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    Horizontal Wavenumber Spectra of Vertical Vorticity and Horizontal Divergence of Mesoscale Dynamics in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Using Multistatic Specular Meteor Radar Observations
    (Malden, Mass. : American Geophysical Union, 2022) Poblet, Facundo L.; Chau, Jorge L.; Conte, J. Federico; Avsarkisov, Victor; Vierinen, Juha; Charuvil Asokan, Harikrishnan
    Specular meteor radars (SMRs) have significantly contributed to the understanding of wind dynamics in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). We present a method to estimate horizontal correlations of vertical vorticity (Qzz) and horizontal divergence (P) in the MLT, using line-of-sight multistatic SMRs velocities, that consists of three steps. First, we estimate 2D, zonal, and meridional correlation functions of wind fluctuations (with periods less than 4 hr and vertical wavelengths smaller than 4 km) using the wind field correlation function inversion (WCFI) technique. Then, the WCFI's statistical estimates are converted into longitudinal and transverse components. The conversion relation is obtained by considering the rotation about the vertical direction of two velocity vectors, from an east-north-up system to a meteor-pair-dependent cylindrical system. Finally, following a procedure previously applied in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere to airborne wind measurements, the longitudinal and transverse spatial correlations are fitted, from which Qzz, P, and their spectra are directly estimated. The method is applied to a special Spread spectrum Interferometric Multistatic meteor radar Observing Network data set, obtained over northern Germany for seven days in November 2018. The results show that in a quasi-axisymmetric scenario, P was more than five times larger than Qzz for the horizontal wavelengths range given by ∼50–400 km, indicating a predominance of internal gravity waves over vortical modes of motion as a possible explanation for the MLT mesoscale dynamics during this campaign.
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    Developing a Laser Induced Liquid Beam Ion Desorption Spectral Database as Reference for Spaceborne Mass Spectrometers
    (Malden, Mass. : American Geophysical Union, 2022) Klenner, Fabian; Umair, Muhammad; Walter, Sebastian H. G.; Khawaja, Nozair; Hillier, Jon; Nölle, Lenz; Zou, Zenghui; Napoleoni, Maryse; Sanderink, Arnaud; Zuschneid, Wilhelm; Abel, Bernd; Postberg, Frank
    Spaceborne impact ionization mass spectrometers, such as the Cosmic Dust Analyzer on board the past Cassini spacecraft or the SUrface Dust Analyzer being built for NASA's upcoming Europa Clipper mission, are of crucial importance for the exploration of icy moons in the Solar System, such as Saturn's moon Enceladus or Jupiter's moon Europa. For the interpretation of data produced by these instruments, analogue experiments on Earth are essential. To date, thousands of laboratory mass spectra have been recorded with an analogue experiment for impact ionization mass spectrometers. Simulation of mass spectra of ice grains in space is achieved by a Laser Induced Liquid Beam Ion Desorption (LILBID) approach. The desorbed cations or anions are analyzed in a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The amount of unstructured raw data is increasingly challenging to sort, process, interpret and compare with data from space. Thus far this has been achieved manually for individual mass spectra because no database containing the recorded reference spectra was available. Here we describe the development of a comprehensive, extendable database containing cation and anion mass spectra from the laboratory LILBID facility. The database is based on a Relational Database Management System with a web server interface and enables filtering of the laboratory data using a wide range of parameters. The mass spectra can be compared not only with data from past and future space missions but also mass spectral data generated by other, terrestrial, techniques. The validated and approved subset of the database is available for general public (