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    Effect of Fans’ Placement on the Indoor Thermal Environment of Typical Tunnel-Ventilated Multi-Floor Pig Buildings Using Numerical Simulation
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2022) Wang, Xiaoshuai; Cao, Mengbing; Hu, Feiyue; Yi, Qianying; Amon, Thomas; Janke, David; Xie, Tian; Zhang, Guoqiang; Wang, Kaiying
    An increasing number of large pig farms are being built in multi-floor pig buildings (MFPBs) in China. Currently, the ventilation system of MFPB varies greatly and lacks common standards. This work aims to compare the ventilation performance of three popular MFPB types with different placement of fans using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique. After being validated with field-measured data, the CFD models were extended to simulate the air velocity, air temperature, humidity, and effective temperature of the three MFPBs. The simulation results showed that the ventilation rate of the building with outflowing openings in the endwall and fans installed on the top of the shaft was approximately 25% less than the two buildings with fans installed on each floor. The ventilation rate of each floor increased from the first to the top floor for both buildings with a shaft, while no significant difference was observed in the building without a shaft. Increasing the shaft’s width could mitigate the variation in the ventilation rate of each floor. The effective temperature distribution at the animal level was consistent with the air velocity distribution. Therefore, in terms of the indoor environmental condition, the fans were recommended to be installed separately on each floor.
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    A Parametric Model for Local Air Exchange Rate of Naturally Ventilated Barns
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2021) Doumbia, E. Moustapha; Janke, David; Yi, Qianying; Prinz, Alexander; Amon, Thomas; Kriegel, Martin; Hempel, Sabrina
    With an increasing number of naturally ventilated dairy barns (NVDBs), the emission of ammonia and greenhouse gases into the surrounding environment is expected to increase as well. It is very challenging to accurately determine the amount of gases released from a NVDB on-farm. Moreover, control options for the micro-climate to increase animal welfare are limited in an NVDB at present. Both issues are due to the complexity of the NVDB micro-environment, which is subject to temporal (such as wind direction and temperature) and spatial (such as openings and animals acting as airflow obstacles) fluctuations. The air exchange rate (AER) is one of the most valuable evaluation entities, since it is directly related to the gas emission rate and animal welfare. In this context, our study determined the general and local AERs of NVDBs of different shapes under diverse airflow conditions. Previous works identified main influencing parameters for the general AER and mathematically linked them together to predict the AER of the barn as a whole. The present research study is a continuation and extension of previous studies about the determination of AER. It provides new insights into the influence of convection flow regimes. In addition, it goes further in precision by determining the local AERs, depending on the position of the considered volume inside the barn. After running several computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, we used the statistical tool of general linear modeling in order to identify quantitative relationships between the AER and the following five influencing parameters, the length/width ratio of the barn, the side opening configuration, the airflow temperature, magnitude and incoming direction. The work succeeded in taking the temperature into account as a further influencing parameter in the model and, thus, for the first time, in analysing the effect of the different types of flow convection in this context. The resulting equations predict the barn AER with an R2 equals 0.98 and the local AER with a mean R2 equals around 0.87. The results go a step further in the precise determination of the AER of NVDB and, therefore, are of fundamental importance for a better and deeper understanding of the interaction between the driving forces of AER in NVDB.
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    Simulating Cotton Growth and Productivity Using AquaCrop Model under Deficit Irrigation in a Semi-Arid Climate
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2022) Aziz, Marjan; Rizvi, Sultan Ahmad; Sultan, Muhammad; Bazmi, Muhammad Sultan Ali; Shamshiri, Redmond R.; Ibrahim, Sobhy M.; Imran, Muhammad A.
    AquaCrop is a water-driven model that simulates the effect of environment and management on crop production under deficit irrigation. The model was calibrated and validated using three databases and four irrigation treatments (i.e., 100%ET, 80%ET, 70%ET, and 50%ET). Model performance was evaluated by simulating canopy cover (CC), biomass accumulation, and water productivity (WP). Statistics of root mean square error (RMSE) and Willmott’s index of agreement (d) showed that model predictions are suitable for non-stressed and moderate stressed conditions. The results showed that the simulated biomass and yield were consistent with the measured values with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.976 and 0.950, respectively. RMSE and d-index values for canopy cover (CC) were 2.67% to 4.47% and 0.991% to 0.998% and for biomass were 0.088 to 0.666 ton/ha and 0.991 to 0.999 ton/ha, respectively. Prediction of simulated and measured biomass and final yield was acceptable with deviation ˂10%. The overall value of R2 for WP in terms of yield was 0.943. Treatment with 80% ET consumed 20% less water than the treatment with 100%ET and resulted in high WP in terms of yield (0.6 kg/m3) and biomass (1.74 kg/m3), respectively. The deviations were in the range of −2% to 11% in yield and −2% to 4% in biomass. It was concluded that AquaCrop is a useful tool in predicting the productivity of cotton under different irrigation scenarios.
