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    Liquid-phase electron microscopy of molecular drug response in breast cancer cells reveals irresponsive cell subpopulations related to lack of HER2 homodimers
    (Bethesda, Md. : American Society for Cell Biology, 2017) Peckys, Diana B.; Korf, Ulrike; Wiemann, Stefan; de Jonge, Niels
    The development of drug resistance in cancer poses a major clinical problem. An example is human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) overexpressing breast cancer often treated with anti-HER2 antibody therapies, such as trastuzumab. Because drug resistance is rooted mainly in tumor cell heterogeneity, we examined the drug effect in different subpopulations of SKBR3 breast cancer cells and compared the results with those of a drugresistant cell line, HCC1954. Correlative light microscopy and liquid-phase scanning transmission electron microscopy were used to quantitatively analyze HER2 responses upon drug binding, whereby many tens of whole cells were imaged. Trastuzumab was found to selectively cross-link and down-regulate HER2 homodimers from the plasma membranes of bulk cancer cells. In contrast, HER2 resided mainly as monomers in rare subpopulations of resting and cancer stem cells (CSCs), and these monomers were not internalized after drug binding. The HER2 distribution was hardly influenced by trastuzumab for the HCC1954 cells. These findings show that resting cells and CSCs are irresponsive to the drug and thus point toward a molecular explanation behind the origin of drug resistance. This analytical method is broadly applicable to study membrane protein interactions in the intact plasma membrane, while accounting for cell heterogeneity.
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    Whole-Cell Analysis of Low-Density Lipoprotein Uptake by Macrophages Using STEM Tomography
    (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science, 2013) Baudoin, J.-P.; Jerome, W.G.; Kübel, C.; de Jonge, N.
    Nanoparticles of heavy materials such as gold can be used as markers in quantitative electron microscopic studies of protein distributions in cells with nanometer spatial resolution. Studying nanoparticles within the context of cells is also relevant for nanotoxicological research. Here, we report a method to quantify the locations and the number of nanoparticles, and of clusters of nanoparticles inside whole eukaryotic cells in three dimensions using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) tomography. Whole-mount fixed cellular samples were prepared, avoiding sectioning or slicing. The level of membrane staining was kept much lower than is common practice in transmission electron microscopy (TEM), such that the nanoparticles could be detected throughout the entire cellular thickness. Tilt-series were recorded with a limited tilt-range of 80° thereby preventing excessive beam broadening occurring at higher tilt angles. The 3D locations of the nanoparticles were nevertheless determined with high precision using computation. The obtained information differed from that obtained with conventional TEM tomography data since the nanoparticles were highlighted while only faint contrast was obtained on the cellular material. Similar as in fluorescence microscopy, a particular set of labels can be studied. This method was applied to study the fate of sequentially up-taken low-density lipoprotein (LDL) conjugated to gold nanoparticles in macrophages. Analysis of a 3D reconstruction revealed that newly up-taken LDL-gold was delivered to lysosomes containing previously up-taken LDL-gold thereby forming onion-like clusters.