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    A size dependent evaluation of the cytotoxicity and uptake of nanographene oxide
    (London [u.a.] : RSC, 2015) Mendes, Rafael Gregorio; Koch, Britta; Bachmatiuk, Alicja; Ma, Xing; Sanchez, Samuel; Damm, Christine; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Gemming, Thomas; Eckert, Jürgen; Rümmeli, Mark H.
    Graphene oxide (GO) has attracted great interest due to its extraordinary potential for biomedical application. Although it is clear that the naturally occurring morphology of biological structures is crucial to their precise interactions and correct functioning, the geometrical aspects of nanoparticles are often ignored in the design of nanoparticles for biological applications. A few in vitro and in vivo studies have evaluated the cytotoxicity and biodistribution of GO, however very little is known about the influence of flake size and cytotoxicity. Herein, we aim at presenting an initial cytotoxicity evaluation of different nano-sized GO flakes for two different cell lines (HeLa (Kyoto) and macrophage (J7742)) when they are exposed to samples containing different sized nanographene oxide (NGO) flakes (mean diameter of 89 and 277 nm). The obtained data suggests that the larger NGO flakes reduce cell viability as compared to smaller flakes. In addition, the viability reduction correlates with the time and the concentration of the NGO nanoparticles to which the cells are exposed. Uptake studies were also conducted and the data suggests that both cell lines internalize the GO nanoparticles during the incubation periods studied.
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    8 fs laser pulses from a compact gas-filled multi-pass cell
    (Washington, DC : Soc., 2021) Rueda, P.; Videla, F.; Witting, T.; Torchia, G.A.; Furch, F.J.
    Compression of 42 fs, 0.29 mJ pulses from a Ti:Sapphire amplifier down to 8 fs (approximately 3 optical cycles) is demonstrated by means of spectral broadening in a compact multi-pass cell filled with argon. The efficiency of the nonlinear pulse compression is limited to 45 % mostly by losses in the mirrors of the cell. The experimental results are supported by 3-dimensional numerical simulations of the nonlinear pulse propagation in the cell that allow us to study spatio-spectral properties of the pulses after spectral broadening.
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    Space-time focusing and coherence properties of supercontinua in multipass cells
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2021) Mei, Chao; Steinmeyer, Günter
    The situation of self-compression and concomitant supercontinuum generation in a multipass cell is analyzed in numerical simulations. This study focuses on multipass cells that contain a dielectric slab as nonlinear medium and overcompensate the dispersion of the slab with intracavity dispersive coatings. A 2D+1 unidirectional pulse propagation equation is utilized to simulate the pulse evolution through successive passes. We observe a previously unreported effect of space-time focusing, leading to a pronounced blue shift, similar to what had been observed in filament compression experiments before. This effect competes with detrimental pulse breakup, which can nevertheless be mitigated under suitable choice of cavity parameters. We further analyze resulting coherence properties, in both the time and frequency domains. Our analysis shows highly favorable properties of multipass cell compression schemes when nonlinearity and dispersion are distributed over as many cavity passes as possible. This quasicontinuous approach is particularly promising for spectral broadening schemes that allow for stabilization of the carrier-envelope phase.
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    Micromotor-mediated sperm constrictions for improved swimming performance
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2021) Striggow, Friedrich; Nadporozhskaia, Lidiia; Friedrich, Benjamin M.; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Medina-Sánchez, Mariana
    Sperm-driven micromotors, consisting of a single sperm cell captured in a microcap, utilize the strong propulsion generated by the flagellar beat of motile spermatozoa for locomotion. It enables the movement of such micromotors in biological media, while being steered remotely by means of an external magnetic field. The substantial decrease in swimming speed, caused by the additional hydrodynamic load of the microcap, limits the applicability of sperm-based micromotors. Therefore, to improve the performance of such micromotors, we first investigate the effects of additional cargo on the flagellar beat of spermatozoa. We designed two different kinds of microcaps, which each result in different load responses of the flagellar beat. As an additional design feature, we constrain rotational degrees of freedom of the cell’s motion by modifying the inner cavity of the cap. Particularly, cell rolling is substantially reduced by tightly locking the sperm head inside the microcap. Likewise, cell yawing is decreased by aligning the micromotors under an external static magnetic field. The observed differences in swimming speed of different micromotors are not so much a direct consequence of hydrodynamic effects, but rather stem from changes in flagellar bending waves, hence are an indirect effect. Our work serves as proof-of-principle that the optimal design of microcaps is key for the development of efficient sperm-driven micromotors.
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    Platelet Membrane-Coated Nanocarriers Targeting Plaques to Deliver Anti-CD47 Antibody for Atherosclerotic Therapy
    ([Beijing] : China Association for Science and Technology, 2022) Chen, Liang; Zhou, Zhongyi; Hu, Cheng; Maitz, Manfred F.; Yang, Li; Luo, Rifang; Wang, Yunbing
    Atherosclerosis, the principle cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD) worldwide, is mainly characterized by the pathological accumulation of diseased vascular cells and apoptotic cellular debris. Atherogenesis is associated with the upregulation of CD47, a key antiphagocytic molecule that is known to render malignant cells resistant to programmed cell removal, or "efferocytosis." Here, we have developed platelet membrane-coated mesoporous silicon nanoparticles (PMSN) as a drug delivery system to target atherosclerotic plaques with the delivery of an anti-CD47 antibody. Briefly, the cell membrane coat prolonged the circulation of the particles by evading the immune recognition and provided an affinity to plaques and atherosclerotic sites. The anti-CD47 antibody then normalized the clearance of diseased vascular tissue and further ameliorated atherosclerosis by blocking CD47. In an atherosclerosis model established in ApoE-/- mice, PMSN encapsulating anti-CD47 antibody delivery significantly promoted the efferocytosis of necrotic cells in plaques. Clearing the necrotic cells greatly reduced the atherosclerotic plaque area and stabilized the plaques reducing the risk of plaque rupture and advanced thrombosis. Overall, this study demonstrated the therapeutic advantages of PMSN encapsulating anti-CD47 antibodies for atherosclerosis therapy, which holds considerable promise as a new targeted drug delivery platform for efficient therapy of atherosclerosis.