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    Extrusion of Different Plants into Fibre for Peat Replacement in Growing Media: Adjustment of Parameters to Achieve Satisfactory Physical Fibre-Properties
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2021) Dittrich, Christian; Pecenka, Ralf; Loes, Anne-Kristin; Caceres, Rafaela; Conroy, Judith; Rayns, Francis; Schmutz, Ulrich; Kir, Alev; Kruggel-Emden, Harald
    Peat is a highly contentious input in agriculture. Replacing or reducing peat by substitution with lignocellulosic biomass processed into fibre by twin-screw-extrusion could contribute to more sustainable agriculture with regard to horticultural production. Therefore, plant wastes including pruning from Olea europaea L. and Vitis spp. L., residues from perennial herbs like Salvia spp. L., Populus spp. L. and forest biomass were processed to fibre for peat replacement with a biomass extruder. The water-holding-capacity (WHC), particle-size-distribution and other physical fibre characteristics were determined and compared to peat. The specific energy demand during extrusion was measured for aperture settings from 6–40 mm. No fibre reached the 82% WHC of peat. At the setting of 20 mm of all materials investigated, Salvia performed best with a WHC of 53% and moderate specific energy demand (167 kWh tDM−1) followed by Olea europaea with a WHC of 43% and a low energy demand (93 kWh tDM−1). For Populus, opening the aperture from 20–40 mm decreased energy demand by 41% and WHC by 27%. The drying of biomass for storage and remoistening during extrusion increased the specific energy demand. Despite a lower WHC than peat, all investigated materials are suitable to replace peat in growing media regarding their physical properties.
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    Scientific Irrigation Scheduling for Sustainable Production in Olive Groves
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2022) Aziz, Marjan; Khan, Madeeha; Anjum, Naveeda; Sultan, Muhammad; Shamshiri, Redmond R.; Ibrahim, Sobhy M.; Balasundram, Siva K.; Aleem, Muhammad
    The present study aimed at investigating scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS) for the sustainable production of olive groves. The SIS allows farmers to schedule water rotation in their fields to abate crop water stress and maximize yields, which could be achieved through the precise monitoring of soil moisture. For this purpose, the study used three kinds of soil moisture sensors, including tensiometer sensors, irrometer sensors, and gypsum blocks for precise measurement of the soil moisture. These soil moisture sensors were calibrated by performing experiments in the field and laboratory at Barani Agricultural Research Institute, Chakwal in 2018 and 2019. The calibration curves were obtained by performing gravimetric analysis at 0.3 and 0.6 m depths, thereby equations were developed using regression analysis. The coefficient of determination (R2 ) at 0.3 and 0.6 m depth for tensiometer, irrometer, and gypsum blocks was found to be equal to 0.98, 0.98; 0.75, 0.89; and 0.82, and 0.95, respectively. After that, a drip irrigation system was installed with the calibrated soil moisture sensors at 0.3 and 0.6 m depth to schedule irrigation for production of olive groves as compared to conventional farmer practice, thereby soil moisture profiles of these sensors were obtained to investigate the SIS. The results showed that the irrometer sensor performed as expected and contributed to the irrigation water savings between 17% and 25% in 2018 and 2019, respectively, by reducing the number of irrigations as compared toother soil moisture sensors and farmer practices. Additionally, olive yield efficiencies of 8% and 9%were observed by the tensiometer in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The outcome of the study suggests that an effective method in providing sustainable production of olive groves and enhancing yield efficiency.
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    Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Costs of Reduced Nitrogen Fertilizer
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2022) Meyer-Aurich, Andreas; Karatay, Yusuf Nadi
    The reduction of nitrogen (N) fertilizer use is a possible greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation option, whereas cost estimation highly depends on assumptions of the yield response function. This paper analyzes the potential and range of GHG mitigation costs with reduced N fertilizer application based on empirical yield response data for winter rye (Secale cereale L.) and rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) from field experiments from 2013 to 2020 in Brandenburg, Germany. The field experiments included four to five N rates as mineral fertilizer treatments. Three different functional forms (linear-plateau, quadratic, and quadratic-plateau) were estimated to model yield response as a function of N supply. Economic calculations were based on relevant price–cost ratios. The results indicate that the opportunity costs of applying less fertilizer and the resulting GHG mitigation thereof vary in a great range across the years and crops estimated by different yield response functions. The linear-plateau function predominantly results in lower GHG mitigation costs than the quadratic and the quadratic-plateau function. On average, over eight years, a moderate reduction of N fertilizer (up to 20 kg/ha) offers a cost-efficient option for mitigating GHG emissions below EUR 50 per ton of CO2eq, even resulting in net profit gain in some cases.
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    Bulk and Single Crystal Growth Progress of Iron-Based Superconductors (FBS): 1111 and 1144
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2022) Singh, Shiv J.; Sturza, Mihai I.
