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Modular coherent photonic-aided payload receiver for communications satellites

2019, Duarte, Vanessa C., Prata, João G., Ribeiro, Carlos F., Nogueira, Rogério N., Winzer, Georg, Zimmermann, Lars, Walker, Rob, Clements, Stephen, Filipowicz, Marta, Napierała, Marek, Nasiłowski, Tomasz, Crabb, Jonathan, Kechagias, Marios, Stampoulidis, Leontios, Anzalchi, Javad, Drummond, Miguel V.

Ubiquitous satellite communications are in a leading position for bridging the digital divide. Fulfilling such a mission will require satellite services on par with fibre services, both in bandwidth and cost. Achieving such a performance requires a new generation of communications payloads powered by large-scale processors, enabling a dynamic allocation of hundreds of beams with a total capacity beyond 1 Tbit s−1. The fact that the scale of the processor is proportional to the wavelength of its signals has made photonics a key technology for its implementation. However, one last challenge hinders the introduction of photonics: while large-scale processors demand a modular implementation, coherency among signals must be preserved using simple methods. Here, we demonstrate a coherent photonic-aided receiver meeting such demands. This work shows that a modular and coherent photonic-aided payload is feasible, making way to an extensive introduction of photonics in next generation communications satellites.

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A graphene-based hot electron transistor

2013, Vaziri, S., Lupina, G., Henkel, C., Smith, A.D., Östling, M., Dabrowski, J., Lippert, G., Mehr, W., Lemme, M.C.

We experimentally demonstrate DC functionality of graphene-based hot electron transistors, which we call graphene base transistors (GBT). The fabrication scheme is potentially compatible with silicon technology and can be carried out at the wafer scale with standard silicon technology. The state of the GBTs can be switched by a potential applied to the transistor base, which is made of graphene. Transfer characteristics of the GBTs show ON/OFF current ratios exceeding 104.