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    Phonon-Polaritonic Bowtie Nanoantennas: Controlling Infrared Thermal Radiation at the Nanoscale
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2017) Wang, Tao; Li, Peining; Chigrin, Dmitry N.; Giles, Alexander J.; Bezares, Francisco J.; Glembocki, Orest J.; Caldwell, Joshua D.; Taubner, Thomas
    A conventional thermal emitter exhibits a broad emission spectrum with a peak wavelength depending upon the operation temperature. Recently, narrowband thermal emission was realized with periodic gratings or single microstructures of polar crystals supporting distinct optical modes. Here, we exploit the coupling of adjacent phonon-polaritonic nanostructures, demonstrating experimentally that the nanometer-scale gaps can control the thermal emission frequency while retaining emission line widths as narrow as 10 cm-1. This was achieved by using deeply subdiffractional bowtie-shaped silicon carbide nanoantennas. Infrared far-field reflectance spectroscopy, near-field optical nanoimaging, and full-wave electromagnetic simulations were employed to prove that the thermal emission originates from strongly localized surface phonon-polariton resonances of nanoantenna structures. The observed narrow emission line widths and exceptionally small modal volumes provide new opportunities for the user-design of near- and far-field radiation patterns for advancements in infrared spectroscopy, sensing, signaling, communications, coherent thermal emission, and infrared photodetection. © 2017 American Chemical Society.
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    Application of the transferred matrix method to a unified evaluation of the cathodic electron emission
    (New York, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2018) Baeva, M.
    The work is concerned with the Transfer Matrix Method for solving the steady-state Schrödinger equation applied for a unified evaluation of the emission current density from non-refractory cathodes. The method is applicable to arbitrary shapes of the potential barrier and its transmission probability is obtained without any analytical approximations. The Fermi-Dirac distribution for the free electrons in the metal is considered as a supply function. The results, obtained for a work function of the cathode material of 4.5 eV over a wide range of values of the surface temperature and the electric field strength, clearly show a growing deviation from those obtained by the classical Jeffreys-Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation with the increase of the electric field strength. Preliminary results are obtained to demonstrate the applicability of the Transfer Matrix method to the evaluation of the ion-assisted electron emission. A significant local enhancement of the emission current density is obtained as a result of the presence of an ion at a fixed position near the metal surface. The effect becomes very strongly pronounced at an appropriate value of the electric field strength, for which a resonant ion contribution appears.
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    Thermal annealing studies of GeTe-Sb2Te3 alloys with multiple interfaces
    (New York : American Institute of Physics, 2017) Bragaglia, Valeria; Mio, Antonio M.; Calarco, Raffaella
    A high degree of vacancy ordering is obtained by annealing amorphous GeTe-Sb2Te3 (GST) alloys deposited on a crystalline substrate, which acts as a template for the crystallization. Under annealing the material evolves from amorphous to disordered rocksalt, to ordered rocksalt with vacancies arranged into (111) oriented layers, and finally converts into the stable trigonal phase. The role of the interface in respect to the formation of an ordered crystalline phase is studied by comparing the transformation stages of crystalline GST with and without a capping layer. The capping layer offers another crystallization interface, which harms the overall crystalline quality.
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    High-quality MgB2 nanocrystals synthesized by using modified amorphous nano-boron powders: Study of defect structures and superconductivity properties
    (College Park, MD : American Institute of Physics, 2019) Bateni, A.; Erdem, E.; Häßler, W.; Somer, M.
    Nano sized magnesium diboride (MgB2) samples were synthesized using various high-quality nano-B precursor powders. The microscopic defect structures of MgB2 samples were systematically investigated using X-ray powder diffraction, Raman, resistivity measurements and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. A significant deviation in the critical temperature Tc was observed due to defects and crystal distortion. The symmetry effect of the latter is also reflected on the vibrational modes in the Raman spectra. Scanning electron microscopy analysis demonstrate uniform and ultrafine morphology for the modified MgB2. Defect center in particular Mg vacancies influence the connectivity and the conductivity properties which are crucial for the superconductivity applications.
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    Actively Tunable Collective Localized Surface Plasmons by Responsive Hydrogel Membrane
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Quilis, Nestor Gisbert; van Dongen, Marcel; Venugopalan, Priyamvada; Kotlarek, Daria; Petri, Christian; Cencerrado, Alberto Moreno; Stanescu, Sorin; Herrera, Jose Luis Toca; Jonas, Ulrich; Möller, Martin; Mourran, Ahmed; Dostalek, Jakub
    Collective (lattice) localized surface plasmons (cLSP) with actively tunable and extremely narrow spectral characteristics are reported. They are supported by periodic arrays of gold nanoparticles attached to a stimuli-responsive hydrogel membrane, which can on demand swell and collapse to reversibly modulate arrays period and surrounding refractive index. In addition, it features a refractive index-symmetrical geometry that promotes the generation of cLSPs and leads to strong suppression of radiative losses, narrowing the spectral width of the resonance, and increasing of the electromagnetic field intensity. Narrowing of the cLSP spectral band down to 13 nm and its reversible shifting by up to 151 nm is observed in the near infrared part of the spectrum by varying temperature and by solvent exchange for systems with a poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-based hydrogel membrane that is allowed to reversibly swell and collapse in either one or in three dimensions. The reported structures with embedded periodic gold nanoparticle arrays are particularly attractive for biosensing applications as the open hydrogel structure can be efficiently post-modified with functional moieties, such as specific ligands, and since biomolecules can rapidly diffuse through swollen polymer networks. © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    Self-Assembled Flexible and Integratable 3D Microtubular Asymmetric Supercapacitors
    (Chichester : John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2019) Li, F.; Wang, J.; Liu, L.; Qu, J.; Li, Y.; Bandari, V.K.; Karnaushenko, D.; Becker, C.; Faghih, M.; Kang, T.; Baunack, S.; Zhu, M.; Zhu, F.; Schmidt, O.G.
