Search Results

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Polyhedra and commensurability

2016, Guglielmetti, Rafael, Jacquement, Matthieu

This snapshot introduces the notion of commensurability of polyhedra. At its bottom, this concept can be developed from constructions with paper, scissors, and glue. Starting with an elementary example, we formalize it subsequently. Finally, we discuss intriguing connections with other fields of mathematics.

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Jewellery from tessellations of hyperbolic space

2022, Gangl, Herbert

In this snapshot, we will first give an introduction to hyperbolic geometry and we will then show how certain matrix groups of a number-theoretic origin give rise to a large variety of interesting tessellations of 3-dimensional hyperbolic space. Many of the building blocks of these tessellations exhibit beautiful symmetry and have inspired the design of 3D printed jewellery.

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Computing with symmetries

2018, Roney-Dougal, Colva M.

Group theory is the study of symmetry, and has many applications both within and outside mathematics. In this snapshot, we give a brief introduction to symmetries, and how to compute with them.

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Snake graphs, perfect matchings and continued fractions

2019, Schiffler, Ralf

A continued fraction is a way of representing a real number by a sequence of integers. We present a new way to think about these continued fractions using snake graphs, which are sequences of squares in the plane. You start with one square, add another to the right or to the top, then another to the right or the top of the previous one, and so on. Each continued fraction corresponds to a snake graph and vice versa, via “perfect matchings” of the snake graph. We explain what this means and why a mathematician would call this a combinatorial realization of continued fractions.

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Profinite groups

2016, Bartholdi, Laurent

Profinite objects are mathematical constructions used to collect, in a uniform manner, facts about infinitely many finite objects. We shall review recent progress in the theory of profinite groups, due to Nikolov and Segal, and its implications for finite groups.

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Ultrafilter methods in combinatorics

2021, Goldbring, Isaac

Given a set X, ultrafilters determine which subsets of X should be considered as large. We illustrate the use of ultrafilter methods in combinatorics by discussing two cornerstone results in Ramsey theory, namely Ramsey’s theorem itself and Hindman’s theorem. We then present a recent result in combinatorial number theory that verifies a conjecture of Erdos known as the “B + C conjecture”.

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A few shades of interpolation

2017, Szpond, Justyna

The topic of this snapshot is interpolation. In the ordinary sense, interpolation means to insert something of a different nature into something else. In mathematics, interpolation means constructing new data points from given data points. The new points usually lie in between the already-known points. The purpose of this snapshot is to introduce a particular type of interpolation, namely, polynomial interpolation. This will be explained starting from basic ideas that go back to the ancient Babylonians and Greeks, and will arrive at subjects of current research activity.

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Solving quadratic equations in many variables

2017, Tignol, Jean-Pierre

Fields are number systems in which every linear equation has a solution, such as the set of all rational numbers Q or the set of all real numbers R. All fields have the same properties in relation with systems of linear equations, but quadratic equations behave differently from field to field. Is there a field in which every quadratic equation in five variables has a solution, but some quadratic equation in four variables has no solution? The answer is in this snapshot.

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Arrangements of lines

2014, Harbourne, Brian, Szemberg, Tomasz

We discuss certain open problems in the context of arrangements of lines in the plane.

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Searching for the Monster in the Trees

2022, Craven, David A.

The Monster finite simple group is almost unimaginably large, with about 8 × 1053 elements in it. Trying to understand such an immense object requires both theory and computer programs. In this snapshot, we discuss finite groups, representations, and finally Brauer trees, which offer some new understanding of this vast and intricate structure.