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    Functional and differential proteomic analyses to identify platelet derived factors affecting ex vivo expansion of mesenchymal stromal cells
    (London : BioMed Central, 2013) Kinzebach, Sven; Dietz, Lisa; Klüter, Harald; Thierse, Hermann-Josef; Bieback, Karen
    Background: Multilineage differentiation, immunomodulation and secretion of trophic factors render mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) highly attractive for clinical application. Human platelet derivatives such as pooled human platelet lysate (pHPL) and thrombin-activated platelet releasate in plasma (tPRP) have been introduced as alternatives to fetal bovine serum (FBS) to achieve GMP-compliance. However, whereas both pHPL and tPRP support similar proliferation kinetics of lipoaspirate-derived MSC (LA-MSC), only pHPL significantly accelerates bone marrow-derived MSC (BM-MSC) expansion. To identify functionally bioactive factors affecting ex vivo MSC expansion, a differential proteomic approach was performed and identified candidate proteins were evaluated within a bioassay. Results: Two dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), MALDI-TOF analyses and complementary Western blotting revealed 20 differential protein species. 14 candidate proteins occured at higher concentrations in pHPL compared to tPRP and 6 at higher concentrations in tPRP. The candidate proteins fibrinogen and apolipoprotein A1 differentially affected LA- and BM-MSC proliferation. In a second set of experiments, reference cytokines known to foster proliferation in FBS were tested for their effects in the human supplements. Interestingly although these cytokines promoted proliferation in FBS, they failed to do so when added to the humanized system. Conclusions: The differential proteomic approach identified novel platelet derived factors differentially acting on human MSC proliferation. Complementary testing of reference cytokines revealed a lack of stimulation in the human supplements compared to FBS. The data describe a new coherent approach to combine proteomic technologies with functional testing to develop novel, humanized, GMP-compliant conditions for MSC expansion.
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    Adaptation of a microbial community to demand-oriented biological methanation
    (London : BioMed Central, 2022) Khesali Aghtaei, Hoda; Püttker, Sebastian; Maus, Irena; Heyer, Robert; Huang, Liren; Sczyrba, Alexander; Reichl, Udo; Benndorf, Dirk
    Background: Biological conversion of the surplus of renewable electricity and carbon dioxide (CO2) from biogas plants to biomethane (CH4) could support energy storage and strengthen the power grid. Biological methanation (BM) is linked closely to the activity of biogas-producing Bacteria and methanogenic Archaea. During reactor operations, the microbiome is often subject to various changes, e.g., substrate limitation or pH-shifts, whereby the microorganisms are challenged to adapt to the new conditions. In this study, various process parameters including pH value, CH4 production rate, conversion yields and final gas composition were monitored for a hydrogenotrophic-adapted microbial community cultivated in a laboratory-scale BM reactor. To investigate the robustness of the BM process regarding power oscillations, the biogas microbiome was exposed to five hydrogen (H2)-feeding regimes lasting several days. Results: Applying various “on–off” H2-feeding regimes, the CH4 production rate recovered quickly, demonstrating a significant resilience of the microbial community. Analyses of the taxonomic composition of the microbiome revealed a high abundance of the bacterial phyla Firmicutes, Bacteroidota and Thermotogota followed by hydrogenotrophic Archaea of the phylum Methanobacteriota. Homo-acetogenic and heterotrophic fermenting Bacteria formed a complex food web with methanogens. The abundance of the methanogenic Archaea roughly doubled during discontinuous H2-feeding, which was related mainly to an increase in acetoclastic Methanothrix species. Results also suggested that Bacteria feeding on methanogens could reduce overall CH4 production. On the other hand, using inactive biomass as a substrate could support the growth of methanogenic Archaea. During the BM process, the additional production of H2 by fermenting Bacteria seemed to support the maintenance of hydrogenotrophic methanogens at non-H2-feeding phases. Besides the elusive role of Methanothrix during the H2-feeding phases, acetate consumption and pH maintenance at the non-feeding phase can be assigned to this species. Conclusions: Taken together, the high adaptive potential of microbial communities contributes to the robustness of BM processes during discontinuous H2-feeding and supports the commercial use of BM processes for energy storage. Discontinuous feeding strategies could be used to enrich methanogenic Archaea during the establishment of a microbial community for BM. Both findings could contribute to design and improve BM processes from lab to pilot scale.
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    Compomics-utilities: An open-source Java library for computational proteomics
    (London : BioMed Central, 2011) Barsnes, Harald; Vaudel, Marc; Helsens, Kenny; Sickmann, Albert; Walther, Dirk; Berven, Frode S.
    The growing interest in the field of proteomics has increased the demand for software tools and applications that process and analyze the resulting data. And even though the purpose of these tools can vary significantly, they usually share a basic set of features, including the handling of protein and peptide sequences, the visualization of (and interaction with) spectra and chromatograms, and the parsing of results from various proteomics search engines. Developers typically spend considerable time and effort implementing these support structures, which detracts from working on the novel aspects of their tool.