Search Results

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    Analysis of fatty acids and triacylglycerides by Pd nanoparticle-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015) Silina, Yuliya E.; Fink-Straube, Claudia; Hayen, Heiko; Volmer, Dietrich A.
    In this study, we propose a simple and rapid technique for characterization of free fatty acids and triacylglycerides (TAG) based on palladium nanoparticular (Pd-NP) surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization (SALDI) mass spectrometry (MS). The implemented Pd-NP material allowed detection of free fatty acids and TAGs exclusively as [M + K]+ ions in positive ion mode. Under negative ionization conditions, unusual trimetric structures were generated for free fatty acids, while TAGs underwent irreproducible degradation reactions. Importantly, the mass spectra obtained from Pd-NP targets in positive ion mode were very clean without interferences from matrix-derived ions in the low m/z range and readily enabled the detection of intact TAGs in vegetable oils without major fragmentation reactions as compared to conventional MALDI-MS, requiring only a minimal amount of sample preparation.
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    Surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry using ordered silicon nanopillar arrays
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014) Alhmoud, Hashim Z.; Guinan, Taryn M.; Elnathan, Roey; Kobus, Hilton; Voelcker, Nicolas H.
    Surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (SALDI-MS) is ideally suited for the high-throughput analysis of small molecules in bodily fluids (e.g. saliva, urine, and blood plasma). A key application for this technique is the testing of drug consumption in the context of workplace, roadside, athlete sports and anti-addictive drug compliance. Here, we show that vertically-aligned ordered silicon nanopillar (SiNP) arrays fabricated using nanosphere lithography followed by metal-assisted chemical etching (MACE) are suitable substrates for the SALDI-MS detection of methadone and small peptides. Porosity, length and diameter are fabrication parameters that we have explored here in order to optimize analytical performance. We demonstrate the quantitative analysis of methadone in MilliQ water down to 32 ng mL-1. Finally, the capability of SiNP arrays to facilitate the detection of methadone in clinical samples is also demonstrated.
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    Switching adhesion and friction by light using photosensitive guest - host interactions
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015) Blass, Johanna; Bozna, Bianca; Albrecht, Marcel; Krings, Jennifer A.; Ravoo, Bart Jan; Wenz, Gerhard; Bennewitz, Roland
    Friction and adhesion between two β-cyclodextrin functionalized surfaces can be switched reversibly by external light stimuli. The interaction between the cyclodextrin molecules attached to the tip of an atomic force microscope and a silicon wafer surface is mediated by complexation of ditopic azobenzene guest molecules. At the single molecule level, the rupture force of an individual complex is 61 ± 10 pN.
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    Gold nanorods with conjugated polymer ligands: sintering-free conductive inks for printed electronics
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016) Reiser, B.; González-García, L.; Kanelidis, I.; Maurer, J.H.M.; Kraus, T.
    Metal-based nanoparticle inks for printed electronics usually require sintering to improve the poor electron transport at particle-particle interfaces. The ligands required for colloidal stability act as insulating barriers and must be removed in a post-deposition sintering step. This complicates the fabrication process and makes it incompatible with many flexible substrates. Here, we bind a conjugated, electrically conductive polymer on gold nanorods (AuNRs) as a ligand. The polymer, poly[2-(3-thienyl)-ethyloxy-4-butylsulfonate] (PTEBS), provides colloidal stability and good electron transport properties to stable, sintering-free inks. We confirm that the polymer binds strongly through a multidentate binding motif and provides superior colloidal stability in polar solvents over months by IR and Raman spectrometry and zeta potential measurements. We demonstrate that the developed ligand exchange protocol is directly applicable to other polythiophenes such as poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS). Films of AuNRs coated with above polymers reached conductivities directly after deposition comparable to conventional metal inks after ligand removal and retained their conductivity for at least one year when stored under ambient conditions.
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    The springtail cuticle as a blueprint for omniphobic surfaces
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015) Hensel, René; Neinhuis, Christoph; Werner, Carsten
    Omniphobic surfaces found in nature have great potential for enabling novel and emerging products and technologies to facilitate the daily life of human societies. One example is the water and even oil-repellent cuticle of springtails (Collembola). The wingless arthropods evolved a highly textured, hierarchically arranged surface pattern that affords mechanical robustness and wetting resistance even at elevated hydrostatic pressures. Springtail cuticle-derived surfaces therefore promise to overcome limitations of lotus-inspired surfaces (low durability, insufficient repellence of low surface tension liquids). In this review, we report on the liquid-repellent natural surfaces of arthropods living in aqueous or temporarily flooded habitats including water-walking insects or water spiders. In particular, we focus on springtails presenting an overview on the cuticular morphology and chemistry and their biological relevance. Based on the obtained liquid repellence of a variety of liquids with remarkable efficiency, the review provides general design criteria for robust omniphobic surfaces. In particular, the resistance against complete wetting and the mechanical stability strongly both depend on the topographical features of the nano- and micropatterned surface. The current understanding of the underlying principles and approaches to their technological implementation are summarized and discussed.
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    One-step synthesis of nanocrystalline transition metal oxides on thin sheets of disordered graphitic carbon by oxidation of MXenes
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014) Naguib, Michael; Mashtalir, Olhar; Lukatskaya, Maria R.; Dyatkin, Boris; Zhang, Chuanfang; Presser, Volker; Gogotsi, Yuri; Barsoum, Michael W.
