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    A 310 nm Optically Pumped AlGaN Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2021) Hjort, Filip; Enslin, Johannes; Cobet, Munise; Bergmann, Michael A.; Gustavsson, Johan; Kolbe, Tim; Knauer, Arne; Nippert, Felix; Häusler, Ines; Wagner, Markus R.; Wernicke, Tim; Kneissl, Michael; Haglund, Åsa
    Ultraviolet light is essential for disinfection, fluorescence excitation, curing, and medical treatment. An ultraviolet light source with the small footprint and excellent optical characteristics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) may enable new applications in all these areas. Until now, there have only been a few demonstrations of ultraviolet-emitting VCSELs, mainly optically pumped, and all with low Al-content AlGaN cavities and emission near the bandgap of GaN (360 nm). Here, we demonstrate an optically pumped VCSEL emitting in the UVB spectrum (280-320 nm) at room temperature, having an Al0.60Ga0.40N cavity between two dielectric distributed Bragg reflectors. The double dielectric distributed Bragg reflector design was realized by substrate removal using electrochemical etching. Our method is further extendable to even shorter wavelengths, which would establish a technology that enables VCSEL emission from UVA (320-400 nm) to UVC (<280 nm). © 2020 American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.
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    Optimized diamond inverted nanocones for enhanced color center to fiber coupling
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2021) Torun, Cem Güney; Schneider, Philipp-Immanuel; Hammerschmidt, Martin; Burger, Sven; Munns, Joseph H. D.; Schröder, Tim
    Nanostructures can be used for boosting the light outcoupling of color centers in diamond; however, the fiber coupling performance of these nanostructures is rarely investigated. Here, we use a finite element method for computing the emission from color centers in inverted nanocones and the overlap of this emission with the propagation mode in a single-mode fiber. Using different figures of merit, the inverted nanocone parameters are optimized to obtain maximal fiber coupling efficiency, free-space collection efficiency, or rate enhancement. The optimized inverted nanocone designs show promising results with 66% fiber coupling or 83% free-space coupling efficiency at the tin-vacancy center zero-phonon line wavelength of 619 nm. Moreover, when evaluated for broadband performance, the optimized designs show 55% and 76% for fiber coupling and free-space efficiencies, respectively, for collecting the full tin-vacancy emission spectrum at room temperature. An analysis of fabrication insensitivity indicates that these nanostructures are robust against imperfections. For maximum emission rate into a fiber mode, a design with a Purcell factor of 2.34 is identified. Finally, possible improvements offered by a hybrid inverted nanocone, formed by patterning into two different materials, are investigated and increase the achievable fiber coupling efficiency to 71%. © 2021 Author(s).
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    The patterning toolbox FIB-o-mat: Exploiting the full potential of focused helium ions for nanofabrication
    (Frankfurt, M. : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2021) Deinhart, Victor; Kern, Lisa-Marie; Kirchhof, Jan N.; Juergensen, Sabrina; Sturm, Joris; Krauss, Enno; Feichtner, Thorsten; Kovalchuk, Sviatoslav; Schneider, Michael; Engel, Dieter; Pfau, Bastian; Hecht, Bert; Bolotin, Kirill I.; Reich, Stephanie; Höflich, Katja
    Focused beams of helium ions are a powerful tool for high-fidelity machining with spatial precision below 5 nm. Achieving such a high patterning precision over large areas and for different materials in a reproducible manner, however, is not trivial. Here, we introduce the Python toolbox FIB-o-mat for automated pattern creation and optimization, providing full flexibility to accomplish demanding patterning tasks. FIB-o-mat offers high-level pattern creation, enabling high-fidelity large-area patterning and systematic variations in geometry and raster settings. It also offers low-level beam path creation, providing full control over the beam movement and including sophisticated optimization tools. Three applications showcasing the potential of He ion beam nanofabrication for two-dimensional material systems and devices using FIB-o-mat are presented.
