Search Results

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    Shallow shear-wave reflection seismics in the tsunami struck Krueng Aceh River Basin, Sumatra
    (Katlenburg-Lindau : European Geosciences Union, 2008) Polom, U.; Arsyad, I.; Kümpel, H.-J.
    As part of the project "Management of Georisk" (MANGEONAD) of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hanover, high resolution shallow shear-wave reflection seismics was applied in the Indonesian province Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra in cooperation with the Government of Indonesia, local counterparts, and the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Hanover. The investigations were expected to support classification of earthquake site effects for the reconstruction of buildings and infrastructure as well as for groundwater exploration. The study focus sed on the city of Banda Aceh and the surroundings of Aceh Besar. The shear-wave seismic surveys were done parallel to standard geoengineering investigations like cone penetrometer tests to support subsequent site specific statistical calibration. They were also partly supplemented by shallow p-wave seismics for the identification of (a) elastic subsurface parameters and (b) zones with abundance of groundwater. Evaluation of seismic site effects based on shallow reflection seismics has in fact been found to be a highly useful method in Aceh province. In particular, use of a vibratory seismic source was essential for successful application of shear-wave seismics in the city of Banda Aceh and in areas with compacted ground like on farm tracks in the surroundings, presenting mostly agricultural land use areas. We thus were able to explore the mechanical stiffness of the subsurface down to 100 m depth, occasionally even deeper, with remarkably high resolution. The results were transferred into geotechnical site classification in terms of the International Building Code (IBC, 2003). The seismic images give also insights into the history of the basin sedimentation processes of the Krueng Aceh River delta, which is relevant for the exploration of new areas for construction of safe foundations of buildings and for identification of fresh water aquifers in the tsunami flooded region.
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    Digitale Bibliothek: Bibliothek 2.0: Die Zukunft der Bibliothek?
    (Berlin : De Gruyter Saur, 2006) Danowski, Patrick; Heller, Lambert
    Der Begriff Bibliothek 2.0 (bzw. Library 2.0) lehnt sich an die Begrifflichkeit des Web 2.0 an. Beide Begriffe sind für die bibliothekarische Welt relativ neu und werden bisher hauptsächlich im angloamerikanischen Raum diskutiert. Einige Bereiche des „neuen“ Webs werden auch in Deutschland von Bibliothekaren diskutiert, so beispielsweise Weblogs und die Wikipedia. Die Betrachtung sollte hier jedoch nicht enden, sondern vielmehr als Startpunkt dienen. Über den Begriff als solchen kann man sicherlich streiten, jedoch hat er sich als tauglich erwiesen, um bestimmte Veränderungen zu beschreiben. So schreibt Michael Stephens, der den Begriff entscheidend mitprägte, im ALA TechSource Weblog: „I am so pleased with the discussion – and no matter what name you use, I love that the innovations and plans just keep rolling on.“
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    Bibliothek 2.0 – Wird alles anders?
    (Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 2007) Danowski, Patrick; Heller, Lambert
    Following up their article „Bibliothek 2.0 – Die Zukunft der Bibliothek?“ („Library 2.0 – The future of the library?“) (2006), Patrick Danowski and Lambert Heller, responsible for the main focus of this issue, give an outline of some recently discussed library 2.0 topics, especially in respect to the professional community in germany. Some characteristic questions and problems of the development, opening and networking of library Services and information are mentioned.
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    Mapping High-Temperature Superconductors—A Scientometric Approach
    (New York, NY : Springer, 2008) Barth, Andreas; Marx, Werner
    This study has been carried out to analyze the research field of high-temperature superconductivity and to demonstrate the potential of modern databases and search systems for generating meta-information. The alkaline earth (A2) rare earth (RE) cuprate high-temperature superconductors as a typical inorganic compound family and the corresponding literature were analyzed by scientometric methods. The time dependent overall number of articles and patents and of the publications related to specific compound subsets and subject categories are given. The data reveal a significant decrease of basic research activity in this research field. The A2 RE cuprate species covered by the CAS compound file were analyzed with respect to the occurrence of specific elements in order to visualize known and unknown substances and to identify characteristic patterns. The quaternary and quinternary cuprates were selected and the number of compound species as a function of specific combinations of A2 and RE elements is given. The Cu/O and RE/A2 ratios of the quaternary cuprate species as a function of A2 and RE atoms are shown. In addition, the research landscape of the MgB2 related publications was established using STN AnaVist, an analysis tool recently developed by STN International.