    Herein we show that heating 2D Ti3C2 in air results in TiO2 nanocrystals enmeshed in thin sheets of disordered graphitic carbon structures that can handle extremely high cycling rates when tested as anodes in lithium ion batteries. Oxidation of 2D Ti3C2 in either CO2 or pressurized water also resulted in TiO2–C hybrid structures. Similarly, other hybrids can be produced, as we show here for Nb2O5/C from 2D Nb2C.
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    Vanadia–titania multilayer nanodecoration of carbon onions via atomic layer deposition for high performance electrochemical energy storage
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016) Fleischamann, Simon; Tolosa, Aura; Zieger, Marco; Krüner, Benjamin; Peter, Nicolas J.; Grobelsek, Ingrid; Quade, Antje; Kruth, Angela; Presser, Volker
    Atomic layer deposition has proven to be a particularly attractive approach for ecorating mesoporous carbon substrates with redox active metal oxides for lectrochemical energy storage. This study, for the first time, capitalizes on the cyclic character of atomic layer deposition to obtain highly conformal and atomically controlled decoration of carbon onions with alternating stacks of vanadia and titania. The addition of 25 mass% TiO2 leads to expansion of the VO2 unit cell, thus greatly enhancing lithium intercalation capacity and kinetics. Electrochemical characterization revealed an ultrahigh discharge capacity of up to 382 mA h g^-1 of the composite electrode (554 mA h g^-1 per metal oxide) with an impressive capacity retention of 82 mA h g^-1 (120 mA h g^-1 per metal oxide) at a high discharge rate of 20 A g^-1 or 52C. Stability benchmarking showed stability over 3000 cycles when discharging to a reduced potential of ^-1.8 V vs. carbon. These capacity values are among the highest reported for any metal oxide system, while in addition, upercapacitor-like power performance and longevity are achieved. At a device level, high specific energy and power of up to 110 W h kg^-1 and 6 kW kg^-1, respectively, were achieved when employing the hybrid material as anode versus activated carbon cathode.
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    Enhanced uptake and siRNA-mediated knockdown of a biologically relevant gene using cyclodextrin polyrotaxane
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015) Dandekar, P.; Jain, R.; Keil, M.; Loretz, B.; Koch, Marcus; Wenz, G.; Lehr, Claus-Michael
    Ideal cationic polymers for siRNA delivery could result in its enhanced cellular internalization, escape from endosomal degradation, and rapid release in cell cytoplasm, to facilitate knockdown of the target gene. In this study, we have investigated the ability of an in-house synthesized cationic polyrotaxane to bind siRNA into nanometric complexes. This polymer, which had earlier shown improved transfection of model siRNA (luciferase), was used to improve the cellular internalization of the siRNA molecule with therapeutic implications. In cellular assays, the polymer enhanced the knockdown of a gene involved in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis, when the nanocomplexes were compared with free siRNA. The efficacy and cellular non-toxicity of this polymer encourage its further exploitation in animal models of tuberculosis and other intracellular bacterial infections.
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    An electrochemical in situ study of freezing and thawing of ionic liquids in carbon nanopores
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014) Weingarth, Daniel; Drumm, Robert; Foelske-Schmitz, Annette; Kotz, Rüdiger; Presser, Volker
    Room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) are an emerging class of electrolytes enabling high cell voltages and, in return, high energy density of advanced supercapacitors. Yet, the low temperature behavior, including freezing and thawing, is little understood when ions are confined in the narrow space of nanopores. This study shows that RTILs may show a tremendously different thermal behavior when comparing bulk with nanoconfined properties as a result of the increased surface energy of carbon pore walls. In particular, a continuous increase in viscosity is accompanied by slowed-down charge-discharge kinetics as seen with in situ electrochemical characterization. Freezing reversibly collapses the energy storage ability and thawing fully restores the initial energy density of the material. For the first time, a different thermal behavior in positively and negatively polarized electrodes is demonstrated. This leads to different freezing and melting points in the two electrodes. Compared to bulk, RTILs in the confinement of electrically charged nanopores show a high affinity for supercooling; that is, the electrode may freeze during heating.
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    Review: Carbon onions for electrochemical energy storage
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016) Zeiger, Marco; Jäckel, Nicolas; Mochalin, Vadym N.; Presser, Volker
    Carbon onions are a relatively new member of the carbon nanomaterials family. They consist of multiple concentric fullerene-like carbon shells which are highly defective and disordered. Due to their small size of typically below 10 nm, the large external surface area, and high conductivity they are used for supercapacitor applications. As electrode materials, carbon onions provide fast charge/discharge rates resulting in high specific power but present comparatively low specific energy. They improve the performance of activated carbon electrodes as conductive additives and show suitable properties as substrates for redox-active materials. This review provides a critical discussion of the electrochemical properties of different types of carbon onions as electrode materials. It also compares the general advantages and disadvantages of different carbon onion synthesis methods. The physical and chemical properties of carbon onions, in particular nanodiamond-derived carbon onions, are described with emphasis on those parameters especially important for electrochemical energy storage systems, including the structure, conductivity, and porosity. Although the primary focus of current research is on electrode materials for supercapacitors, the use of carbon onions as conductive additives and for redox-active species is also discussed.