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    High-temperature annealing of AlN films grown on 4H-SiC
    (New York, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2020) Brunner, F.; Cancellara, L.; Hagedorn, S.; Albrecht, M.; Weyers, M.
    The effect of high-temperature annealing (HTA) at 1700 °C on AlN films grown on 4H-SiC substrates by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy has been studied. It is shown that the structural quality of the AlN layers improves significantly after HTA similar to what has been demonstrated for AlN grown on sapphire. Dislocation densities reduce by one order of magnitude resulting in 8 × 108 cm-2 for a-type and 1 × 108 cm-2 for c-type dislocations. The high-temperature treatment removes pits from the surface by dissolving nanotubes and dislocations in the material. XRD measurements prove that the residual strain in AlN/4H-SiC is further relaxed after annealing. AlN films grown at higher temperature resulting in a lower as-grown defect density show only a marginal reduction in dislocation density after annealing. Secondary ion mass spectrometry investigation of impurity concentrations reveals an increase of Si after HTA probably due to in-diffusion from the SiC substrate. However, C concentration reduces considerably with HTA that points to an efficient carbon removal process (i.e., CO formation). © 2020 Author(s).
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    Simulation of microwave circuits and laser structures including PML by means of FIT
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2004) Hebermehl, G.; Schefter, J.; Schlundt, R.; Tischler, Th.; Zscheile, H.; Heinrich, W.
    Field-oriented methods which describe the physical properties of microwave circuits and optical structures are an indispensable tool to avoid costly and time-consuming redesign cycles. Commonly the electromagnetic characteristics of the structures are described by the scattering matrix which is extracted from the orthogonal decomposition of the electric field. The electric field is the solution of an eigenvalue and a boundary value problem for Maxwell’s equations in the frequency domain. We discretize the equations with staggered orthogonal grids using the Finite Integration Technique (FIT). Maxwellian grid equations are formulated for staggered nonequidistant rectangular grids and for tetrahedral nets with corresponding dual Voronoi cells. The interesting modes of smallest attenuation are found solving a sequence of eigenvalue problems of modified matrices. To reduce the execution time for high-dimensional problems a coarse and a fine grid is used. The calculations are carried out, using two levels of parallelization. The discretized boundary value problem, a large-scale system of linear algebraic equations with different right-hand sides, is solved by a block Krylov subspace method with various preconditioning techniques. Special attention is paid to the Perfectly Matched Layer boundary condition (PML) which causes non physical modes and a significantly increased number of iterations in the iterative methods.
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    Growth and Properties of Intentionally Carbon-Doped GaN Layers
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Richter, Eberhard; Beyer, Franziska C.; Zimmermann, Friederike; Gärtner, Günter; Irmscher, Klaus; Gamov, Ivan; Heitmann, Johannes; Weyers, Markus; Tränkle, Günther
    Carbon-doping of GaN layers with thickness in the mm-range is performed by hydride vapor phase epitaxy. Characterization by optical and electrical measurements reveals semi-insulating behavior with a maximum of specific resistivity of 2 × 1010 Ω cm at room temperature found for a carbon concentration of 8.8 × 1018 cm−3. For higher carbon levels up to 3.5 × 1019 cm−3, a slight increase of the conductivity is observed and related to self-compensation and passivation of the acceptor. The acceptor can be identified as CN with an electrical activation energy of 0.94 eV and partial passivation by interstitial hydrogen. In addition, two differently oriented tri-carbon defects, CN-a-CGa-a-CN and CN-a-CGa-c-CN, are identified which probably compensate about two-thirds of the carbon which is incorporated in excess of 2 × 1018 cm−3. © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    The Impact of AlN Templates on Strain Relaxation Mechanisms during the MOVPE Growth of UVB-LED Structures
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Knauer, Arne; Mogilatenko, Anna; Weinrich, Jonas; Hagedorn, Sylvia; Walde, Sebastian; Kolbe, Tim; Cancellara, Leonardo; Weyers, Markus
    Strain relaxation mechanisms in AlGaN based light emitting diodes emitting in the ultraviolet B spectral range (UVB-LEDs) grown on different AlN/sapphire templates are analyzed by combining in situ reflectivity and curvature data with transmission electron microscopy. In particular, the impact of dislocation density, surface morphology, and lattice constant of the AlN/sapphire templates is studied. For nonannealed AlN/templates with threading dislocation densities (TDDs) of 4 × 109 and 3 × 109 cm−2 and different surface morphologies strain relaxation takes place mostly by conventional ways, such as inclination of threading dislocation lines and formation of horizontal dislocation bands. In contrast, a TDD reduction down to 1 × 109 cm−2 as well as a reduction of the lattice constant of high temperature annealed AlN template leads to drastic changes in the structure of subsequently grown AlGaN layers, e.g., to transformation to helical dislocations and enhanced surface enlargement by formation of macrofacets. For the growth of strongly compressively strained AlGaN layers for UVB-LEDs the relaxation mechanism is strongly influenced by the absolute values of TDD and the lattice constant of the AlN templates and is less influenced by their surface morphology.
