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    Plasmonic Hepatitis B Biosensor for the Analysis of Clinical Saliva
    (Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Society, 2017) Riedel, Tomáš; Hageneder, Simone; Surman, František; Pop-Georgievski, Ognen; Noehammer, Christa; Hofner, Manuela; Brynda, Eduard; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, Cesar; Dostálek, Jakub
    A biosensor for the detection of hepatitis B antibodies in clinical saliva was developed. Compared to conventional analysis of blood serum, it offers the advantage of noninvasive collection of samples. Detection of biomarkers in saliva imposes two major challenges associated with the low analyte concentration and increased surface fouling. The detection of minute amounts of hepatitis B antibodies was performed by plasmonically amplified fluorescence sandwich immunoassay. To have access to specific detection, we prevented the nonspecific adsorption of biomolecules present in saliva by brushes of poly[(N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide)-co-(carboxybetaine methacrylamide)] grafted from the gold sensor surface and post modified with hepatitis B surface antigen. Obtained results were validated against the response measured with ELISA at a certified laboratory using serum from the same patients. © 2017
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    High-Sensitivity Rheo-NMR Spectroscopy for Protein Studies
    (Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Society, 2017) Morimoto, Daichi; Walinda, Erik; Iwakawa, Naoto; Nishizawa, Mayu; Kawata, Yasushi; Yamamoto, Akihiko; Shirakawa, Masahiro; Scheler, Ulrich; Sugase, Kenji
    Shear stress can induce structural deformation of proteins, which might result in aggregate formation. Rheo-NMR spectroscopy has the potential to monitor structural changes in proteins under shear stress at the atomic level; however, existing Rheo-NMR methodologies have insufficient sensitivity to probe protein structure and dynamics. Here we present a simple and versatile approach to Rheo-NMR, which maximizes sensitivity by using a spectrometer equipped with a cryogenic probe. As a result, the sensitivity of the instrument ranks highest among the Rheo-NMR spectrometers reported so far. We demonstrate that the newly developed Rheo-NMR instrument can acquire high-quality relaxation data for a protein under shear stress and can trace structural changes in a protein during fibril formation in real time. The described approach will facilitate rheological studies on protein structural deformation, thereby aiding a physical understanding of shear-induced amyloid fibril formation.
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    Polymer Brush-Functionalized Chitosan Hydrogels as Antifouling Implant Coatings
    (Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Society, 2017) Buzzacchera, Irene; Vorobii, Mariia; Kostina, Nina Yu; de Los Santos Pereira, Andres; Riedel, Tomáš; Bruns, Michael; Ogieglo, Wojciech; Möller, Martin; Wilson, Christopher J.; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, Cesar
    Implantable sensor devices require coatings that efficiently interface with the tissue environment to mediate biochemical analysis. In this regard, bioinspired polymer hydrogels offer an attractive and abundant source of coating materials. However, upon implantation these materials generally elicit inflammation and the foreign body reaction as a consequence of protein fouling on their surface and concomitant poor hemocompatibility. In this report we investigate a strategy to endow chitosan hydrogel coatings with antifouling properties by the grafting of polymer brushes in a "grafting-from" approach. Chitosan coatings were functionalized with polymer brushes of oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate using photoinduced single electron transfer living radical polymerization and the surfaces were thoroughly characterized by XPS, AFM, water contact angle goniometry, and in situ ellipsometry. The antifouling properties of these new bioinspired hydrogel-brush coatings were investigated by surface plasmon resonance. The influence of the modifications to the chitosan on hemocompatibility was assessed by contacting the surfaces with platelets and leukocytes. The coatings were hydrophilic and reached a thickness of up to 180 nm within 30 min of polymerization. The functionalization of the surface with polymer brushes significantly reduced the protein fouling and eliminated platelet activation and leukocyte adhesion. This methodology offers a facile route to functionalizing implantable sensor systems with antifouling coatings that improve hemocompatibility and pave the way for enhanced device integration in tissue.
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    Screening Libraries of Amphiphilic Janus Dendrimers Based on Natural Phenolic Acids to Discover Monodisperse Unilamellar Dendrimersomes
    (Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Society, 2019) Buzzacchera, Irene; Xiao, Qi; Han, Hong; Rahimi, Khosrow; Li, Shangda; Kostina, Nina Yu; Toebes, B. Jelle; Wilner, Samantha E.; Möller, Martin; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, Cesar; Baumgart, Tobias; Wilson, Daniela A.; Wilson, Christopher J.; Klein, Michael L.; Percec, Virgil
    Natural, including plant, and synthetic phenolic acids are employed as building blocks for the synthesis of constitutional isomeric libraries of self-assembling dendrons and dendrimers that are the simplest examples of programmed synthetic macromolecules. Amphiphilic Janus dendrimers are synthesized from a diversity of building blocks including natural phenolic acids. They self-assemble in water or buffer into vesicular dendrimersomes employed as biological membrane mimics, hybrid and synthetic cells. These dendrimersomes are predominantly uni- or multilamellar vesicles with size and polydispersity that is predicted by their primary structure. However, in numerous cases, unilamellar dendrimersomes completely free of multilamellar assemblies are desirable. Here, we report the synthesis and structural analysis of a library containing 13 amphiphilic Janus dendrimers containing linear and branched alkyl chains on their hydrophobic part. They were prepared by an optimized iterative modular synthesis starting from natural phenolic acids. Monodisperse dendrimersomes were prepared by injection and giant polydisperse by hydration. Both were structurally characterized to select the molecular design principles that provide unilamellar dendrimersomes in higher yields and shorter reaction times than under previously used reaction conditions. These dendrimersomes are expected to provide important tools for synthetic cell biology, encapsulation, and delivery.
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    Synthetic 3D PEG-Anisogel Tailored with Fibronectin Fragments Induce Aligned Nerve Extension
    (Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Society, 2019) Licht, Christopher; Rose, Jonas C.; Anarkoli, Abdolrahman Omidinia; Blondel, Delphine; Roccio, Marta; Haraszti, Tamás; Gehlen, David B.; Hubbell, Jeffrey A.; Lutolf, Matthias P.; De Laporte, Laura
    An enzymatically cross-linked polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based hydrogel was engineered to promote and align nerve cells in a three-dimensional manner. To render the injectable, otherwise bioinert, PEG-based material supportive for cell growth, its mechanical and biochemical properties were optimized. A recombinant fibronectin fragment (FNIII9*-10/12-14) was coupled to the PEG backbone during gelation to provide cell adhesive and growth factor binding domains in close vicinity. Compared to full-length fibronectin, FNIII9*-10/12-14 supports nerve growth at similar concentrations. In a 3D environment, only the ultrasoft 1 w/v% PEG hydrogels with a storage modulus of ∼10 Pa promoted neuronal growth. This gel was used to establish the first fully synthetic, injectable Anisogel by the addition of magnetically aligned microelements, such as rod-shaped microgels or short fibers. The Anisogel led to linear neurite extension and represents a large step in the direction of clinical translation with the opportunity to treat acute spinal cord injuries.