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    Werbung für den Apothekenbetrieb in örtlichen Festschriften
    (Stuttgart : Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, 2004-09) Diebold, Steffen M.
    Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich einem Aspekt der Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte, der bislang weder von der volkskundlichen noch von der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung aufgegriffen worden ist. Am Beispiel von Vereinsfestschriften des 20. Jahrhunderts wird demonstriert, wie sich Apotheken außerhalb von Fachkreisen der Öffentlichkeit präsentierten und dadurch für ihr Unternehmen warben. Über den alltagshistorischen Aspekt hinaus vermitteln die Annoncen der Festschriften en passant damit auch einen Einblick in wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche oder soziale Verhältnisse im Deutschland der Nachkriegszeit.
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    Combined rock slope stability and shallow landslide susceptibility assessment of the Jasmund cliff area (Rügen Island, Germany)
    (Katlenburg-Lindau : European Geophysical Society, 2009-5-8) Günther, A.; Thiel, C.
    In this contribution we evaluated both the structurally-controlled failure susceptibility of the fractured Cretaceous chalk rocks and the topographically-controlled shallow landslide susceptibility of the overlying glacial sediments for the Jasmund cliff area on Rügen Island, Germany. We employed a combined methodology involving spatially distributed kinematical rock slope failure testing with tectonic fabric data, and both physically- and inventory-based shallow landslide susceptibility analysis. The rock slope failure susceptibility model identifies areas of recent cliff collapses, confirming its value in predicting the locations of future failures. The model reveals that toppling is the most important failure type in the Cretaceous chalk rocks of the area. The shallow landslide susceptibility analysis involves a physically-based slope stability evaluation which utilizes material strength and hydraulic conductivity data, and a bivariate landslide susceptibility analysis exploiting landslide inventory data and thematic information on ground conditioning factors. Both models show reasonable success rates when evaluated with the available inventory data, and an attempt was made to combine the individual models to prepare a map displaying both terrain instability and landslide susceptibility. This combination highlights unstable cliff portions lacking discrete landslide areas as well as cliff sections highly affected by past landslide events. Through a spatial integration of the rock slope failure susceptibility model with the combined shallow landslide assessment we produced a comprehensive landslide susceptibility map for the Jasmund cliff area.
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    Bibliographie und Sacherschließung in der Hand vernetzter Informationsbenutzer
    (Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 2007) Heller, Lambert
    The history of collaboratively administered online-bibliographies and the most important concepts of social bookmarking services (bibliography of social networks, classification through social tagging, folksonomies as personal and collabularies as collaborative vocabularies) are being depicted and discussed. To characterize the described development as a whole, the notion of a metadata revolution is being introduced. Strategies for libraries and information facilities responding to this development are proposed.
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    Algorithmische Graphentheorie
    (Oberwolfach-Walke : Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2002) Jansen, Klaus; Schiermeyer, Ingo
    [no abstract available]
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    Analysis of Boundary Element Methods
    (Zürich : EMS Publ. House, 2008) Stephan, Ernst P.
    [no abstract available]
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    Analysis and Quantum Theory
    (Zürich : EMS Publ. House, 2005) Derezinski, Jan; Solovej, Jan-Philip
    The MFO-Workshop 0538 Analysis and Quantum Theory focussed on problems in mathematical physics, especially those connected to quantum field theory. Several theoretical physicists introduced a mostly mathematically oriented audience to topics in theoretical physics such as perturbative quantum field theory and fractional quantum Hall effect, thus bridging the gap between theoretical physics and mathematics. Apart from these reviews, a selection of research reports on recent results in mathematical physics was presented.