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Fano-like resonances sustained by Si doped InAsSb plasmonic resonators integrated in GaSb matrix

2015, Taliercio, Thierry, Guilengui, Vilianne NTsame, Cerutti, Laurent, Rodriguez, Jean-Baptiste, Barho, Franziska, Rodrigo, Maria-José Milla, Gonzalez-Posada, Fernando, Tournié, Eric, Niehle, Michael, Trampert, Achim

By using metal-free plasmonics, we report on the excitation of Fano-like resonances in the mid-infrared where the Fano asymmetric parameter, q, varies when the dielectric environment of the plasmonic resonator changes. We use silicon doped InAsSb alloy deposited by molecular beam epitaxy on GaSb substrate to realize the plasmonic resonators exclusively based on semiconductors. We first demonstrate the possibility to realize high quality samples of embedded InAsSb plasmonic resonators into GaSb host using regrowth technique. The high crystalline quality of the deposited structure is confirmed by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) observation. Second, we report Fano-like resonances associated to localized surface plasmons in both cases: uncovered and covered plasmonic resonators, demonstrating a strong line shape modification. The optical properties of the embedded structures correspond to those modeled by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and by a model based on Fano-like line shape. Our results show that all-semiconductor plasmonics gives the opportunity to build new plasmonic structures with embedded resonators of highly doped semiconductor in a matrix of un-doped semiconductor for mid-IR applications.

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A compact, continuous-wave terahertz source based on a quantum-cascade laser and a miniature cryocooler

2010, Richter, H., Greiner-Bär, M., Pavlov, S.G., Semenov, A.D., Wienold, M., Schrottke, L., Giehler, M., Hey, R., Grahn, H.T., Hübers, H.-W.

We report on the development of a compact, easy-to-use terahertz radiation source, which combines a quantum-cascade laser (QCL) operating at 3.1 THz with a compact, low-input-power Stirling cooler. The QCL, which is based on a two-miniband design, has been developed for high output and low electrical pump power. The amount of generated heat complies with the nominal cooling capacity of the Stirling cooler of 7 W at 65 K with 240 W of electrical input power. Special care has been taken to achieve a good thermal coupling between the QCL and the cold finger of the cooler. The whole system weighs less than 15 kg including the cooler and power supplies. The maximum output power is 8 mW at 3.1 THz. With an appropriate optical beam shaping, the emission profile of the laser is fundamental Gaussian. The applicability of the system is demonstrated by imaging and molecular-spectroscopy experiments.

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High-temperature, continuous-wave operation of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers with metal-metal waveguides and third-order distributed feedback

2014, Wienold, M., Röben, B., Schrottke, L., Sharma, R., Tahraoui, A., Biermann, K., Grahn, H.T.

Currently, different competing waveguide and resonator concepts exist for terahertz quantum-cascade lasers (THz QCLs). We examine the continuous-wave (cw) performance of THz QCLs with single-plasmon (SP) and metal-metal (MM) waveguides fabricated from the same wafer. While SP QCLs are superior in terms of output power, the maximum operating temperature for MM QCLs is typically much higher. For SP QCLs, we observed cw operation up to 73 K as compared to 129 K for narrow (≤ 15 μm) MM QCLs. In the latter case, single-mode operation and a narrow beam profile were achieved by applying third-order distributed-feedback gratings and contact pads which are optically insulated from the intended resonators. We present a quantitative analytic model for the beam profile, which is based on experimentally accessible parameters.

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Frequency modulation spectroscopy with a THz quantum-cascade laser

2013, Eichholz, R., Richter, H., Wienold, M., Schrottke, L., Hey, R., Grahn, H.T., Hübers, H.-W.

We report on a terahertz spectrometer for high-resolution molecular spectroscopy based on a quantum-cascade laser. High-frequency modulation (up to 50 MHz) of the laser driving current produces a simultaneous modulation of the frequency and amplitude of the laser output. The modulation generates sidebands, which are symmetrically positioned with respect to the laser carrier frequency. The molecular transition is probed by scanning the sidebands across it. In this way, the absorption and the dispersion caused by the molecular transition are measured. The signals are modeled by taking into account the simultaneous modulation of the frequency and amplitude of the laser emission. This allows for the determination of the strength of the frequency as well as amplitude modulation of the laser and of molecular parameters such as pressure broadening.

