbations in complex dynamical networks

2017, Mitra, C., Kittel, T., Choudhary, A., Kurths, J., Donner, R.V.

Maintaining the synchronous motion of dynamical systems interacting on complex networks is often critical to their functionality. However, real-world networked dynamical systems operating synchronously are prone to random perturbations driving the system to arbitrary states within the corresponding basin of attraction, thereby leading to epochs of desynchronized dynamics with a priori unknown durations. Thus, it is highly relevant to have an estimate of the duration of such transient phases before the system returns to synchrony, following a random perturbation to the dynamical state of any particular node of the network. We address this issue here by proposing the framework of single-node recovery time (SNRT) which provides an estimate of the relative time scales underlying the transient dynamics of the nodes of a network during its restoration to synchrony. We utilize this in differentiating the particularly slow nodes of the network from the relatively fast nodes, thus identifying the critical nodes which when perturbed lead to significantly enlarged recovery time of the system before resuming synchronized operation. Further, we reveal explicit relationships between the SNRT values of a network, and its global relaxation time when starting all the nodes from random initial conditions. Earlier work on relaxation time generally focused on investigating its dependence on macroscopic topological properties of the respective network. However, we employ the proposed concept for deducing microscopic relationships between topological features of nodes and their respective SNRT values. The framework of SNRT is further extended to a measure of resilience of the different nodes of a networked dynamical system. We demonstrate the potential of SNRT in networks of Rössler oscillators on paradigmatic topologies and a model of the power grid of the United Kingdom with second-order Kuramoto-type nodal dynamics illustrating the conceivable practical applicability of the proposed concept.