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    Sound-driven single-electron transfer in a circuit of coupled quantum rails
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2019) Takada, Shintaro; Edlbauer, Hermann; Lepage, Hugo V.; Wang, Junliang; Mortemousque, Pierre-André; Georgiou, Giorgos; Barnes, Crispin H. W.; Ford, Christopher J. B.; Yuan, Mingyun; Santos, Paulo V.; Waintal, Xavier; Ludwig, Arne; Wieck, Andreas D.; Urdampilleta, Matias; Meunier, Tristan; Bäuerle, Christopher
    Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) strongly modulate the shallow electric potential in piezoelectric materials. In semiconductor heterostructures such as GaAs/AlGaAs, SAWs can thus be employed to transfer individual electrons between distant quantum dots. This transfer mechanism makes SAW technologies a promising candidate to convey quantum information through a circuit of quantum logic gates. Here we present two essential building blocks of such a SAW-driven quantum circuit. First, we implement a directional coupler allowing to partition a flying electron arbitrarily into two paths of transportation. Second, we demonstrate a triggered single-electron source enabling synchronisation of the SAW-driven sending process. Exceeding a single-shot transfer efficiency of 99%, we show that a SAW-driven integrated circuit is feasible with single electrons on a large scale. Our results pave the way to perform quantum logic operations with flying electron qubits. © 2019, The Author(s).
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    Uniaxial stress flips the natural quantization axis of a quantum dot for integrated quantum photonics
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Yuan, X.; Weyhausen-Brinkmann, F.; Martín-Sánchez, J.; Piredda, G.; Křápek, V.; Huo, Y.; Huang, H.; Schimpf, C.; Schmidt, O.G.; Edlinger, J.; Bester, G.; Trotta, R.; Rastelli, A.
    The optical selection rules in epitaxial quantum dots are strongly influenced by the orientation of their natural quantization axis, which is usually parallel to the growth direction. This configuration is well suited for vertically emitting devices, but not for planar photonic circuits because of the poorly controlled orientation of the transition dipoles in the growth plane. Here we show that the quantization axis of gallium arsenide dots can be flipped into the growth plane via moderate in-plane uniaxial stress. By using piezoelectric strain-actuators featuring strain amplification, we study the evolution of the selection rules and excitonic fine structure in a regime, in which quantum confinement can be regarded as a perturbation compared to strain in determining the symmetry-properties of the system. The experimental and computational results suggest that uniaxial stress may be the right tool to obtain quantum-light sources with ideally oriented transition dipoles and enhanced oscillator strengths for integrated quantum photonics.
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    Strong confinement-induced engineering of the g factor and lifetime of conduction electron spins in Ge quantum wells
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2016) Giorgioni, Anna; Paleari, Stefano; Cecchi, Stefano; Vitiello, Elisa; Grilli, Emanuele; Isella, Giovanni; Jantsch, Wolfgang; Fanciulli, Marco; Pezzoli, Fabio
    Control of electron spin coherence via external fields is fundamental in spintronics. Its implementation demands a host material that accommodates the desirable but contrasting requirements of spin robustness against relaxation mechanisms and sizeable coupling between spin and orbital motion of the carriers. Here, we focus on Ge, which is a prominent candidate for shuttling spin quantum bits into the mainstream Si electronics. So far, however, the intrinsic spin-dependent phenomena of free electrons in conventional Ge/Si heterojunctions have proved to be elusive because of epitaxy constraints and an unfavourable band alignment. We overcome these fundamental limitations by investigating a two-dimensional electron gas in quantum wells of pure Ge grown on Si. These epitaxial systems demonstrate exceptionally long spin lifetimes. In particular, by fine-tuning quantum confinement we demonstrate that the electron Landé g factor can be engineered in our CMOS-compatible architecture over a range previously inaccessible for Si spintronics.