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    Sound-driven single-electron transfer in a circuit of coupled quantum rails
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2019) Takada, Shintaro; Edlbauer, Hermann; Lepage, Hugo V.; Wang, Junliang; Mortemousque, Pierre-André; Georgiou, Giorgos; Barnes, Crispin H. W.; Ford, Christopher J. B.; Yuan, Mingyun; Santos, Paulo V.; Waintal, Xavier; Ludwig, Arne; Wieck, Andreas D.; Urdampilleta, Matias; Meunier, Tristan; Bäuerle, Christopher
    Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) strongly modulate the shallow electric potential in piezoelectric materials. In semiconductor heterostructures such as GaAs/AlGaAs, SAWs can thus be employed to transfer individual electrons between distant quantum dots. This transfer mechanism makes SAW technologies a promising candidate to convey quantum information through a circuit of quantum logic gates. Here we present two essential building blocks of such a SAW-driven quantum circuit. First, we implement a directional coupler allowing to partition a flying electron arbitrarily into two paths of transportation. Second, we demonstrate a triggered single-electron source enabling synchronisation of the SAW-driven sending process. Exceeding a single-shot transfer efficiency of 99%, we show that a SAW-driven integrated circuit is feasible with single electrons on a large scale. Our results pave the way to perform quantum logic operations with flying electron qubits. © 2019, The Author(s).
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    Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid behavior and spinon confinement in YbAlO 3
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2019) Wu, L.S.; Nikitin, S.E.; Wang, Z.; Zhu, W.; Batista, C.D.; Tsvelik, A.M.; Samarakoon, A.M.; Tennant, D.A.; Brando, M.; Vasylechko, L.; Frontzek, M.; Savici, A.T.; Sala, G.; Ehlers, G.; Christianson, A.D.; Lumsden, M.D.; Podlesnyak, A.
    Low dimensional quantum magnets are interesting because of the emerging collective behavior arising from strong quantum fluctuations. The one-dimensional (1D) S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet is a paradigmatic example, whose low-energy excitations, known as spinons, carry fractional spin S = 1/2. These fractional modes can be reconfined by the application of a staggered magnetic field. Even though considerable progress has been made in the theoretical understanding of such magnets, experimental realizations of this low-dimensional physics are relatively rare. This is particularly true for rare-earth-based magnets because of the large effective spin anisotropy induced by the combination of strong spin–orbit coupling and crystal field splitting. Here, we demonstrate that the rare-earth perovskite YbAlO3 provides a realization of a quantum spin S = 1/2 chain material exhibiting both quantum critical Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid behavior and spinon confinement–deconfinement transitions in different regions of magnetic field–temperature phase diagram.
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    Gate-controlled quantum dots and superconductivity in planar germanium
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2018) Hendrickx, N.W.; Franke, D.P.; Sammak, A.; Kouwenhoven, M.; Sabbagh, D.; Yeoh, L.; Li, R.; Tagliaferri, M.L.V.; Virgilio, M.; Capellini, G.; Scappucci, G.; Veldhorst, M.
    Superconductors and semiconductors are crucial platforms in the field of quantum computing. They can be combined to hybrids, bringing together physical properties that enable the discovery of new emergent phenomena and provide novel strategies for quantum control. The involved semiconductor materials, however, suffer from disorder, hyperfine interactions or lack of planar technology. Here we realise an approach that overcomes these issues altogether and integrate gate-defined quantum dots and superconductivity into germanium heterostructures. In our system, heavy holes with mobilities exceeding 500,000 cm2 (Vs)−1 are confined in shallow quantum wells that are directly contacted by annealed aluminium leads. We observe proximity-induced superconductivity in the quantum well and demonstrate electric gate-control of the supercurrent. Germanium therefore has great promise for fast and coherent quantum hardware and, being compatible with standard manufacturing, could become a leading material for quantum information processing.
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    Raman gas self-organizing into deep nano-trap lattice
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2016) Alharbi, M.; Husakou, A.; Chafer, M.; Debord, B.; Gérôme, F.; Benabid, F.
    Trapping or cooling molecules has rallied a long-standing effort for its impact in exploring new frontiers in physics and in finding new phase of matter for quantum technologies. Here we demonstrate a system for light-trapping molecules and stimulated Raman scattering based on optically self-nanostructured molecular hydrogen in hollow-core photonic crystal fibre. A lattice is formed by a periodic and ultra-deep potential caused by a spatially modulated Raman saturation, where Raman-active molecules are strongly localized in a one-dimensional array of nanometre-wide sections. Only these trapped molecules participate in stimulated Raman scattering, generating high-power forward and backward Stokes continuous-wave laser radiation in the Lamb-Dicke regime with sub-Doppler emission spectrum. The spectrum exhibits a central line with a sub-recoil linewidth as low as ∼14 kHz, more than five orders of magnitude narrower than conventional-Raman pressure-broadened linewidth, and sidebands comprising Mollow triplet, motional sidebands and four-wave mixing.