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    Numerical analysis for nematic electrolytes
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2020) Baňas, L'ubomír; Lasarzik, Robert; Prohl, Andreas
    We consider a system of nonlinear PDEs modeling nematic electrolytes, and construct a dissipative solution with the help of its implementable, structure-inheriting space-time discretization. Computational studies are performed to study the mutual effects of electric, elastic, and viscous effects onto the molecules in a nematic electrolyte.
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    Existence of solutions of a finite element flux-corrected-transport scheme
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2020) John, Volker; Knobloch, Petr
    The existence of a solution is proved for a nonlinear finite element flux-corrected-transport (FEM-FCT) scheme with arbitrary time steps for evolutionary convection-diffusion-reaction equations and transport equations.
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    Optimal control of a buoyancy-driven liquid steel stirring modeled with single-phase Navier--Stokes equations
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2020) Wilbrandt, Ulrich; Alia, Najib; John, Volker
    Gas stirring is an important process used in secondary metallurgy. It allows to homogenize the temperature and the chemical composition of the liquid steel and to remove inclusions which can be detrimental for the end-product quality. In this process, argon gas is injected from two nozzles at the bottom of the vessel and rises by buoyancy through the liquid steel thereby causing stirring, i.e., a mixing of the bath. The gas flow rates and the positions of the nozzles are two important control parameters in practice. A continuous optimization approach is pursued to find optimal values for these control variables. The effect of the gas appears as a volume force in the single-phase incompressible NavierStokes equations. Turbulence is modeled with the Smagorinsky Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model. An objective functional based on the vorticity is used to describe the mixing in the liquid bath. Optimized configurations are compared with a default one whose design is based on a setup from industrial practice.
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    Displacement and pressure reconstruction from magnetic resonance elastography images: Application to an in silico brain model
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2022) Galarce Marín, Felipe; Tabelow, Karsten; Polzehl, Jörg; Papanikas, Christos Panagiotis; Vavourakis, Vasileios; Lilaj, Ledia; Sack, Ingolf; Caiazzo, Alfonso
    This paper investigates a data assimilation approach for non-invasive quantification of intracranial pressure from partial displacement data, acquired through magnetic resonance elastography. Data assimilation is based on a parametrized-background data weak methodology, in which the state of the physical system tissue displacements and pressure fields is reconstructed from partially available data assuming an underlying poroelastic biomechanics model. For this purpose, a physics-informed manifold is built by sampling the space of parameters describing the tissue model close to their physiological ranges, to simulate the corresponding poroelastic problem, and compute a reduced basis. Displacements and pressure reconstruction is sought in a reduced space after solving a minimization problem that encompasses both the structure of the reduced-order model and the available measurements. The proposed pipeline is validated using synthetic data obtained after simulating the poroelastic mechanics on a physiological brain. The numerical experiments demonstrate that the framework can exhibit accurate joint reconstructions of both displacement and pressure fields. The methodology can be formulated for an arbitrary resolution of available displacement data from pertinent images. It can also inherently handle uncertainty on the physical parameters of the mechanical model by enlarging the physics-informed manifold accordingly. Moreover, the framework can be used to characterize, in silico, biomarkers for pathological conditions, by appropriately training the reduced-order model. A first application for the estimation of ventricular pressure as an indicator of abnormal intracranial pressure is shown in this contribution.