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    Effect of electron blocking layer doping and composition on the performance of 310 nm light emitting diodes
    (Basel : MDPI, 2017) Kolbe, Tim; Knauer, Arne; Rass, Jens; Cho, Hyun Kyong; Hagedorn, Sylvia; Einfeldt, Sven; Kneissl, Michael; Weyers, Markus
    The effects of composition and p-doping profile of the AlGaN:Mg electron blocking layer (EBL) in 310 nm ultraviolet B (UV-B) light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been investigated. The carrier injection and internal quantum efficiency of the LEDs were simulated and compared to electroluminescence measurements. The light output power depends strongly on the temporal biscyclopentadienylmagnesium (Cp 2 Mg) carrier gas flow profile during growth as well as on the aluminum profile of the AlGaN:Mg EBL. The highest emission power has been found for an EBL with the highest Cp 2 Mg carrier gas flow and a gradually decreasing aluminum content in direction to the p-side of the LED. This effect is attributed to an improved carrier injection and confinement that prevents electron leakage into the p-doped region of the LED with a simultaneously enhanced carrier injection into the active region.
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    Highly linear fundamental up-converter in InP DHBT technology for W-band applications
    (New York, NY [u.a.] : Wiley, 2020) Hossain, Maruf; Stoppel, Dimitri; Boppel, Sebastian; Heinrich, Wolfgang; Krozer, Viktor
    A fundamental up-converter with high linearity is presented, realized as full Gilbert cell (GC) mixer using a 800 nm transferred substrate (TS) InP-DHBT technology. The LO input of the Gilbert cell conducts from 75 to 100 GHz and requires 5 dBm of input power. The GC attains a single sideband (SSB) conversion gain of 10 ± 1 dB within the frequency from 82 to 95 GHz with a saturated output power of -1 dBm at 86 GHz and >5 dB conversion gain between 75 and 100 GHz. The up-converter exhibits 25 GHz of IF bandwidth. The DC power consumption is only 51 mW. © 2020 The Authors. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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    Diode laser based light sources for biomedical applications
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2012) Müller, André; Marschall, Sebastian; Jensen, Ole Bjarlin; Fricke, Jörg; Wenzel, Hans; Sumpf, Bernd; Andersen, Peter E.
    Diode lasers are by far the most efficient lasers currently available. With the ever-continuing improvement in diode laser technology, this type of laser has become increasingly attractive for a wide range of biomedical applications. Compared to the characteristics of competing laser systems, diode lasers simultaneously offer tunability, high-power emission and compact size at fairly low cost. Therefore, diode lasers are increasingly preferred in important applications, such as photocoagulation, optical coherence tomography, diffuse optical imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and terahertz imaging. This review provides an overview of the latest development of diode laser technology and systems and their use within selected biomedical applications.