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Tailoring electron beams with high-frequency self-assembled magnetic charged particle micro optics

2022, Huber, R., Kern, F., Karnaushenko, D.D., Eisner, E., Lepucki, P., Thampi, A., Mirhajivarzaneh, A., Becker, C., Kang, T., Baunack, S., Büchner, B., Karnaushenko, D., Schmidt, O.G., Lubk, A.

Tunable electromagnets and corresponding devices, such as magnetic lenses or stigmators, are the backbone of high-energy charged particle optical instruments, such as electron microscopes, because they provide higher optical power, stability, and lower aberrations compared to their electric counterparts. However, electromagnets are typically macroscopic (super-)conducting coils, which cannot generate swiftly changing magnetic fields, require active cooling, and are structurally bulky, making them unsuitable for fast beam manipulation, multibeam instruments, and miniaturized applications. Here, we present an on-chip microsized magnetic charged particle optics realized via a self-assembling micro-origami process. These micro-electromagnets can generate alternating magnetic fields of about ±100 mT up to a hundred MHz, supplying sufficiently large optical power for a large number of charged particle optics applications. That particular includes fast spatiotemporal electron beam modulation such as electron beam deflection, focusing, and wave front shaping as required for stroboscopic imaging.

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A new dimension for magnetosensitive e-skins: active matrix integrated micro-origami sensor arrays

2022, Becker, Christian, Bao, Bin, Karnaushenko, Dmitriy D., Bandari, Vineeth Kumar, Rivkin, Boris, Li, Zhe, Faghih, Maryam, Karnaushenko, Daniil, Schmidt, Oliver G.

Magnetic sensors are widely used in our daily life for assessing the position and orientation of objects. Recently, the magnetic sensing modality has been introduced to electronic skins (e-skins), enabling remote perception of moving objects. However, the integration density of magnetic sensors is limited and the vector properties of the magnetic field cannot be fully explored since the sensors can only perceive field components in one or two dimensions. Here, we report an approach to fabricate high-density integrated active matrix magnetic sensor with three-dimensional (3D) magnetic vector field sensing capability. The 3D magnetic sensor is composed of an array of self-assembled micro-origami cubic architectures with biased anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) sensors manufactured in a wafer-scale process. Integrating the 3D magnetic sensors into an e-skin with embedded magnetic hairs enables real-time multidirectional tactile perception. We demonstrate a versatile approach for the fabrication of active matrix integrated 3D sensor arrays using micro-origami and pave the way for new electronic devices relying on the autonomous rearrangement of functional elements in space.