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Contextual Language Models for Knowledge Graph Completion

2021, Russa, Biswas, Sofronova, Radina, Alam, Mehwish, Sack, Harald, Mehwish, Alam, Ali, Medi, Groth, Paul, Hitzler, Pascal, Lehmann, Jens, Paulheim, Heiko, Rettinger, Achim, Sack, Harald, Sadeghi, Afshin, Tresp, Volker

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have become the backbone of various machine learning based applications over the past decade. However, the KGs are often incomplete and inconsistent. Several representation learning based approaches have been introduced to complete the missing information in KGs. Besides, Neural Language Models (NLMs) have gained huge momentum in NLP applications. However, exploiting the contextual NLMs to tackle the Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) task is still an open research problem. In this paper, a GPT-2 based KGC model is proposed and is evaluated on two benchmark datasets. The initial results obtained from the _ne-tuning of the GPT-2 model for triple classi_cation strengthens the importance of usage of NLMs for KGC. Also, the impact of contextual language models for KGC has been discussed.

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DDB-KG: The German Bibliographic Heritage in a Knowledge Graph

2021, Tan, Mary Ann, Tietz, Tabea, Bruns, Oleksandra, Oppenlaender, Jonas, Dessì, Danilo, Harald, Sack, Sumikawa, Yasunobu, Ikejiri, Ryohei, Doucet, Antoine, Pfanzelter, Eva, Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed, Dias, Gaël, Milligan, Ian, Jatowt, Adam

Under the German government’s initiative “NEUSTART Kultur”, the German Digital Library or Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB) is undergoing improvements to enhance user-experience. As an initial step, emphasis is placed on creating a knowledge graph from the bibliographic record collection of the DDB. This paper discusses the challenges facing the DDB in terms of retrieval and the solutions in addressing them. In particular, limitations of the current data model or ontology to represent bibliographic metadata is analyzed through concrete examples. This study presents the complete ontological mapping from DDB-Europeana Data Model (DDB-EDM) to FaBiO, and a prototype of the DDB-KG made available as a SPARQL endpoint. The suitabiliy of the target ontology is demonstrated with SPARQL queries formulated from competency questions.

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Steps towards a Dislocation Ontology for Crystalline Materials

2021, Ihsan, Ahmad Zainul, Dessì, Danilo, Alam, Mehwish, Sack, Harald, Sandfeld, Stefan, García-Castro, Raúl, Davies, John, Antoniou, Grigoris, Fortuna, Carolina

The field of Materials Science is concerned with, e.g., properties and performance of materials. An important class of materials are crystalline materials that usually contain “dislocations" - a line-like defect type. Dislocation decisively determine many important materials properties. Over the past decades, significant effort was put into understanding dislocation behavior across different length scales both with experimental characterization techniques as well as with simulations. However, for describing such dislocation structures there is still a lack of a common standard to represent and to connect dislocation domain knowledge across different but related communities. An ontology offers a common foundation to enable knowledge representation and data interoperability, which are important components to establish a “digital twin". This paper outlines the first steps towards the design of an ontology in the dislocation domain and shows a connection with the already existing ontologies in the materials science and engineering domain.

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Improving Zero-Shot Text Classification with Graph-based Knowledge Representations

2022, Hoppe, Fabian, Hartig, Olaf, Seneviratne, Oshani

Insufficient training data is a key challenge for text classification. In particular, long-tail class distributions and emerging, new classes do not provide any training data for specific classes. Therefore, such a zeroshot setting must incorporate additional, external knowledge to enable transfer learning by connecting the external knowledge of previously unseen classes to texts. Recent zero-shot text classifier utilize only distributional semantics defined by large language models and based on class names or natural language descriptions. This implicit knowledge contains ambiguities, is not able to capture logical relations nor is it an efficient representation of factual knowledge. These drawbacks can be avoided by introducing explicit, external knowledge. Especially, knowledge graphs provide such explicit, unambiguous, and complementary, domain specific knowledge. Hence, this thesis explores graph-based knowledge as additional modality for zero-shot text classification. Besides a general investigation of this modality, the influence on the capabilities of dealing with domain shifts by including domain-specific knowledge is explored.

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Modelling Archival Hierarchies in Practice: Key Aspects and Lessons Learned

2021, Vafaie, Mahsa, Bruns, Oleksandra, Pilz, Nastasja, Dessì, Danilo, Sack, Harald, Sumikawa, Yasunobu, Ikejiri, Ryohei, Doucet, Antoine, Pfanzelter, Eva, Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed, Dias, Gaël, Milligan, Ian, Jatowt, Adam

An increasing number of archival institutions aim to provide public access to historical documents. Ontologies have been designed, developed and utilised to model the archival description of historical documents and to enable interoperability between different information sources. However, due to the heterogeneous nature of archives and archival systems, current ontologies for the representation of archival content do not always cover all existing structural organisation forms equallywell. After briefly contextualising the heterogeneity in the hierarchical structure of German archives, this paper describes and evaluates differences between two archival ontologies, ArDO and RiC-O, and their approaches to modelling hierarchy levels and archive dynamics.