    The rapid development of microelectronics has equally rapidly increased the demand for miniaturized energy storage devices. On-chip microsupercapacitors (MSCs), as promising power candidates, possess great potential to complement or replace electrolytic capacitors and microbatteries in various applications. However, the areal capacities and energy densities of the planar MSCs are commonly limited by the low voltage window, the thin layer of the electrode materials and complex fabrication processes. Here, a new-type three-dimensional (3D) tubular asymmetric MSC with small footprint area, high potential window, ultrahigh areal energy density, and long-term cycling stability is fabricated with shapeable materials and photolithographic technologies, which are compatible with modern microelectronic fabrication procedures widely used in industry. Benefiting from the novel architecture, the 3D asymmetric MSC displays an ultrahigh areal capacitance of 88.6 mF cm−2 and areal energy density of 28.69 mW h cm−2, superior to most reported interdigitated MSCs. Furthermore, the 3D tubular MSCs demonstrate remarkable cycling stability and the capacitance retention is up to 91.8% over 12 000 cycles. It is believed that the efficient fabrication methodology can be used to construct various integratable microscale tubular energy storage devices with small footprint area and high performance for miniaturized electronics.
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    Single Molecule Magnetism with Strong Magnetic Anisotropy and Enhanced Dy∙∙∙Dy Coupling in Three Isomers of Dy-Oxide Clusterfullerene Dy2O@C82
    (Chichester : John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2019) Yang, W.; Velkos, G.; Liu, F.; Sudarkova, S.M.; Wang, Y.; Zhuang, J.; Zhang, H.; Li, X.; Zhang, X.; Büchner, B.; Avdoshenko, S.M.; Popov, A.A.; Chen, N.
    A new class of single-molecule magnets (SMMs) based on Dy-oxide clusterfullerenes is synthesized. Three isomers of Dy2O@C82 with Cs(6), C3v(8), and C2v(9) cage symmetries are characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, which shows that the endohedral Dy−(µ2-O)−Dy cluster has bent shape with very short Dy−O bonds. Dy2O@C82 isomers show SMM behavior with broad magnetic hysteresis, but the temperature and magnetization relaxation depend strongly on the fullerene cage. The short Dy−O distances and the large negative charge of the oxide ion in Dy2O@C82 result in the very strong magnetic anisotropy of Dy ions. Their magnetic moments are aligned along the Dy−O bonds and are antiferromagnetically (AFM) coupled. At low temperatures, relaxation of magnetization in Dy2O@C82 proceeds via the ferromagnetically (FM)-coupled excited state, giving Arrhenius behavior with the effective barriers equal to the AFM-FM energy difference. The AFM-FM energy differences of 5.4–12.9 cm−1 in Dy2O@C82 are considerably larger than in SMMs with {Dy2O2} bridges, and the Dy∙∙∙Dy exchange coupling in Dy2O@C82 is the strongest among all dinuclear Dy SMMs with diamagnetic bridges. Dy-oxide clusterfullerenes provide a playground for the further tuning of molecular magnetism via variation of the size and shape of the fullerene cage.
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    Optimal principal component analysis of stem xeds spectrum images
    (Heidelberg : Springer Verlag, 2019) Potapov, P.; Lubk, A.
    STEM XEDS spectrum images can be drastically denoised by application of the principal component analysis (PCA). This paper looks inside the PCA workflow step by step on an example of a complex semiconductor structure consisting of a number of different phases. Typical problems distorting the principal components decomposition are highlighted and solutions for the successful PCA are described. Particular attention is paid to the optimal truncation of principal components in the course of reconstructing denoised data. A novel accurate and robust method, which overperforms the existing truncation methods is suggested for the first time and described in details.
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    Novel concept for VCSEL enhanced silicon photonic coherent transceiver
    (New York, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2019) Seiler, Pascal M.; Ronniger, Gregor; Troppenz, Ute; Sigmund, Ariane; Moehrle, Martin; Peczek, Anna; Zimmermann, Lars
    We present a novel concept for an integrated silicon photonic coherent transceiver using vertical-emitting laser sources at 1550 nm. In a state of the art external modulation configuration, we deploy a VCSEL on the transmit and a HCSEL on the receive side. We demonstrate the feasibility of this approach by externally modulating the VCSEL with QPSK at up to 28 Gbaud. We also perform experiments with the VCSEL-HCSEL configuration in a slave-master optical injection locking setup for future data center interconnects. The results show stable locking conditions and the VCSEL is detuned to perform predominant phase modulation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time direct phase modulation of a VCSEL under optical injection locking was demonstrated using two vertically emitting laser sources as master - and slave laser. © 2019 Author(s).
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    Magnetic properties of GaAs-Fe3Si core-shell nanowires — A comparison of ensemble and single nanowire investigation
    (New York : American Institute of Physics, 2017) Hilse, Maria; Jenichen, Bernd; Herfort, Jens
    On the basis of semiconductor-ferromagnet GaAs-Fe3Si core-shell nanowires (Nws) we compare the facilities of magnetic Nw ensemble measurements by superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry versus investigations on single Nws by magnetic force microscopy and computational micromagnetic modeling. Where a careful analysis of ensemble measurements backed up by transmission electron microscopy gave no insights on the properties of the Nw shells, single Nw investigation turned out to be absolutely essential.