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Overview: The Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEAR)

2023, Meier, H. E. Markus, Reckermann, Marcus, Langner, Joakim, Smith, Ben, Didenkulova, Ira

Baltic Earth is an independent research network of scientists from all Baltic Sea countries that promotes regional Earth system research. Within the framework of this network, the Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEARs) were produced in the period 2019-2022. These are a collection of 10 review articles summarising current knowledge on the environmental and climatic state of the Earth system in the Baltic Sea region and its changes in the past (palaeoclimate), present (historical period with instrumental observations) and prospective future (until 2100) caused by natural variability, climate change and other human activities. The division of topics among articles follows the grand challenges and selected themes of the Baltic Earth Science Plan, such as the regional water, biogeochemical and carbon cycles; extremes and natural hazards; sea-level dynamics and coastal erosion; marine ecosystems; coupled Earth system models; scenario simulations for the regional atmosphere and the Baltic Sea; and climate change and impacts of human use. Each review article contains an introduction, the current state of knowledge, knowledge gaps, conclusions and key messages; the latter are the bases on which recommendations for future research are made. Based on the BEARs, Baltic Earth has published an information leaflet on climate change in the Baltic Sea as part of its outreach work, which has been published in two languages so far, and organised conferences and workshops for stakeholders, in collaboration with the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission, HELCOM).

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Strong impact of wildfires on the abundance and aging of black carbon in the lowermost stratosphere

2018, Ditas, Jeannine, Ma, Nan, Zhang, Yuxuan, Assmann, Denise, Neumaier, Marco, Riede, Hella, Karu, Einar, Williams, Jonathan, Scharffe, Dieter, Wang, Qiaoqiao, Saturno, Jorge, Schwarz, Joshua P., Katich, Joseph M., McMeeking, Gavin R., Zahn, Andreas, Hermann, Markus, Brenninkmeijer, Carl A. M., Andreae, Meinrat O., Pöschl, Ulrich, Su, Hang, Cheng, Yafang

Wildfires inject large amounts of black carbon (BC) particles into the atmosphere, which can reach the lowermost stratosphere (LMS) and cause strong radiative forcing. During a 14-month period of observations on board a passenger aircraft flying between Europe and North America, we found frequent and widespread biomass burning (BB) plumes, influencing 16 of 160 flight hours in the LMS. The average BC mass concentrations in these plumes (∼140 ng·m−3, standard temperature and pressure) were over 20 times higher than the background concentration (∼6 ng·m−3) with more than 100-fold enhanced peak values (up to ∼720 ng·m−3). In the LMS, nearly all BC particles were covered with a thick coating. The average mass equivalent diameter of the BC particle cores was ∼120 nm with a mean coating thickness of ∼150 nm in the BB plume and ∼90 nm with a coating of ∼125 nm in the background. In a BB plume that was encountered twice, we also found a high diameter growth rate of ∼1 nm·h−1 due to the BC particle coatings. The observed high concentrations and thick coatings of BC particles demonstrate that wildfires can induce strong local heating in the LMS and may have a significant influence on the regional radiative forcing of climate.

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Climate Feedback on Aerosol Emission and Atmospheric Concentrations

2018, Tegen, Ina, Schepanski, Kerstin

Purpose of Review: Climate factors may considerably impact on natural aerosol emissions and atmospheric distributions. The interdependencies of processes within the aerosol-climate system may thus cause climate feedbacks that need to be understood. Recent findings on various major climate impacts on aerosol distributions are summarized in this review. Recent Findings: While generally atmospheric aerosol distributions are influenced by changes in precipitation, atmospheric mixing, and ventilation due to circulation changes, emissions from natural aerosol sources strongly depend on climate factors like wind speed, temperature, and vegetation. Aerosol sources affected by climate are desert sources of mineral dust, marine aerosol sources, and vegetation sources of biomass burning aerosol and biogenic volatile organic gases that are precursors for secondary aerosol formation. Different climate impacts on aerosol distributions may offset each other. Summary: In regions where anthropogenic aerosol loads decrease, the impacts of climate on natural aerosol variabilities will increase. Detailed knowledge of processes controlling aerosol concentrations is required for credible future projections of aerosol distributions.

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Significant radiative impact of volcanic aerosol in the lowermost stratosphere

2015, Andersson, Sandra M., Martinsson, Bengt G., Vernier, Jean-Paul, Friberg, Johan, Brenninkmeijer, Carl A.M., Hermann, Markus, van Velthoven, Peter F.J., Zahn, Andreas

Despite their potential to slow global warming, until recently, the radiative forcing associated with volcanic aerosols in the lowermost stratosphere (LMS) had not been considered. Here we study volcanic aerosol changes in the stratosphere using lidar measurements from the NASA CALIPSO satellite and aircraft measurements from the IAGOS-CARIBIC observatory. Between 2008 and 2012 volcanism frequently affected the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere aerosol loadings, whereas the Southern Hemisphere generally had loadings close to background conditions. We show that half of the global stratospheric aerosol optical depth following the Kasatochi, Sarychev and Nabro eruptions is attributable to LMS aerosol. On average, 30% of the global stratospheric aerosol optical depth originated in the LMS during the period 2008–2011. On the basis of the two independent, high-resolution measurement methods, we show that the LMS makes an important contribution to the overall volcanic forcing.