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A Data Model for Linked Stage Graph and the Historical Performing Arts Domain

2023, Tietz, Tabea, Bruns, Oleksandra, Sack, Harald, Bikakis, Antonis, Ferrario, Roberta, Jean, Stéphane, Markhoff, Béatrice, Mosca, Alessandro, Nicolosi Asmundo, Marianna

The performing arts are complex, dynamic and embedded into societal and political systems. Providing means to research historical performing arts data is therefore crucial for understanding our history and culture. However, currently no commonly accepted ontology for historical performing arts data exists. On the example of the Linked Stage Graph, this position paper presents the ongoing process of creating an application-driven and efficient data model by leveraging and building upon existing standards and ontologies like CIDOC-CRM, FRBR, and FRBRoo.

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Designing Intelligent Systems for Online Education: Open Challenges and Future Directions

2021, Dessì, Danilo, Käser, Tanja, Marras, Mirko, Popescu, Elvira, Sack, Harald, Dessì, Danilo, Käser, Tanja, Marras, Mirko, Popescu, Elvira, Sack, Harald

The design and delivering of platforms for online education is fostering increasingly intense research. Scaling up education online brings new emerging needs related with hardly manageable classes, overwhelming content alternatives, and academic dishonesty while interacting remotely, as examples. However, with the impressive progress of the data mining and machine learning fields, combined with the large amounts of learning-related data and high-performance computing, it has been possible to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of learning and teaching online. Methods at the analytical and algorithmic levels are constantly being developed and hybrid approaches are receiving an increasing attention. Recent methods are analyzing not only the online traces left by students a posteriori, but also the extent to which this data can be turned into actionable insights and models, to support the above needs in a computationally efficient, adaptive and timely way. In this paper, we present relevant open challenges lying at the intersection between the machine learning and educational communities, that need to be addressed to further develop the field of intelligent systems for online education. Several areas of research in this field are identified, such as data availability and sharing, time-wise and multi-modal data modelling, generalizability, fairness, explainability, interpretability, privacy, and ethics behind models delivered for supporting education. Practical challenges and recommendations for possible research directions are provided for each of them, paving the way for future advances in this field.

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Leveraging Literals for Knowledge Graph Embeddings

2021, Gesese, Genet Asefa, Tamma, Valentina, Fernandez, Miriam, Poveda-Villalón, María

Nowadays, Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have become invaluable for various applications such as named entity recognition, entity linking, question answering. However, there is a huge computational and storage cost associated with these KG-based applications. Therefore, there arises the necessity of transforming the high dimensional KGs into low dimensional vector spaces, i.e., learning representations for the KGs. Since a KG represents facts in the form of interrelations between entities and also using attributes of entities, the semantics present in both forms should be preserved while transforming the KG into a vector space. Hence, the main focus of this thesis is to deal with the multimodality and multilinguality of literals when utilizing them for the representation learning of KGs. The other task is to extract benchmark datasets with a high level of difficulty for tasks such as link prediction and triple classification. These datasets could be used for evaluating both kind of KG Embeddings, those using literals and those which do not include literals.

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Knowledge Extraction for Art History: the Case of Vasari’s The Lives of The Artists (1568)

2022, Santini, Cristian, Tan, Mary Ann, Tietz, Tabea, Bruns, Oleksandra, Posthumus, Etienne, Sack, Harald, Paschke, Adrian, Rehm, Georg, Neudecker, Clemens, Pintscher, Lydia

Knowledge Extraction (KE) techniques are used to convert unstructured information present in texts to Knowledge Graphs (KGs) which can be queried and explored. Despite their potential for cultural heritage domains, such as Art History, these techniques often encounter limitations if applied to domain-specific data. In this paper we present the main challenges that KE has to face on art-historical texts, by using as case study Giorgio Vasari's The Lives of The Artists. This paper discusses the following NLP tasks for art-historical texts, namely entity recognition and linking, coreference resolution, time extraction, motif extraction and artwork extraction. Several strategies to annotate art-historical data for these tasks and evaluate NLP models are also proposed.

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Detecting Cross-Language Plagiarism using Open Knowledge Graphs

2021, Stegmüller, Johannes, Bauer-Marquart, Fabian, Meuschke, Norman, Ruas, Terry, Schubotz, Moritz, Gipp, Bela, Zhang, Chengzhi, Mayr, Philipp, Lu, Wie, Zhang, Yi

Identifying cross-language plagiarism is challenging, especially for distant language pairs and sense-for-sense translations. We introduce the new multilingual retrieval model Cross-Language Ontology-Based Similarity Analysis (CL-OSA) for this task. CL-OSA represents documents as entity vectors obtained from the open knowledge graph Wikidata. Opposed to other methods, CL-OSA does not require computationally expensive machine translation, nor pre-training using comparable or parallel corpora. It reliably disambiguates homonyms and scales to allow its application toWebscale document collections. We show that CL-OSA outperforms state-of-the-art methods for retrieving candidate documents from five large, topically diverse test corpora that include distant language pairs like Japanese-English. For identifying cross-language plagiarism at the character level, CL-OSA primarily improves the detection of sense-for-sense translations. For these challenging cases, CL-OSA’s performance in terms of the well-established PlagDet score exceeds that of the best competitor by more than factor two. The code and data of our study are openly available.