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High-spectral-resolution terahertz imaging with a quantum-cascade laser

2016, Hagelschuer, Till, Rothbart, Nick, Richter, Heiko, Wienold, Martin, Schrottke, Lutz, Grahn, Holger T., Hübers, Heinz-Wilhelm

We report on a high-spectral-resolution terahertz imaging system operating with a multi-mode quantum-cascade laser (QCL), a fast scanning mirror, and a sensitive Ge:Ga detector. By tuning the frequency of the QCL, several spectra can be recorded in 1.5 s during the scan through a gas cell filled with methanol (CH3OH). These experiments yield information about the local absorption and the linewidth. Measurements with a faster frame rate of up to 3 Hz allow for the dynamic observation of CH3OH gas leaking from a terahertz-transparent tube into the evacuated cell. In addition to the relative absorption, the local pressure is mapped by exploiting the effect of pressure broadening.

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Terahertz quantum-cascade lasers as high-power and wideband, gapless sources for spectroscopy

2017, Röben, Benjamin, Lü, Xiang, Hempel, Martin, Biermann, Klaus, Schrottke, Lutz, Grahn, Holger T.

Terahertz (THz) quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) are powerful radiation sources for high-resolution and high-sensitivity spectroscopy with a discrete spectrum between 2 and 5 THz as well as a continuous coverage of several GHz. However, for many applications, a radiation source with a continuous coverage of a substantially larger frequency range is required. We employed a multi-mode THz QCL operated with a fast ramped injection current, which leads to a collective tuning of equally-spaced Fabry-Pérot laser modes exceeding their separation. A continuous coverage over 72 GHz at about 4.7 THz was achieved. We demonstrate that the QCL is superior to conventional sources used in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio as well as the dynamic range by one to two orders of magnitude. Our results pave the way for versatile THz spectroscopic systems with unprecedented resolution and sensitivity across a wide frequency range.

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Lateral distributed-feedback gratings for single-mode, high-power terahertz quantum-cascade lasers

2012, Wienold, M., Tahraoui, A., Schrottke, L., Sharma, R., Lü, X., Biermann, K., Hey, R., Grahn, H.T.

We report on terahertz quantum-cascade lasers (THz QCLs) based on first-order lateral distributed-feedback (lDFB) gratings, which exhibit continuous-wave operation, high output powers (>8 mW), and single-mode emission at 3.3–3.4 THz. A general method is presented to determine the coupling coefficients of lateral gratings in terms of the coupled-mode theory, which demonstrates that large coupling strengths are obtained in the presence of corrugated metal layers. The experimental spectra are in agreement with simulations of the lDFB cavities, which take into account the reflective end facets.

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Real-time gas sensing based on optical feedback in a terahertz quantum-cascade laser

2017, Hagelschuer, Till, Wienold, Martin, Richter, Heiko, Schrottke, Lutz, Grahn, Holger T., Hübers, Heinz-Wilhelm

We report on real-time gas sensing with a terahertz quantum-cascade laser (QCL). The method is solely based on the modulation of the external cavity length, exploiting the intermediate optical feedback regime. While the QCL is operated in continuous-wave mode, optical feedback results in a change of the QCL frequency as well as its terminal voltage. The first effect is exploited to tune the lasing frequency across a molecular absorption line. The second effect is used for the detection of the self-mixing signal. This allows for fast measurement times on the order of 10 ms per spectrum and for real-time measurements of gas concentrations with a rate of 100 Hz. This technique is demonstrated with a mixture of D2O and CH3OD in an absorption cell.

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Evidence for frequency comb emission from a Fabry-Pérot terahertz quantum-cascade laser

2014, Wienold, M., Röben, B., Schrottke, L., Grahn, H.T.

We report on a broad-band terahertz quantum-cascade laser (QCL) with a long Fabry-Pérot ridge cavity, for which the tuning range of the individual laser modes exceeds the mode spacing. While a spectral range of approximately 60 GHz (2 cm−1) is continuously covered by current and temperature tuning, the total emission range spans more than 270 GHz (9 cm−1). Within certain operating ranges, we found evidence for stable frequency comb operation of the QCL. An experimental technique is presented to characterize frequency comb operation, which is based on the self-mixing effect.

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Acoustically driven arrayed waveguide grating

2015, Crespo-Poveda, A., Hernández-Mínguez, A., Gargallo, B., Biermann, K., Tahraoui, A., Santos, P.V., Muñoz, P., Cantarero, A., de Lima, M.M.

We demonstrate compact tunable phased-array wavelength-division multiplexers driven by surface acoustic waves (SAWs) in the low GHz range. The devices comprise two couplers, which respectively split and combine the optical signal, linked by an array of single-mode waveguides (WGs). Two different layouts are presented, in which multi-mode interference couplers or free propagating regions were separately employed as couplers. The multiplexers operate on five equally distributed wavelength channels, with a spectral separation of 2 nm. A standing SAW modulates the refractive index of the arrayed WGs. Each wavelength component periodically switches paths between the output channel previously asigned by the design and the adjacent channels, at a fixed applied acoustic power. The devices were monolithically fabricated on (Al,Ga)As. A good agreement between theory and experiment is achieved.