    The discovery of iron-based superconductors (FBS) and their superconducting properties has generated huge research interest and provided a very rich physics high Tc family for fundamental and experimental studies. The 1111 (REFeAsO, RE = Rare earth) and 1144 (AEAFe4As4, AE = Ca, Eu; A = K, Rb) families are the two most important families of FBS, which offer the high Tc of 58 K and 36 K with doping and without doping, respectively. Furthermore, the crystal growth of these families is not an easy process, and a lot of efforts have been reported in this direction. However, the preparation of high-quality and suitable-sized samples is still challenging. In this short review, we will summarize the growth of materials with their superconducting properties, especially polycrystals and single crystals, for the 1111 and 1144 families, and make a short comparison between them to understand the developmental issues.
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    New Low-Melting Triply Charged Homoleptic Cr(III)-Based Ionic Liquids in Comparison to Their Singly Charged Heteroleptic Analogues
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2021) Peppel, Tim; Köckerling, Martin
    A series of new low-melting triply charged homoleptic Cr(III)-based ionic liquids of the general formula (RMIm)3[Cr(NCS)6] (R = methyl, ethyl, n-butyl, benzyl) is reported. Their syntheses and properties are described in comparison to their singly charged heteroleptic analogues of the general formula (RMIm)[Cr(NCS)4L2] (R = methyl, ethyl, n-butyl, benzyl; L = pyridine, γ-picoline). In total, sixteen new Reineckate related salts with large imidazolium cations are described. Out of these, five compounds were crystallized, and their structures determined by single-crystal X-ray structure analyses. They all consisted of discrete anions and cations with octahedrally coordinated Cr(III) ions. In the structures, various hydrogen contacts interconnect the entities to build up hydrogen bonded networks. Thermal investigations showed relatively low melting points for the homoleptic complexes. The compounds with the [Cr(NCS)6]3− anion melt without decomposition and are stable up to 200 K above their melting points. The complex salts with the [Cr(NCS)4L2]− anion, in contrast, start to decompose and lose L molecules (Pyr or Pic) already at the melting point.
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    Analysing Interlinked Frequency Dynamics of the Urban Acoustic Environment
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2022) Haselhoff, Timo; Braun, Tobias; Hornberg, Jonas; Lawrence, Bryce T.; Ahmed, Salman; Gruehn, Dietwald; Moebus, Susanne
    As sustainable metropolitan regions require more densely built-up areas, a comprehensive understanding of the urban acoustic environment (AE) is needed. However, comprehensive datasets of the urban AE and well-established research methods for the AE are scarce. Datasets of audio recordings tend to be large and require a lot of storage space as well as computationally expensive analyses. Thus, knowledge about the long-term urban AE is limited. In recent years, however, these limitations have been steadily overcome, allowing a more comprehensive analysis of the urban AE. In this respect, the objective of this work is to contribute to a better understanding of the time-frequency domain of the urban AE, analysing automatic audio recordings from nine urban settings over ten months. We compute median power spectra as well as normalised spectrograms for all settings. Additionally, we demonstrate the use of frequency correlation matrices (FCMs) as a novel approach to access large audio datasets. Our results show site-dependent patterns in frequency dynamics. Normalised spectrograms reveal that frequency bins with low power hold relevant information and that the AE changes considerably over a year. We demonstrate that this information can be captured by using FCMs, which also unravel communities of interlinked frequency dynamics for all settings.
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    Physico-Chemical Properties and Deposition Potential of PM2.5 during Severe Smog Event in Delhi, India
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2022) Fatima, Sadaf; Mishra, Sumit Kumar; Ahlawat, Ajit; Dimri, Ashok Priyadarshan
    The present work studies a severe smog event that occurred in Delhi (India) in 2017, targeting the characterization of PM2.5 and its deposition potential in human respiratory tract of different population groups in which the PM2.5 levels raised from 124.0 µg/m3 (pre-smog period) to 717.2 µg/m3 (during smog period). Higher concentration of elements such as C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Fe, Cl, Ca, Ti, Cr, Pb, Fe, K, Cu, Cl, P, and F were observed during the smog along with dominant organic functional groups (aldehyde, ketones, alkyl halides (R-F; R-Br; R-Cl), ether, etc.), which supported potential contribution from transboundary biomass-burning activities along with local pollution sources and favorable meteorological conditions. The morphology of individual particles were found mostly as non-spherical, including carbon fractals, aggregates, sharp-edged, rod-shaped, and flaky structures. A multiple path particle dosimetry (MPPD) model showed significant deposition potential of PM2.5 in terms of deposition fraction, mass rate, and mass flux during smog conditions in all age groups. The highest PM2.5 deposition fraction and mass rate were found for the head region followed by the alveolar region of the human respiratory tract. The highest mass flux was reported for 21-month-old (4.7 × 102 µg/min/m2), followed by 3-month-old (49.2 µg/min/m2) children, whereas it was lowest for 21-year-old adults (6.8 µg/min/m2), indicating babies and children were more vulnerable to PM2.5 pollution than adults during smog. Deposition doses of toxic elements such as Cr, Fe, Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn, and Ni were also found to be higher (up to 1 × 10−7 µg/kg/day) for children than adults.